Buy MINI-STATE TV antennas SEGA GENESIS: Cornes with 1979 CAMARO LT, ý semni- GARAGE SALE,, JULY 14, 8 direct from. Ontario's original game console, joystick and 4 automatic,' Pioneor AMIFM cass. a.m. ta 3. p.m. Furniture, books, authorized distributor. 30 day popular games. Value $540; selling Body good, good gas mileage, records, dis h s, clothing, aid army money back. guarantee. Station f or $5ICalArnt66-853 $1,200. 668-2142. uhamohrms.ies Earth, Fer gus, Ont. N1M 2W5; _____________ _____________ _____________ (519) 843-3474 (local) or 1-800-461-0122 (tolfree). B - - --- 1988 MWUSTANG LX convertible, SWIMMING POOL - 18 ft. above-ground pool, 4 yrs. aId, excellent condition, $900. Call 725-5908. CB ANTENNA and 50 ft. tower. Whftby Free Press, 688-6111. 2 WINDOW AIR conditioning units, 6000 BTU,' $250 each. 668-0108 or 668-5392. COMPUTER ENTERTAINMENT, software '- Amiga, IBM, C-64. Great games at discount' prices, arders speedily fillisd. Computer Creations, 259 Thornton Rd. N., Oshawa, Ont. LUi 6T2 (576-2023). 5-PC. DINETTE SET: Glass top table, brase trim seats are'plum with darker stripe, $350. CalI 668-5930. CHESTERFUELD SUITES, loveseats,, sectionals, less t han- hait price. Large selection. McKeen Furniture. 524' Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. LAZY' BOY chair, tweed; cofee cocktail table, solid woad, 5 ft. x 2 ft.; 2 end table Iamps, brown with beige shades 13" high. AIl in excellent condition. 666-3Q MATTRESSES, ancd bà kspln at haif pnice. Mc een urnture, 524 Simcoe St. S, Osha*a. Phono 725-5181 BUILDING éPECA\ clearlnce, 20x2Oft., $2,900; 24x24ft., $3,100; 28x36tt., $4,500;'ý32x36ft., $4,900; 36x48t., $6,900; 4Ox6Oft., $8,800. CatI 985-7930. CLEARANCE ON STEEL buildings - tactory, 'direct savings - examfpe 25x3O 42,699. Specials on -sizes 1-109g' wide, any length. Limited time, aonly. Construction availabte. PIONEERIECONOSPAN 1-800-668-Ë422 (24 hours). B STEýL BUILDINGS wSummer Sellebratîon" on Quonsets, S. Series and Conventionals. Payments, bease or purchase - we have aà p Ian -for everyone. Cal Future 1l-00-668-8653. B BUILDING CLEARANCE. Save thousands 'while supply lasts - we overestimated and -are clearing out excess stock - straightwaiî aliVsteeî and iv&od/steel types. Paragon - 24 houi~s - 1-800-263-8499. B FACTORY SUMMER SALE - Steel buildings - Quonsets 25x30 $2,699L, 32x40 $3,829; 530x36 $4,195. Straightwall 30x4OJ $8,679. Models complets with endwalls. Limitsd supply. PIONEER/ ECONOSPAN 1-800-668-5422 (24 haurs.-------- UENIUINE 5onEEwU sneep seat covers for bucket seats, black in colour. Cool in summer, warm in winter, $75lpair. 668-3640. OAK COFFEE TABLE by Sklaýr Pepplar, $75, occasmonal chairs, in go Id upholstery, $50 - bath in very good condition. Cail 655-4017. WHITE CRIB with mattress, carniage, troggie pool. CajI ater 4 p.m. 668-6935. 1980 CHEVETTE. 4 door, 4 speed, cassette, g ood condition, $350 o.b.a. Paul 668-7926. 1985 S15, PS/PB, Supercap, -6, 4 speed, manual, new tires. $5,000. Call 668-4123. 83 HONDA CIVIC, 2 door, 4 speed, new battery, new muffler, excellent runniing condition, AMV/FM stereo. $2,500 certified. Cal 666-3428 ater 620 p.m., or beave message. 84 TOYOTA CAMNRY. Excellent condition, power windows, AMIFM cassette, cruise, 103,000 km, \$4,800, certified. 668-9847. 'APPUANCE, REPAIRS TO: washers, dryers, stoves, dishwashers, microwaves, smalî appliances and window air conditioners. We buy used appliances. 683-8519 or 430-7382. SUMMER SPECIAL - Window air conditianers. Includes: elubricate al moving parts, *chemically clean entire unit, *new titer - only $48.95. 683-8519,4310-7382. Rebulit Applfanoeu Up lb 2 Yens E jGuarantee. -waohers, Dzyeru. Fridges & toves, IDiahwanhcrs & Mlcrowaves.Z Wbtty;i-107 Dumdas Utf.W. O66-9444 Oshawa -23 King St. W., 723-9777 ! P.tebor> a-46« Oborge St. N. E Ail Makes' Complete Tune-Up $39.95 Reconditioned Sewing' Machines tram $59.0 TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE 5 71-1385 I 400 Klng St. W. Oshaa HAK' APPLIANE Nq BOO S EUNI- b - ,.' white exterior, red interior, air, full power including door locks, tully laded, 48,000 km., $13,900 or best aller. Julie 668-6112- days, 686-4780 evenings. 1979 CENTURY WAGON tully loaded, new brakes. Easy ta certify. $700 es is. CatI 430-1983 and beave message. BONAIR R.V.s, Canîpers, Trailers, Hardtop, Tent, Faldown, Fifth-wheel, Travel, Park-models, Accessories. New & used. Large selection. Fibreline tfiberglass & aluminum truck.caps. Royal* Trailer & R.V. Centre in Teviotdale, Ont. (519) 343-2122. B MORTGAGES HOME Equity Loan Plans. Ãle have Mortgage Monoy for any wort hwhile purpo se. Examples: 1. Pay off credit cards. 2. Home renovations. 3. Start a new business. Low re-payment glans available. No .q uaifying assels, regardless af incarne or credit. Servinq ail Ontario. Cal Excel Financial Corp. (Tolfree) 1-800-265-6984. (Ask for J .R) B PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the place ta, go when your bank says wNO". Serving Whitby since 1973. 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMENTS. MORTGAGES *Rssldtli, Connwcd, Confrctin *Up tu 90% FIicing and Ruflrnncing *lat, 2nd à 3rd à Powui, of Sale à Problom PMie. eFastprovai=- Fast Çloainge- FREE IN HOME CONSULTATION AVAILABLE PRE-OUAUFY DEFQRE YOU WUY ~3Brock & N.- CIT ICAPITAL t9201 M 6-15607 Eiftby. Ot. COMING EVENT? 668-6369, Whtby Free Press. Cali CRUISE THE ST. LAWRENCE,' Saguenay and Ottawa Rivers.*This summer or faîl, spend 3. 5 or 7 nights aboard elegant replica steamships. See romaritc cities, the world-famnous 1000 Islands,. the International Seaway and Locks, whale-watching and magnificent, fj'ords. $592 ta, $2,480. Dia-.a-brochure 1-800-267-7868.B HALIBURTON LEGION Blueg rass Festival, August 10, il, 12. Write Box 129, Haliburton, KOM iSO or phone (705) 457-2571 days or (705) 457-2346 nughts. B REGISTERED NURSE is available for babysitting - fult or part-time. Cal Debbie-430-6335. BABYSITTING AVAILABLE - in my home, mother of 3. West Lynde area. Lunches & activities. Cali anytime 666-0713. BABYSITTING AVAILABLE. Mother of 2 children will cars for ypur pre-school child(ren). Brock& Hwy., 2 area. Cal 430-6688 days. CARING * RESPONSIBLE mother ai: 1 avallable Monday ta Friday starting Octaber. Thickson/Rossland. CalI Toronto 1-(416) 297-7433. ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting ato insurance because of age,, poar dniving 'record, or suspension of license? Perhaps we can help. Phono 666-2090. COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE 5 ft. to 8tt. - $149 to$9 *Delîvered *Installed *Guaranteed 655-8553 FREE CLEAN FILL tram swimming pools. 655-8035. o TOP SOIL 0 GAR~DEN SOIL 0 SAND a STONME SmaiH ordere oie qw>echlty For delivey, phone 655-.855,3' DO YOU HAVE a speciai sevice or product? CalI the classfi lds and t md out how ta ssII it. Whitby Free Press, 668-0594. CEDAR VALLEY RESORT, east aI Orano, 4th or Sth concession line, 7 km. east Hwy.. 35/115. Seasonai campground, beautiful. $795. 1-416-786-2562.ý Visit 'theo HOSPITALITY INN this summrer for great tamily fun. Situated in't *he heart of Haiburton Highlands '-teaturing 'modern housekeeping cottages, tull-time program director, large" pool, sandy. beach, tennis, etc.- 10% discount for seéniors with'this ad. Caîl or wrte Ho'Fspitalfty Inn, RR#1, Minden, Ontario KOM 2K0 (ý705> 286-236tB KELOWNA ,.*B.C. REAL estate Intormnation.Calt orffwrite: Attention Jack Parduie, NRS Black- Bras. Reatty, (604) 861-5211.,,-(604) 860-7500.' *2070 'Harvey Ave., Kelowna, B.C. V1Y 8P8. B * st, 2nd's & 3rd's- at prime rate *Up ta 90% financing -@ Consolidation and problem mortgages refinaneed Cail Glenda Thorpe [ial a ~sCrp. M MDunas St.; W.- q 20à , Wbitby LAKEFRONT LOTS T00-EXPENSIVE? For many folks the cost of lakefront'lots:is prohibitive but he dsiretoge wy withoujt driviigý (forever) stillpessts! Consider your own treed lot on a service road for prestiglous Guli Lake close to Hwy. #35 Mnen- (near Moore FaiI&, approx. 15 km. south -ofMne a 1hour + 40 minute drive from Oshawa), 4 lots available on a private sale. basis: Lot #1 5.1 acres $28,000 Lot #12 3 acres '.$25,000 Lot #13 3 acres 425,000 Lot #4 625 acres $30,000 CalI anytimne (teave message) *(416) 9 85.-8,38'9 0 lnlm,)VÀâÉil