WHITBY PMRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1M9, PAGE 23 Duram egon, students begin Quebecexehange By'Trdie Zavadoviçe Forty-tbree students fron Dur- hamn Region left for La Belle Province yesterday (Tuesday) for the first leg of a student exehange program. The students, including about 20 from the Whitby area, were chosen from 80 applicants. They left for Lot Biniere, Que- bec and will return July 14. While there they wrill engage in cultural anâ recreational activi- ties. Their Quebec 'twins' will arrive ini Durham Region July 17 te start the second leg of the exchange program. They will stay with their 'twin' fanililes in Durham and attend group activities during the day and partake in family activities in the evenings. Trips are planned te Cullen Gardens, Wheelies and Treasure Valle as well as tle C.N. Tower andOUntario p ace in Toronto. «For the c ildren, it increases their knowledge of other cul- tures," says Julie Palermo a teacher at E.B. Phin Puilic School in Pickering. Palermo is co-ordinater of the exchange. "It will linp rove their linguistic abi- lities.e re learning* French and English in a fun way; not a school setting. Palerino aioesn't thi k the rment death of Meech ke will have any negative effect~ on the exehange. ai just came back fromi Quebec and didn't feel any anymosity. I have been working closely with the monitors in Quebec and they seem to have a positive attitude.' The exehange is sponsored by SEVEC (Society for Education Visits an d Exchanges in Canada.) SEVEC is a non-profit organization and students were required to fundraise and contri- bute te the expenses of the exchan e The Durham students held a Work-a-Thon ( June 16) where they did chores and spent time wt the seniors at Fairview Lodge. They did jobs around the lodge that needed attention. When they were finished they played cards, read,walked, and enter- tained the seniors with a talent show. The seniors joined in the singing and other festivities. A great time was had by al and students managed te, raise a whopping $6,500., for the exehange program. Some of the money will go te transportation, and hosting the Quebec exchange students while they are here. Sponsorship wanted for circus cioharity event The Durham Regional Police Association is once again hosting the Garden Brothers Circus at the Civic Auditorium Aug. 10, il and 12. Telephone solicitation will be conducted by R.AP. Marketing Promotions bIc., on behaif of the association. Those handling the telephone slicitations are not police officers or niembers of the association. Any profits realized by the association will be utilized for the support and sponsorship of charitable and community activities within the Durham Region. Anyone wishing further information may contact the association office at 436-9494. NOT ALL of the entertainment was in a work-a-thoii at Fairview Là odge given by exehange students involved recently, as one resident to a student. -1- (Ir NqJLFIL 1082 Westport Crescent, Missîssauga, Ont. C5T 1G1 (416) 564-3143 (416) 564-2279 (Fax) Triple mmx soil - $1 3.00 per yard Screened soit -7 $1 1.830 per yard Unscreened soit - $7.00 per yard Pnoces indJude doïe'y Same day Seriîc For Fast~ Free delivosy cail.tYo EARTHWORKS GARDE SERVICE Garden Design & Construction (416 4307602Joseph Palmieri' (416 4307602 OOA 8SA Univ.raitY 01 GUQIPh FOR FREE QUOTATION CALL HERB TRAN 725-6564 DANNYS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Protsct Your nvestmsnt WIth Quallty Repaira and Improvemonts Compote Renovatons DtywaiI'- Painting oSkjylft os French Doors jW ater Proofing Kftchens - Bathrooms IFRIF EsýmLFýýs66_62827 Beofe p p Cul a resna 6l8tho1 LA NDSCA PING by UNIVERSITY WERKS= -since 1980 - a Quality Construction & Pro fessional Design Interlocking Brick drives, patios, walksE *Retaining walis Wood Fencing - Wood Decks Free competftive Estimates 666-9690 GENOVESE CO0N TR ACTI1 N G *Custom basemerît renovagons» Ail types of ceramîoe . Free estimates CallMr 416668-66ft eKS CONSTRUCTION Renovations Kitotien Bathrooms * Basemnents K Ceramic Tile Skylights dDrywal * Taping**Plastenng fFences & Decks Professional Work CALL. Ken 666-8230 .Garden Mix *Triple Mix *Screenings - Gravel .Fine Gmclng - Exoevatirig PATRICK'S GENERAL SERVICES COMPLUTE HOME RENOVATIONS INTERLOCKING STONE *ROOFING .FENCES& DECKS QualtyWOkFflflIP