PAGE, 8,,WIIF REE PRESS, WEDINESDAY, JUNE 20, 19 Annual one-day fisbing derby to be held. July 21 By Trudie Zavadovics Whoever reels in the largest fish in the upcoming 'Shootout' fishing derby in Whitby will also net $5,000 ini prize rnoney. The fifth annual derby gets underway at Whitby harbor on July 21. Up to 5e boats can participato in the day-long derby, each boat with one to four People. The event is held under the co-operative sponsors3hip of Gag- non Sports in Oshawa, CHO O Radio and the Whitby Free Prez"wse. "There is a $100 chargepe boat with the $5000 going ta the largest fish in the saîrnon or trout category,»" says Ro¶qer Pardy 'of agnon Sports. le added that the trout çategory excludes lake trout. There may also be other win- niýng categories depending on fnds available and demand. Additional categories could in- clude largest chinook, largest coho, largest brown trout and largest rainbow trout. The derby $egins at 7 a.m. and ie on a firs corne first serve basis. "Last year wehadgod partici pation»" sayý'eP"ady.«We had entries ffrom ~ichigan Bowrnan- ville, Newcas le and ôshawa. A lot are out jut for the fun of it. There's a on~ in 50 chance of winning $5O O" Last year-the winning fi;iL weighed in at 36 Ibo. "We're trùg ta, make people aware that tley no longer have to, travel ta get good fishing.» says Gagnon. "Good fishing is just a stone's throw from your bck door. The fishinq in south- ern Ontario le geDttmg better than ini northern Ontario." Al participants must pave fishing1lcences and must cotply with the rules of water and minisr fishing regulations. Above al,ý safe boatina is encouraged. There le no surefire way ta snag a winner. But Gagnon sug- gste participants scout out a fismogg location a couple of day e before the derby. Ho says in July temperatures, it is doubtful that the fish will move much Ramn dates of July 20 and July 22 are in place if there are smal craft warnings for July 21. Q 'j SAIL ON! SAIL ON! their "Crulsing" Brochure for 1990191 ~#r featurlng an excellent choice of ' M# cruises from 5 different crulse lines so you can select the cruising vacation that's right for youl Book by July 31 Sv and you can take advantage of the M "Early Bird Booking Bonus"* and save J~.oIg up to $200 per couple. For more details caîl your nearest Marlin Wravel b Agent and go "Cruising" with ~1ling aq Canadian Holidays. wi Celebrity Cruises SIS Meridian 7 NIGHTS sFt. Lauderdale a Amn.l - ffliIIIu. *St. Thomas 0 Nassau 1269t '3149 M/V Horizon 7 NIGHTS *San Juan* Martinique *Barbados e st. 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ONTARIO REGMSTMO NO. 1553984 Amnran Hawaii 6Cruises SIS IndIlenc a s/s Constitution a14 nt cwuise and stay ln the beautifl Hawilan lolnds From f9949 ta'4109. MARIN RA&VEL WHITBYgv 80 Thickson Rd. S. Mon. - Wed. 1lOam - 6pm, Saturday 1 Oam - 3pm 66-6m82 66 MARUN CRUISE CENTRE (atie&Spmfflnro) 1792 Liverpol Rd., Pickering 831-8411 MOI 'Tr av el1 ovuIBR Zn CA11fl IiAonfCAMUAI MARUN VILLAGE TR'AVEL 109 Old Klngston Rd., Ajax Monday to -Fniday 9am - 6pm 6$3m8411 TOSSING the bean bag is Shannon GlUies, who took part i the YMCA pienic at Heber Down on Frday. rUueht Town serves legcd notice on boat owner FROMPAGE 2 Boretski also said that as long as the ferry remains in the water there is nothing his ministycan do about the PCB%. "As long as the boat is in the water it'. stili. under federal jurimdicton,"muid Boretaki. Wfle machinesare stili operable that Fm aware of. Environment Canada officiais previoly1said that incethe Ierry Iw onidered ta b. "mn-use federal regulationh governing PCBe do not apply. Fram '1399 ta$2939 I Fr..'m CLEANING OUTSIDE WINDOWS For many of us, cleaning outside windows means two things - wet sleeves from the cold water running down your arm and getting the ladder ta fit windows which are always at inconvenient heights. Fortunately, with the addition of a few convenient tools, you can now wash windows as high as 25 feet in the air quickly and easily whilo standing on the ground. AIl that is requirod is a ightweight telescopic aluminum pale, a window brush and a window squeegee - the samo tools the prof essionals use. Simply mix a solution of Swish Sparkle Glass and Window Cleaner in water, apply the solution ta the window with the brush, romove the brush from the friction fit polo, attach the squeegoe and squoegeo the window dry. You will have an entire panei of streak free sparkling window in less than 2 minutes. And there's no trampling through f lower gardens, no wet sîseves and no falling off ladders. ft's easy, inexpensive and tho kit lasts a lifetime. Corne on down ta the Swish Clean-ft Centre. We're the experts in cleaning and maintenance. MAINTENANCE LTD. 500 HOPKINS ST., WHITBY.666-1224 1