Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Jun 1990, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WHY BFR=E PRES8,WEDNESDAY,- JUNE 27, 1M9 VOICE 0F THE COUNTY TOWN The only Whitby newspaper independently owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whitby residents. Published every Wednesday By 677209 Ontario Imc. Phone: 668-6111 .1.1Toronto Lne 427-1834 JI~ U Doug Anderson Publisher 131 Brook Street North,, uP.O. Box 206, Whitby, Ont. LUN 5S1 Maurice Pifher Editor Larry Cook Advertising Manager Alexandra Simnon Production Manager 2nd Clame Postal Rogst ration #05351 The cliche/philosophy that you have ta spend money to make rnoney Is weaning painfully thin these days. What further serves to nIurky the waters is the question of whose money do we spend? And what actual gains are made, and for who?. This September public sohool board trustees will be faced with a decision whether or flot ta spend at least $20 million for a new Durham Board of Education Centre. The bulk of that expendlture wilI corne rlght tram the ratepayer. In light of the tact that the Province has exercised Not yet drastio cutbacks for education and the burden Is Increaslngly talling an the ratepayer, exactly haw much do we have ta shoulder ln the name af finer educatian? Yes, staff are scattered throughout the region. Yes Rt Is somewhat Ineff icient and Incanvenient. But sa are the portables that service aur chlldren ln lncreasingly overcrowded schoals; sa Ils the burden placed on students and teachers due ta, overcrowding; Sa is the tînanclal burden belng placed on. ratepayers. We have flot yet teit the full brunt of this years -huge tax increase and'an expenditume like this Is facing us. Enough is enough. Ves, the board of- education staff ing situation is less than ldeal. And yes, Rt would be great ta have themn ail under one roof. Some day it will happen. But this is a totally inappropriate time ta make such a decision or allow such an expenditure. Rate- payers have the rlght, if ,flot the obligation, ta say so. If any decision Is made, it should be for 'a plan ta build an education centre when fundlng Isavailable - however many years t ram naw that may be. 'Distinctsocietyshownto be afare To the editor Re: Doug Anderson colunin, Whitby Frýee Press, June 20, 1990 Well p ut, sir. The Mulrne sting (thankfully net yet a fact) wma ahost another trophy in our Prime Minister's battle te outdo ids nemisis, P.E. .Trudeau.- What happns ta, Canada in' passing is obviously of littie import te hiÉni. Wht was awkwar-d under the BNA Act is proving te ho difficuit and alnist impossible, as we see in the idiocy of teday's 'crisis? The.possibility of a veoe by any province will make future debate and decision a '«crisfis probabilitv. The distinct society is alo being shown te be a farce. The native people are usfing it ta tie up a legisiature, for they were the first ones here with their own language and culture - aren't they distinct? And Newfoundland wag a colony and country for .many lonýg years - aren't they distinct? Senate should refleet To the editoe. Copy of letter te Boss Stevenson Re: Article by Durham riding Ml' BossStevenso « Sonate: political imischief, Why Free Press, June 13, 1990 It is bard for Canadians te beliove that a group ofMsg elected te represent theni continues te thwart thoir will and that their expressions of dissatisf'action continue te go unheard by these very sanie elected MPs. The party dliscipline is so tight that only those MPs with strong intestinal fortitudo are able te stand up in the Houso of Gommons and truly roprosent the will of their constituents. The party will woan allow their people ta, begin. te domonstrate how committed, they are willing te, become, te, the wishes of. thoir conistituents. Why? Because their pensions will be secure came Une Of Our major probloms is that we are net ecorge4y aur paliticians, aur leaders or by caur s-ca]Ied Constitution., te think of ourselves as Canadians. Bilingual Canada, multi-cultural SEE PAGE 30 'true W1'011 of the people September and the majority of thase bilse that-have soadeeply offended and divided this nation will have passed tbrough te the Senate. When, the voice of the pole goes unheard by their éectd -representativesý, who can thoy turn té? And whose fault is it that the Senate is not equal, elected and effective? The Senate of the United States- was appointed (similar te ours) until approximately the turn of the century. It is- now electod and acts as the effectve check it should be, on the balance of power. I expect Our olocted representatives ta came ta thoir senses seon and I an hopeful that the Senate will' do evoerythingin its power te reflect tbe true wil of the people. It is aur lest hope. David Barber Meech created a breach To the editoe. The abominable waste of taxpayers' money over much wasted tinie, dialogue and dissension beaves Canadiens more disencbented then evor with the Mulroney discord conmanly known as the Moech Lake Accord. Just the mention of Mooch beaves distaste and revulsion in the moutbs of =mqso f Cenadals populace. Rather than croate "Good Will teward Mon" or "ienvenue les homûmes Franàcais it bas created a 4reach and an entagonism betweýen -the Eish end French Canada r previously biliângualisrn wa foregone conclusiop and a way of life for ail Canadiens and accepted as tbe norrn. Mr. Mulroney nover droamed in Mse wildest dlusions of grandeur Mis downfall would came fram the North American Indien culture, nameely, the aboriginal faction af Canadien socetj. But "Th. Moek Shall Inherit the Eerth- and, ironically, EWah (Hebrew word for God) bas by bis cleverly manipulated plan braught aur Primne Mnister and Mse manipulaters to, their knoes. Now the moccasin in on the other foot and Mulroney, Mse Florsheims and bie farcicâl rheteric will possibly bo stamped out. His next pow waw will ho the coul by hisown party foebim to stop dawn as Mse arrows aof reform bave pierced the ert and *seul of Canadiens and Canada andbled us to death.1 Elijah and Premier. Wells, although minority entitios, comparatively *spoakinghave perfectly portrayed the old adage "Good things coe in srnall pakgS.".. Perhaps 1Mr. Mulroney, Mr. Bourraa and Prmier David Pèerson bave finally learned 'You can fool nmre of the people mare of the Urne, but you cannot fool al cf the peoplo aIl of the trne." Hopetùlly the Mooch Lake scenaria* wiil-dry up, Mr. Mulroney wiildiju-p and a new revision of aur Constitution wifl ho drawn up te includo thos. whbo were and are Canadian natives, and te equalizo the rights of esch and every province and socety. Barbara Black (Canadian aooe ..............................~ - ~ .. - Pariamnent Hill as env ironinental showcase By Bon.Seeten Oatario xiding MP Canada is becoming a nation of environmentalists. From al provinces and walks of life, we are banding together to save and conserve our natural heritage. Progres bhas been made; but much remains to be done. For t1his reason, Members and staff of the House of Gommons 'are working together te make their workplace - Parliament Ili - an environniental showcase. The Speaker of. the House, ini corjunction with the Standing Committee on -Enviromnent, released an environment action plan, ' Greeming the HMll' which contains 57 specifie recommendations on hýow te make Parliament HilI "environmnentally friendly." Greening the Hfill is a compréhensive prograin designed to eliminate environmentally harniful products and methods and replace them with appropriate alternatives. The report is founded on the 4Rs of environmental protection - Reduce, Bouse, Recycle, and Ro-think. Reduction will occur through a number of initiatives. By using porcelain cups in comnnittees and caucus Nooms, 40,000 styrofoami cups will be saved from going to the garbage dump every month. Energy-efflcient lightbulbs will be used to cut down lectricity use and House vehicles wiIl be converted to naturel gas. Inter-office mail will now be done through reusable envelopes. Recycing will save 13,000 pop cens from being thrown out and countless hectares of trees will be saved through a fine paper and newspaper recycling- program..In my office, over 40 new enviroinmentafly friendly stationary items including letterhead, hoeueholders and reports wilI be introduced, once eisting supplies are used up. The end resuit of this initiative alone will be an annual savings of $85,000 ta the Flouse of Commons. As a single action, Greening the Hfill will not change the world we live in. However, what we are trying te do is give people some indication of what people can do about the environrnent. At the sanie time, if oither levels of governinent, business and the individual do their part, we cen meke the world we live in a btter place. If you would like a copy of Greening the H1ili and additional information on House of Gommons' enviroanmental initiatives, write postege-free te: The Speakers Office Flouse of Gommons Ottawa, Canada KMA 0A6 ffl ls - -- -- ---------------

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