Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Jun 1990, p. 39

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Home run derby a big hit Whitby girls softball Wu* endlag J 22 soI'HOMOE Lions Club 14 Floermans P. Crann Relty 20 Klwania Club Rotary Club 12 Liens Club Simanmp Rotae Club 8 Crann Reulty 6 iions Club 4 Fiahennas Friend 3 K(iw"ns Club O BANFAU P1S 16 il 9 e 0 LoyveliDrugu 14 Broe&in Legp 7 Kinmmen Club 21 National Trust 20 LoveS Drugu Kinhmen Club Brookln ILegion National Trust Consortium Croup Marigold Lincoln làoness Club Roy's Enterpriso. W L T PMS 6 0 0 12 4 20 8 2 4 0B 06s0 0 NOVICEC Mouler Chef Kniight of(C. Specdy MuM Churches S -adh W L T PMS Consortium Croup 7 0O0O.14 iÀones Club 5 2 0 10 The Whitby Optimist club and the Whitby ininor basebal association held their fourth annual -home run derby at Peel Park on Saturday. Approximately 250 young basebail players took part in the compeiti on to deternune who the bet hiters and pitchers werein this year's group of young athlètes. In the tyke division the champions were Ryan Newport batting with Chris Huinink i ithng. Runners-up were Tan anaekc and Adrian Bugelli. The T-bail champion was Stephen Wrixon. The luirtchamions featured the comlination of jia Rourke throwing to Jason Ma.cDonald. Finally the..peewee competition saw ChrisChristie and Terry Arges take the overal championshij with Ryan Unwrn and David Dougherty comung in as runners-up. Jim Dimitroif, president of the Optimists, and Eric Donnelly, presdent of the WiMtBA, were on and along with tournamnent organizers Dave Imeson and Kevin O'Halloran to hand out MaiterCht 4 Kightsof(Columbus 3 Churcheru 2 spedy MufIler 2 Marigo&d Lncoln 1 SQUIEr Ruddy lwczic WhIML. L. FaUth lfidway MtSr. Sorichimti Scott& Col. Soichetti Ruddy Eec Brooklin Optimiats ldwuy Mtrs. Scois Cojll Whi.Loa& Fast.bo Wiuy optimints Cetuiy 21 - R. Brown Peacock Sport Sman-Eh WUL SupoSnov Big V Drugu Doadd &Souter Pionew Intenors Memrux7Auto WiMtby Lqion Canadian Coofor Big V Drugu Dodd & Souter Wtby Superanova Boeux - D. Haylock Memrui Auto Bod7r Kinunen Club Whitby Legian PioeInteriors HuerioRoty Worl Ben cana&a macmlan Sathurit Cetury 21 Brook. Opi. WbiL Opt. Pooceke . Seme-Eh W L 5 2 5 2 652 4 3 4 3 3 4 1 6 O?7 PM 10 10 10 8 2 0 NErm 13 CdKL Casfort 12 14 KinunC. 13 19 Bell cana"a 7 14 Ruinai 14 20 Macilan 10 20 Heitage ]E 19 W L 51 52 5 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 3 3 1 6 T-RAI No scoreo reoarted. t - t *f f # f j c'f4.' Oà 6 4 . o ý ' Ontario lacrosse mmA.OivboIR (asuofJunc 1) W LT GPOGAFPM Brooklin 8 2 1 118 81 15 Peterborough 7 2 1 98 78 15 Owen Sound 6 3 0 75 79 12 Bramipton 2 9 0 89108 4 Pergu 2 9 0 80114 4 Tuesday N ightlé oes. Bramopton at Brooklle 830 p.m Thuraday Night!s Gomes Peterborough ai Brampton 830 :M Top 26 Soowum «P G A PIS Peler Parke, Brook. 10 27 15 42 Bob Hamley, Fervus 9 14 22 36 Gerry Hliltz, Peter. 10 26 9 35 Joe Hiltz, Poler. 10 21 12 33 T. Cordingley. Bramnp. 10 15 17 32 John Puaco, Brook. 9 13 19 32 Paul Drone, Fergus il1il12M 31 Kaith Begley, Brook. 10 14 16 29 FLVan Sickle, Brook. 10 13 14 27 Brad Ferguson, Peter. 10 3 24 27 WillyArnold,0. S. 9 19 7 26 Jini Velman, Bramp. 10 8 18 26 Colin Fraser, Bramp. 10 Il 13 24 BlCalian, Brook. 9 9 12 21 A. Shaughnessy, Peter. 9 8 13 21 Paul St. John, Brook 10 5 16 21 Gary Iàoyd, Fergua 10 a il 19 Wayne Batley, Peter. 10 6 14 19 Ed Comeau, Fergua 8 15 2 17 KLBrumpton, Bramp. 9 9 8 17 Mark Cochrane, 0. S. B 8 9 17 Jeff ardil, Peter. 10 4 12 16 Jamie Batley, Peter. 6 4 I1 15 Darren Axford, Peter. 9 9 5 14 G. Eelieperche, Peter. 10 6 9 14 JUNIOR A Stanoliap (onucir mu. 17) W L T GF GA PM St. Caitharinou Il1 O 240 89 22 Peterborough Il 10 161 106 22 Brampton 7 60O 135 151 14 Whitby 6 60 135 116 12 Sarnia 5 70 132158 10 Six Nations 5 80 143 161 10 Meissauga 3 90 114177 6 Bay Area 1 110 89181 2 Tuesday NIght's Came. Miasssauga ai Peterborouogh 8 p.m. Wednesdsy Naght'o Gomes St. Catharines at Sornia &W0 p.m Six Nations at Whtby 8 p.m. Top Sa Uooeru GP G A PIS Dorris Kilgour. St. C. Il 45 63 98 G. Van Sickle, Whit. Il 46 20 66 RichiClîgour, St. C. 10 27 37 64 Randy Mearns, St. C. 10 21 33 Si M4les General,S. N. 12 2625 26 0 C. Stevenson, Peter. 10 17 30 47 Mark Skillen, Brm>p 12 16 31 46 Cam Bomberry.S. N. 12 20 25 45 Steve Dyment, Whit. Il 17 28 45 ¶TyonUioi, St. C. 9 28 15 44 JcF agianli, St. C. 9 1l 31 42 Wayne Grant, Peter. 10 27 14 41 Neil Doddridge, Mis.. Il 16 26 41 Scott RogersPoter. 10 20 19 39 Trevor Bidal, St.C. 12 10 29 39 Rob Crough. Peter. 10 14 22363 MfikaLUnes, St. C. 12 26 9 36 Ted Dowling, Misa. 11 23 Il 34 Jim Mena, Sarnia 12 20 14 34 Todd Whitiock, Sarnia 12 14 2D0'34 Trn Hawke, St. C. 12 12 22 34 Scot Siillen, Bramp. 12 17 16 33 Derek Campbel, B. A. 12 18 13 31 Jeff Hayneo, Brsmp. 12 16 13 29 Dave Wright, Sarnia 8 15 14 29 Strang stuff, we know. Sametimes you just get ta "the point where almost anything makes mare sense than what's been gaing on in the cauntry in the last 11111e while. We are not racket scientists. We publish weekly newspapers in Ontario. Like you we just get up in the morning, go ta work and try ta make a living, keep aur heads dawn and save enough money ta take a few weeks off in the summer. Our beat is Town Cauncil, flot the Hause af Commons. When the Directors af the Ontario Cammunity Newspapers Association met recently in Belleville, it was plain ta see haw much we love Canada, and how deeply upset we are that aur nation is being vialated. We believe lit might be time ta take it out of the hands of aur paliticians. WVe think Send ta: ONA ACCORD P.O. Box 451 Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A8 Furiher comments are invited. Please print or write clearly on separate sheet. A statement issued by The Board of Directors of The Ontario Community News- papers Association and endorsed by this newspaper. W1ffY FPME PRESS, WiEDNESDAY, JUNE 27. 199(), PAG;E 9 Whitby Iroquois Swim Club mm* hoetod y Etojicao Ppw Swim club Mtad"" eOtympmnJune 14-17 GIRLS 10 & UNDER Croup A modley rolay temme 22&-64 brako provincial mreod by 2 .oend. Fao. Rda1y- (houpA Lima Delinastro - bock, IhadmyCmwdw - fly. Alliuon Dw2lap - bmà4 t, mq. Rouit - fi». Robyn McCulloch - bock, Vichy mar.h - Iýy, laeh-Azm ]Mckmm - breo.tNdle Keuleman &mro Afison Dwudap lot - 100.,200breoat3Srd - M0fr..; 4th - 60 11y O t - 200LM.; 7th - 100 Dy; 9ti - 200 bock Lindsay Crowder lot - 60, 100 fly, 9th - 10 fros, 200 LIL Lisa Delmastro 2nd:- MO bock Bih - 100 froo, 200 frma 8th - 200 LUL Neie Metleman 4th 200 breouf; th - 100 breoit Vicky Maruh 4th - 100 broui Stacey Bout St - 200 broui; 7tb - 100 fie.; Sth - 100 brmaa*4 Bh 200 freq 10h-200 IN Leah-Anne McInneo 9th - 100 bnoit BOYS 10 & UNDKR Sandy Henderson Gih.- 200 fire.; 7th - 200ftr.. 200 bock GuiRl &£12 Leslie Dowoon lot - 400 fro. 2md - 200 frme 4th - 200 fly, 400 LIL; Bih - 200 baclç Sili- 100 tly Ashleigh Crowder 2nmd - 100 bock 4th - 200 bock Tiina Kallio 4th -100 fly.8th -100 LM.9th -400 IN. Anionda Brnmble 10th - 400 LM. BOYS il & 12 Blair Dcbbyn 2mai - 200 bock 4th -100 bock Aaron Lo 4th.- 100 breout, 100 0ly -5-60 iree GIRLS 18 &14 Jennifer Crowder 7ih - 100 bock; Sth - 100 breaut Renee Ayotte bI - 100 besi GIRLS 15 & OVER Kathryn Mdflurey 3rd - 60 fiee 4th - 100 froc, 200 L!L. Bih - 200 free, 100 breszt; 7tb - 100 fiy PeggyHefford 4th -100 flr, 91h -200 Dy BOYS 15 & OVER Jason Ayotte Bth - 100 hoait it makes sense group of people ta elect a fresh from across the country, whose only mandate is ta settie the canstitutianal issues of this country.. and nat ta get elected again. In short, a canstitutional convention. This group might meet for a month, or a year. But they wauldn't stop until there was samnething to put before the people of Canada. After ail, that's how the Constitution of the United States was written. If this matter is left in the hands of aur paliticians, whether or nat tveech passes, the future seemns ta be pointing towards the slow disintegration of Canada. If we are not careful this will be our legacy ta our children. If yau think we are an to samnething, let us know. Yau can reach us at the OCNA, Box 451, Oakville, Ont. L6J 5A8. Fax (416) 844-2769. 1 agree that aur country is toa important ta lose to the paliticians and I endorse the proposai to elect a fresh group of people from across the country whose anly mandate is to settie the constitutional issues this country. Nam e Address of tro)phies and prizes to the winners. Imeson and O'Halloran plan to expand the competition next year due to the popularity of the event. Whitby team wins consolation Wnhitby defeated Npeani3-2 to win te cosolaionfnal in the under-lO division of a sooeer tournainent in Peterborough June 16 and 17. Members of the Whitby repA team are midfielders Scott Adamson, Paul Cale 3, Andrew Marshall and Jason Evelyn, for- wards Joseph Hanna, Grahm MacLean, Anthon Plastina, Kevin Pope and Michael Valaitis, defenders Mathew Paciga, Mar- cus Payne, Antonio Scala and Michael' Schieiffer and goalies R 'an Callahan and Kristian Wiesiolek. Coach is Zoltan Baranyl and manager is Donna Paciga. The team will play n* tourna- ment in Welland JuIy 14-15. OUR COUNTRY IS TOO MPORTA.NT To LOSE TO THE POLITICIANS!1

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