Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 11 Jul 1990, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WH1IY PME HRS% WEDNESDAY, JULY il, 1lm By Trudie Zavadovios Whes afraid, of theý big, bad wolfs> Maybe you are. Or maybe your fears involve subways, heights, dogs, cats, snakes, y- ing, trains, elevatars, crowds, sha ping or driving. othis da9sine mainy the movie 'Psyc o' actresa aet Leigh will not shower with a shower door or a showercrtn i losed. The floor can be soppig wet, but she must have a clear view of who and what is on the other aide of the tub. Why? Because she's afraid. The making of Psy- cho had such an impact on her, it broughit out a fear that she will ùobbly have for the rest of her Shes lucky. She knaws why ahe'. afraid and deals with it. Still taking showers, but she works around her fear. For eight months Debbie Wil- liama couidn't do the simpfleat of tasks without her body tren:- bling, breaking out inta a cald sweat, and generally lasing eo- tional and physical contraI. Going ta the bank, or shoppin was a major feat. She suffered from a jaxic disarder and was close ta a:ig ahobic (fear of open apaoes). orbrgt bub- biy personality had turned ita one that was guarded and fear- fuI. To this day, she has no idea what triggered [the change. But Williams brake out of the wr~u,1f sfe hçalp qeated Lz herseif and taday, co-ordinates the Pickering chapter of Freedom from Fear. Although she stili gots attacks, she h as learned about her feara, learned ta con- trol themrather than having the foar contrai her. It is estimated that one in every five Canadians suifors from a phobia of some kind to the oxtent that it ropresents a prbe i their lives. Often they suier in silence, afraid of ridi- cule or lack of understanding, or juat looking foolish. One of the many goals of Froe- dom from Fear ia ta take away the social sti a of having fears se, peop le bllfel free ta talk about. thoir fears, loarn about them, and take contral of them. "There's a very fine line bet- ween normal anxiety. and abnor- mai anxiýety,",isays Williams. A phobia is excessive fear in the absence of real danger, an irrationai or unrealistic fear although it is painfully real ta the phobic persan. A panxc attack occurs when aniety. escalates ta' the point where the persan no longer feels in contrai, of hie or hér body and oxperionces a variety of symp- toms such -as a pounding heart, trembling, a sànàfoe mi the stama.ch, a sensé of unrea- lity, feelings of goi. crazy or havin a heart attaick. Oen the solution is ta com- pleteiy avoid the ,situation that brought on the attack. Some. timos situations are unavoidabi even if you create a vacuum. ' Somne people hgîve 50 ,manj phobias, they are letbos bound,'" saysWibm." extreme cases for 20 yéars à persan has been -Àfrad ta face the world. For mùst people home, is a safe place. 1 was afraid in Fxlm iFomM Fear Non-Pimoft National Location: 14003Bayly St. Unit 15A Y-Pace Pickering purpoe: Ta educate members and the public about the nature of fear,- ta provide emationai suppart; develop friendship and social skills -ta develop coping - techniques, ta empower members ta regain their independence and confidence; ta, help others by sharing experiences. Contact: Debbie Wiliams 831-3877 ,-my home. 1 didn't have a safe- venture Out. le place ta retreat.. Maybe1 that's Williamns says there are twa why I rebound sa fast. Attacks theories as to what causes y tillieame,but not aiw*efflently e",otheone -to have a far disorder. The Freedom from Fear Foun- «A lot af doctors believe it is idto.is a znpo i orgarnza- bialýgicai and biochemical. Other dtin'ddaedthipn pole doctors think itfs pschogai e who; . suifer - fromý agoraphobia, «Years aga, nathing was ever a anixiety paniic disorder" ý,phobies dan,' says Williams, adding i nd other related dsres that things are starting ta hap- Founded in 1974, '-Froedom pen naw.. from Fear is reomedby the' «Women- have a higher degree Canadian Mental Health Asso- af phobias and anxiety. and ciation and operates on a volun- wamen are more apt ta came teor basis. forward, rather than mask the Their objective is ta educate problem.- She Isays a number of the public and professional men turn ta ai" ai, thon go ta people about these, disorders, Aecoholica Anonymous and oven- their'eifects and treatment meth- 'tuaily go ta Freedom from Fear ods; Ao encourage and.support for help with the initiai fear. researchi the area. of fear Wllhams says thaI, in moat disorders. cases the persan1 can turn the The dono ofertherapy fear arund and take control of although they- can -help people it. The comfort i the group i get therapy -and put them i the su p ort and understanding touch with other professional giLven y others hedfrent resources. The groupa are run by coping techniques and resource volunteers who have themseives materials. Most of aIl, it shows experenced fear disarders. the persan they are flot alone, We offer an understanding of and that they are not crazy. the problem; speciflc informatioin They are scared. And when they regarding techniques designed ta umderstand that,- they, are weIl hopmanago and overcome on the way ta daixg s;omething anxiety, and support and gi- about it. dance from other group mem- The Pickering group will- be bers." operating from- -ACEiPick- Williamns stresses that they efrig starting the firat week in will help in any way they cazi but September. Meetings will be the that the first stop must came first and third Tuhesday of each from the persan suifering the month-between 7 and 9 pan. disarder. They *ill even inake For mare information cail 831- ý-home-y!sits for people afraid ta 3877.. - AI t y i t' ) I

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