Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Jun 1990, p. 1

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Council gives gowahe ad to Coscan developmnent By MiheKowalsi A major development that will dramatically. alter the appearance of Whitby's water- front has been approved. By a vote of 6-1, Town council Monday gave its blessing to. a $150-milhion residential develop- ment at WIhitby harber. With- only councillor Tom Edwards opposed, council appro- ved a rezoming application from Coscan Development Corp. for the property formerly occupied *yCater~Mamara in Port Whitby. (Councillor Marcel Brunelle was absent from the meeting.) .Although a bylaw te change the zoning, from its ens ting in- dustrial designation must stIli be passed and site plansý approved, couneil's action effectively gives the go-ahead te Coscan. Pending an objection filed with the Ontaio Munlici ai Board, as promlse laat week~> opponents of the project, Work mnaposIbly commnenoeythe end cf th esyear, said Town lanig director Bob Short. CocnsHarbor Ilie develop- ment will spread across the foot of Brock St., coverinq 16 acres cf land on the west aide and six acres on the eat It will include three 15-story apartment buildings, 64 town- houses, a recreation centre and commercial units. The controversial issue cf a publicwalkway between the deveîlopment and harbor formed the basis of Edwards' ojection te, the recommendation from coun- cil's planning and development committee. Des ite bis enthusiasin for the overali projeet, Edwrds said he had te oppose the recommenda- tien because cf the walkway issue. Coscan, with the initial sup- port of planning staff, proposed a pedestrian walkiway around the entire development. However, after liability and maintenance concerna were expressed by Town officiais, the walkway was cut back. Approximately 300 inetres cf waterfront wiIl be eut off te the publie. "I will not vote for the recom- mendation because as mnuch as I arn enthused about it, I recaîl the oirai plan provided for a walkway around the entire pro-* ject» said Edwards. «;àtaff endorsed it but council decided te go against it for réa- sons I -neyer heard of and stili can't understand.» Edwards referred to concerns about snow and ice in winter playing havoc with the walkway. IÉ thata the reason for not going ahead you might as well pick up ail the sidewalks in Whitby," said Edwards. «It's an outstanding project, I think it will enhance the com- munity. «But when I think that the developer originally wanted it (walkway) I cant let it go with- eut making an attempt te con- vinoe council it made the wrong decision." Councillor Dennis Fox reitera- ted the position he teck at last week7s committee meeting. "I toc would have preferred te, see an entfre walkway, but ceun- cil thought otherwise,» said Fox. <'When we look at nothing more than a rew hundred yards cf walkway it would be a colossal waste of money te go back and study it further.» Fox reminded council the land is stilli zoned industrial and war- ned that an «oul refinery" or something similar was the alter- native te, Coscanys proposai. "If I didn't feel the publie weuld benefit I wouldn't support it. I don't think the deletion of a few hundred yards cf walkway should delay it,» said Fox. Councillor Lynda Buffett, whose centre ward enconipasses Port Whitby, said residents have been waiting years for a develop- ment of this nature. »«I don't want te waste another day," said Buffett, urging appro- val« cthe recommendation. Buffett said there were many misconoptions in the comniunity about developmnent at the barber owing te the.vast amount cfopen spacein the-area.ý,.. «People feel 'developers wil ceme in aùid buy it up for deve- lopments. Thlats not the case and Fmn willing te stal<e xny political career on it,» said Buf- fett. Councillor Ross Batten said one cf the reasons Town oflicials objected te the original walkway proposaI was the danger cf water spray and wave action from the lake hitting the walkway. In response to Edwards' cern- ments, I3atten said, "We don't have ice and waves coming across sidewalks ini the rest cf the community. d Batten add that without developments cf Coaan' nature, the Town could rmnt afford parka, SEE PAGE 35 AS MANY AS 20 kites were in the air at one time as Whitby Jaycees held 'Go Fiy a Rite' at Faliing- brook Park on June 16. But Jaycees are hoping for more participation in next year's event. Money raised goes toward the Jaycee pledge of $25,000 to the Whitby General Hospital building fund. Opponents vow to fight ]Bradley Park seniors' centre Senioors upset over rent incirease Seeà%page8j Ian plans on a career in comies SSe page 23 By Mike Kowalskl Homeowners living near Brad- ley Park will fight plans to build Whitby's new senior citizena' centre in the park.. More than 200 residenta atten- ded Thursday's special Town council meetin# held or the pur- pose cf approving capital spend- ing projects for thé neit two years. The residents watched council gf pio.rity te, building ane ive ar,7ý;tment headquartersin 1992 before commencing work on the seniors'centre. But any possibility that cou2ncil may reverse an earlier decision te build the centre in the park was not deait with at the meet- 'epokesinan Milce Scse told reporters that residents v,11l lobby councillors in thecoin Scuse said residenta are not is suitable for both cbildren and menths in the hope cf overtun- pposed te a new seniors' build- adults. ing council's decision. ing but feel Bradley Park is the Aithough there are ne bal eW think they made an unin- wrong location. diamonda or msoer fielda in the formed decision on the park,» Scuse said the centre will take park, Scuse said the park is said Scuse. away what little parkland the re enough te, accommodate «My feeling is hyacpe Bradley Park community already ths sports. the parka and recreation depsrt- bas. «We tbink this kind cf Park is ment's proposai without analyz A report prepared by Scuse for necessaxy for the kids. If a major ingwat it will mean te the kids. council identifies the communit develepment is ut in there it We will bring pressure to bear as the area. bounded by Brock will elnninate a lot cf options for on them the same way the St., Garden St., Manning Road the park," said Scuse. seniors did." and the railroad tracks. «Council should look else- In March council voted te build According te the 1988 census, where. If it means spending $1- a new centre for WVhitby's seniors there, were 1,566 people living i million for land elsewbere they in Bradley Park. It wiî replace the area. Children under 14 should do it. the eistmng Brock St. S. facilit3r years cf age accounted fer almost "To take away existing park- that c none longer handle the 30 per cent cf the residents, land is net an option. Fm sure we centre's growing miembership. while seniors made up less than can satisfy both needs.» The pro sed 15,000 sq. fL twoe per cent cf the community's Scuse acknowledgeilthat resi- fai.y will cost between $2.7-Pc an dents have an upbnill battie on and e3.1- million, depending on Since 1988, there have heen an their banda but. tbey are net whether it is one or two stories. additienal* 310 bcusing units daunted. built, which the report states will Only Mayor Bob Attersley, add 372 more children. counicillor Rosa Batten and ceun- There are four parka in the ciller Dennis Fox opposed the area, but only Brdle and Bradley Park site during the Pgs 26 -29. RobinsonPak can b con- March vote. sidered real parka, the other two &-use said lie will be contact- merely being walkways between ing councillor Lynda Buffett, who SECTION subdivisions, saya the re rt. represnts the ares, for a uleet- Scue desm__ pyia.a.. P 8aVe, Ope pàéw paà&k*bhleh ME ÈÀGE19

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