Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 11 Jul 1990, p. 19

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WHITY ME PfESS, WEDNE.SDAY, JULY 114 1990, PAGE 19 Arbitration boamrd favors 6,.1 ,per cent increase By Trudie Zvdvce Some- Catholic secondary school touchers could, earù an extra $21 000 over il years after lat weeks decision by a board of arbitration to comprea the grid -structure. The arbitration board, ýcalled in to. settie the contract last February olwing an 18-day strike by the secondary achool teachers, mado its report public July 4. A préearelease from the Cath- olic sekhool board iaid the'arbit-' rationhourd ruled for the, hourds offer -of a 6.1 per cent inicrease ini 1989-90 and a further mcrease of .1pr cenàt i1990-91. ,Te mxmumu saiary of a secondary sc"-hool teacher becomos $55,932 for the- past year nd$9,344 for the upcom- ings 1990-91 school year. AtM face value, it would soom that the arbitration hourd. ruled ini favor of the board's initial offer. But by comrsing'the grd structure, i festuhr wvithin the top slary levels (A4),' in the scnd up to éevenith year of -teuchingaun..additional ni.' crease which at the second year level-amounts-to $21,000 over il years. ',We are pleased with the sot- tlement,» says 'Michael Schnei- der, communications officer'for. Ontario English Catholic Tea- chers' Association. "It tukes us a BEACH- OUT s tep further'towards Our gainsof ~rar <(with the, public school "Ifi wed have uacqepted the hoard's offer, -we'd pave fallen b)ehiiLt.» Blair Morris leadqr of Dur- hum's 350 Catiolic'high school- touchers, -has heon quoted; as saI,'?Ihere probably wouldn't hav n as e if the hoard had made this offer to us.» «We want our salaries. to hoe competitive With co-torminous hourds so- we, would attract the best, touchers', says Schneider. «Vie* don't -have' purody yet, but the ll-year grid doos much towurd, alleviating that. 'The arbitrator ha ade a comprom-. ise docisionï. Catherine. Tunney chairman of the sepurato schooi hourd, was notavaiale forcomment. I. . The hourd press relouse stated, "TIhe,,hourd 'w ,ploused that ,its psition regarding sulary and « neincreuses of 6.1 per -cent in-oach yeur wus upheld. «Howo- ver, the,*hourd has soriousconi- cerna that the arbitrator has a4justedthe grid structure in a way which affects the. hourd's relations with its other teucher "The oardis u]so disappointed that. the urbitrator did not recog- nize ability to pay as a contribut-' ..ng .factor und that this Will- >,affect future negotiationis for al school hourds with a low-com- munity assessment base.»' As well, the urbitrution sottlo- ment calîs for secondary achool principals to recoive an adjust- ment of $1,000, and a 6.1 per cent increasoi euch year. A 6.1 ~ rcent icrease was also ruled orallowances for positions of rosponsibility such as vico-princi- pals and depurtment heads. Ajax truste Susun Dulny was on. the o hors nogotiating team and says that, for the most part, she favors the settiemont. 1Ium'pleused with the,61per cent decision,» sayi- Dulny. 'Me process toka little longer than was niiated. Ifeel us a hourd menior A, respornsibility for the dollars. I ýook forwuard to imýrov- mngrélationshigs. I _look forwurd or Fehruary 9 ol'I ýr henew separate ochool seconduiy tou- chers' con1tract. «We hope for the host,» says Schneider4 Uxbidge Road Thero was about '$6,000i dumage te an Ashburn man's car after it otruck a' deer on- an Uxbridge o-Township .road .lat week. Durham Rtegional Police report that the mnan wai driving on Lakride R.,n9rth of Victoria Cornetrs, uabout 2 a.m. last Thurs- day when the accident occurred. Tho deer wus killed upon mi- p ct. Te ýurcàsi was disposed of byth OQntario Ministry of Natural Resources. Gardens tour on Sumday Brooklin Hordecultural- Society will hold a 'Gardons Tour? on SundayuMy 15, 1 to 4 p.m., in Brookinand Oshawa.., ickets, for $5, are availuble at Video Image, Brooklin,,Whitby, Oshawa or Port Perry, or at Grass Park, Hwy 12, Brooklin, at lP.M., July 15. CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL' ASSESSMENT DURHAm BROOKLIN TRUNK SANITARY, SEWER PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND REQUEST FOR 'COMMENT The Region of Durham ln support of the Town, af- Whitby's engineering solutions study regarding the existing sewage problem in Brooklin is undertaking o Class Enivironmental Assessmentfor servicing the Brooklin Urban Area in the Town of Whitby. The future extension of sanitary sewage service ta Brooklin is an activity covered by the Class Environmental Assessmenit for Municipal. Sewoge and Wter Projects (appraved O.C.. 836/87). The Reglonol Municipality of Durham hereby notifies ail interested individuals and parties that the planning and design stage of Ithis project has-commenced with this Notice. The pro6ject will proceed as a »Schodule C" undertaking under the Class Guldelines. The Purpose of this undertaking, the, Brooklin Trunk Sanitary Sewer, is ta provide sanitary sewage service ta Brooklîn by consldering a range of planning and design alternatives for the extension of the existing trunk sonitary sewer system north-from Anderson Street and Dryden Boulevard. A comprehensive public participation programn is being 'undertaken beginning with a request for public input from this Notice. A public -information centre is being plann *ed for later in the Summer of 1990. A separate notice will be-given ta the public regarding the time and place for the public information centre. h .1N STRROD SIUDY ÂREA EOUNDARY For further information and for comment, please contact:. The Consultant Proctor & Redfern Limited 45 Green BeIt Drive Don Mlîs, Ontario M3C 3K3 Attention: Mr. D.G. Stevens. M.Sc. Phone: (416) 445-3600 Environmental Assessment Co-ordinator The Regionol Municipality of Durham Works Department 6ox623..' 105 Consumers Drive Whitby. Ontario UiN 6A3 Attention: Mr. Ken Thompson P.Eng. Manager. Engineering Planning & Studies Phone: (416) 668-7721 Office l-ourst 8:30 A.M- 4:30 P.M. -~-------.-..-------

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