Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Jun 1990, p. 37

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w~irrEY ~KE'~ ~ WRfrE ÈJWM ~WWeô~P~fliY ANDREW'S CLEANING - vacuuming, dusting, general cleaning, interior & exterior painting. Phone Andrew (416) 668-9057. COUTURE BY CANDACE. Custom made clothing that ftsl Your favourite styles, colours and f abrics. Also alterations. Rossland/Brock, Whitby. Phone 430-3590. DOES VOUR HOUSE NEED freshening Up outside, or inside? If so, caîl an experienced painter & decorator. For quality service contact Stewart, 430-2097. HANDYMAN with dump iruck, tailgate lift. Clean yards: basornents, garages, cut trees, etc. 655-3004 aflor 6 p.m. weekdays. anytime weekends. HANDY MAN SERVICE. No job too small. 430-6634, 428-9775, 686-3235. ERN'S ROOFING - Flats, tar& gravel. repairs, shinglos, re-roofing. Free ostimates. Phone 433-1070, Oshawa. GENERAL CONTRACTORS, framping, insulaing, boarding, taping, skylights, saunas, roc rooms, basement apartments, cedar siding, replacement windows and more. Cail Jim or Terry at 430-1321. SHELLED PAINTING and Decorating. Paint and Wallpaper. Cleaning. Brush, Roll, Spray. Caulking, Woodstain. Residential, Commercial, Industrial. Caîl 434-1325. OLASSIFIKI]RATES AME $5.00 for 20 words pre-paid or $7.50 biHled. Cail now to place your ad. 668-0594. EXTRA INCOME! We train you to grow big baitworms in your basemnent, garage or shed. Odorless opr!on. Low investmirent. Maketg uaranteedl Free information. EarIy Bird Ecolopy, R.11#1, Smithville, Ontario, LOR 2A0, (416) 643-4252. Chatham Kent Bait Farm, RR#7, Chatham, Ontario, N7M 5S7, (519) 683-2468. Kumari Bait Farmn, Box 69, Camden East, Ontario, KOK 110, (613) 378-0023. B $$MONEY$$ Potential 75K. Own your own business. Protected territories. Complote training and start-up package. $5,900. Investrnent. Cal Mr. Doucet, Director of Franchising (416) 740-0163. B DISTRIBUTOIRS and Home Party Consultants wanted for revolutionary Secret of Youth 5kmn Care Uine. Call Sue, days (519) 652-6280. Eve. 649-4099. Part- or ful-time. B HOTEL WITH LOUNGE, diningroom, Owner suite. 100 feet waterfront. Good tourist. location. Phone owner ai (705) 678-2346. B NINTENDO GAMES. Ail 58 favorites in one. Money-back guaranteed. One year warranty. $230, tax included. F or information write P.O. Box 8211, Dundas, Ont. 19H 5G2 or cail (416) 627-9593. B Buy MINI-STATE TV antennas direct from Ontario's original authorized distributor. 30 day money back guarantee. Station Earth, Fer gus, Ont. N1M 2W5; ( 519) 843-3474 (local) oi 1-800-461-0122 (tollfree). B NORITAKE CHINA SALE! Terrific discount on CURRENT patterns. Delivered wel-packed, rnsured. Specify your Noritake patternl For price list, shipping details, cal l Aexaners, 'Tho Noritake Experts", Toronto, tollf ree: 1-800-283-5896 EDT. Clip and save.B FARMERS OR BUISINESSES: Warmth Insulation Spray urethane and ail Spray on Fibres. F or insulation, condensation control, shop insulation. Very competitive rates. Phone (613> 267-6711 or write to 133 Gore St. E., Perth, Ontario, K7H 116.B SPECIAL OFFER. Unique stitchery kits. Reduced shippinq J une-Se pt. Complimentary ag f irst order. Free brochure, W.J. Produts Reg., Box 490, Orleans, Ont. K1C 138. B CB ANTENNA and 50 fI. tower. Whitby Free Press, 688-6111. COMPUTER ENTERTAINMENT software - Amiga, IB11M, C-64. Great games at discount prices, orders speedily f illled. Computer Creaîions, 259 Thornton Rd. N., Oshawa, Ont. L1J 6T2 (576-2023). MATTRESSES and box springs aI haIt price. MaKeon Furniture, 524 Simcoe SI. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. 21 KEY HAMMOND electric organ (sounder). Excellent condition. C ail 579-6378, evenings. CHESTERFiELD SUITES, loveseats, sectionals, less than hait pri ce. Large selection. McKeen Furniture. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. RETAILERS ONLY. Video Laserdiscs, Nintendo, and Video Movie leasing. We are wel-stocked, fast, efficient. Bi-weekly rotation. You select your inventory. Canadla-wide: 1-800-665-5082. Fax (204) 231-1150. B LEARN TO, DANCE tonîght. Arthur Murray Dance Studio (singles and couples welcome). Phono 430-0014. RATHER BE SAIUNG? Grampian 26, large cockpit, sloeps 5, easy to handle. Great starter boat. $18,000. (416) 623-4839. APPUANCE REPAIRS TO: washers, dryers, stovos, dlishwashers, microwaves, smal appliances and window air condiiners. We buy used appliances. 683-8519 or 430-7382. SUMMER SPECIAL - Window air condilioners. Includes: lubricate al rroving parts, *chomically dlean entire unit, 'new filter - only $48.95. 683-8519, 430-7382. AliMakes Complete Tune-Up $39.95 Reconditioned Sewing MNachines from $5Ï.0 TOPINEE SEWING CENTRE 571-1385 E 0 Kng St. W. Oshawa ieA~A~Applîances I RebulC RbitA~PPUmnoe Up To 2 Yearàu 1Guaranter- « IWanhcm rs.Dye, Fidges & &toves. ZDt.hwashexi & Mloowavem Z Wblty -107 Dundaus St.W.. 668-9444 5Ogbawa .23 Eng Ut. W., 723-9T77 E Paterborou*lz 46< Georp OUt.N. HAKS PLANE Neowfrfl- e]a l.o.2d« -orFrs-recnieie I9B.O. bmenscastfron)l PRIVATE MORTOAGES - the place Io go when your bank says "NO". Serving Whitby since 1973. 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMVENTS. MORTGAGES $5000-5,000 PiMe~Ial, CommercIalConstuction "Up to 90%FinanclgSd Refilfllclfg lot, 2nd & &rd à Power of Sale& Problem Mrtg. Fast Approvas - Fast Ciodings - 24 Fi. Service FREE IN HOME CONSULTATION AVAILABLE PAE-OUAUIFY BEFORE YOU BUY 223 Brock St. N. CIT ICAPITAL &ito 201 1, 666-5607 WhttW, Ont. Cosldan lst n's &3rds Up redtoChec0% pIoan0cFag eroside Pation ad problprimortes refinanced Cail Glenda Thorpe 668- G6S05 Community Finandal Sevices Corp. 96 Du.ndas St., W., Ste. 205, Whitby 1988 MUSTANG LX convertible, white exterior, red interior, air, full power including door Iocks, f ully boaded, 48.000 km., $13,900 or best offer. Julie 668-6112 days, 686-4780 evenings. 1985 OLDSMOBILE waq on. Custorn cruiser. Good condition. Certffied. $5,300 or best offer. 436-9504, 1-416-864-6023. Ask for Phil. 1985 PONTIAC BONNE VILLE rougham. V-8 engin.e, full power, air, cruise, tit steering, AM/FM stereo-cassette, Plus other opt ions. Certiffied. $5,850. 668-6203. 1988 ASTRO VAN, 1988 Olds 98 Regency, 1976 XJ12 Jag. Caîl after 6 p.m. 668- 10 18. 74 CAMARO 350, 202 heads, automatic. Needs work, or mnany goo>d parts., Best offer. 666-1314. 83 HONDA CIVIC, 2 door, 4 speed, new battery, new muffler, excellent running condition, AMIFM stereo. $2,500 certif ued. Cal 666-3428 ater 6:30 p.m., or leave message. 1980 CHEVETTE, 4 door, 4 speed, cass. Back on the market. $350 o.b.o. Caîl Paul 668-7926. 1985 S15, PS/PB, Supercap, V-6, 4 speed, manual, new tires. $5,000. Cal 668-4123. YOUR AD could have been here. Cal Whitby Free Press, 668-0594. BROOKDALE ARMS now renting new one & two bedroom apts., $650 & $795 per month, al Inclusive. Apply at 100 William St. W., downtown Oshawa, 723-1282. WHITBY - Clean 2 bod room available July 15. Includes fridge, stove, parking, storage. $723 per month. 430-6422. OFFICE FOR RENT. Downtown Whitby ai 4 corners. Second floor. Suitable for lawyer, doctor's off ice, accountant, etc. Caîl 623-5524. ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE jetting auto insuranco becauso of age, pocor drivlng record, or suspension of license? Porhaps we can help. Phone 666-2090. FREE CLEAN fuIlf rom swimming- pools, 655-8035. "LEAVE VOUR CARES at home with us" - Professional pet/home sitters are fully bondod and insured. Custom Home-watch International, 666-5353. BONAIR R.s, campers, trailers, hardtop, lent, foîdown, fiith-wheel, travel, park-models, accessories. New & used. Large~ selection. Fibreline fiberglass & aluminurn truck caps. Royal Trailer & R.V. Centre in Teviodale, Ont. (519) 343-2122. B FARM TRACTOR, 20-85 Ferguson, 4 cyl._g as, 3 point hitch, good condition. Ransome compact uldozer, hydraulics, gas engine. Cali 985-0749 afler 6 p.m. BL ToiF Adivertise throuc Ontario andC Associations. Central Ontar Ail Ontario1 Ail Canada 16 For fu HUMALAYAN KITTENS, CCA registered . isI shots, vet. inspected Calil666-3930 evenîngs. WHITBY- 3 bedroom, 2 baths, finished basenient, fenced yard, walk to Bellwood Sohool. $975 p lus utilties. Available Sept. 1. Cail 725-9011. ýANK Reach A Wlider Miari ghout the regional merr ,anadian Communlity ria 49 newspapers $142 fi 185 riewspapers $289 foi 581 newspapers $913 foi jrther information please 568-0594 ET <et ibership 0f the jNewspapor for 25 words r25 words ,r 25 words cal: 1% sur momr

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