Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Jun 1990, p. 42

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PAGE 4Z WH[TYFREE Pfflg WEDAY, JUNE 20, 1990 Tonmtocoensideslton o pedng prblem Whty drivers are i too mâuch of a hurry to get where theyere Soing. That'. the message thi. Town op'rations committee. got 'at na ght's meetingas four Of the items of businées eat with focused on dlrivers who tra- vol at unsafo speeds. Two 'area residents -.were on hand te talk about problemsi their neighborhoods. Ljouis. Adams represented residents in- the Bradley Dri Wynfiold Cres. ares. «I have noither child nor ani- mal,» said Adams. "But I care abou the people. Thore is no stop sign at Bradley Dr. at afl. I have been there for three years. Every six months it gots worse and.worse and worse.» She said students from Ander- son. CVI travel at excess speeds, ignoring tho 50 k/h limit. 5h. said femalo drivers were the worst offenders. She said if stop signs aren't the answor, she Would be happ with anthn that that would control tho problem. Committêe decided te support a motion te monitor speeds tra- vellod in that ares, te have police patrol tho area. to onforco the- speed limit andtocnatt. principal at Anderson CVI for a co-perative effort te solve "the. problem. If, those methoda fail te bring resuits, committe. has a further recommendation- to reduoe the speed limit te 40 km/h. Tralflc control at the intersec- tion of William Stephenson Dr. and- Glenayr Gate also' poses a. problem for ares rosidents. Shelley -Boy .appearedbefore commfitte to se-nifbrhcd concerna. hr egbr& -'The noighbors arel not con- cernd with tho volbimei of traffic we are concornod with thi e d of trafflic," said Boy. "W. lve near a park and the activity centres (ti the p ark) are les. than 15 metros frm the road. Several times children un fite the street. «It's not aquestion of traffie," sho said. " Cars speed around that sectiod", counicill Joe. Bugelli once agin said Ithat step.signa were ineffectivo *ý s drivers ignore them ormi soiie cases, don't sam'them. A suggestion was put forth to ÎÈh parkY~ r "If thoy don't - 00 stop signs who says: they're going,~ e park signsý?» answeredRy., Atrfurther dipffssion, com- mnitte. called for a staff report on -thearea. Mlo tobe studied is ltii area a± Wilhia iBieéhensoiî Dr. and Stafford O res.* where residents are experiencing simi- lar difficulties with speeding dri- Restricted p~kng panecionHya By Trudie Zavadovice Townm operations committe. on Monday recommended restricted parking on Hyland St. te a desig- nated ares that would accommo- datesa maxim um of 12 cars. The decision was reached after presentations were made. te the committee by ares rosidents, two i favor of the no parking recom- mendation, ono resident opposed to it. Eve Heaver of -Hyland St. in WIhitby teld the. committe. that the. "haphazard way that somo peolplepark is ludicrous. They havono considoration for anyone else.» She teld tho committee that the. inconsiderate parkors wero' Ùualyiý visiters or renters in the. ares. Sho said ah. feit if parking wero restricted on one aide opf the. street, it would alleviate the. dangerous situation that no*' exista. Phyllis Allison 'of Hyland St. aIso emphasized .the. danger posed by the. pxesent parking conditions. «Safety is a problem hero,» said Alison. «We havo children- %>x>ut . o*eet. L* t is difficult. te negotiate a corner from :Blair St; The, situation ls extromely' ,anJer omton didn't see a problem, a 'position shared by six of the 21 residents who, returned questionnaires sent out by the works departmnent. «rve lived here 15 montha and rve nover h 1ad any problema with parking,» s.aid Thornton. She said that there are some younjq familles in! the communitv nc that they do a lot of entortai«nng. Sho said on-street parking was necessary to accommodate guests. «We can't have visitera. Where are they going te park? It's not feýasible.» Sho aliô said that nMany of her friends drove moter- cycles and wmould not park in the deésigatôd ares. The committee based its doci- sion-' on' tho, presentation and Iargoly on the staff report that emphasized the safety hazards, of on-street parking in that ares. The report ays that Hyland' St. is a local rosdway that entera and exits onte Blair St. at two locations. Hyland St. is a narrow, street with driveways entering, tho .roadway at'close intervals, and. along somne sections, eénter. from both sidea of the street. It sýays that if vehicles are parked on bôth aides of the. street, traffic flow becoines re- stricted and iiazardous when two vehicles approach -each other from opposite directions. Therèertalssaid that exist- ingparkinir conditions e vhles from doing l jobs, b. it show removal, garbag pik-up or other»ibe.- Tho desgnat.d parking ares is on the. west aide, of thé etion of FHyland St. that- runs parallel te Blair St. and on the eat aide of Hyland St. that- runs parallel. te -thoPinl Croek riéht-of-way. Th radriveways accommo- date'-tlhree vehicles. Sons cari acconinodatefour. The cost -for installing 26 «No Parking'. signes is $1,00. QuebeciBrazi excliange FROM PAGE 19,tnt thog nthrporm Ho eventualiy wants to settle .hia8'dreams. bue te the age lac- in Québec. Ho feela tbere's room .ter, he feit h. should first aoeept for aîl cultures in Canada and the BraziV/Queboc exchange.- that those cultures neod toe b , In total there are seven Cana- understeod and appreciated. diana and seven Brazilians parti- WhenDouett reurn hoin-cipating in tii. Brazil/Quebec tends te te Whitbhy hih xchange progrm achools and make preeentations about ia trip, give insiglit into Doucette i sshedulod to return what he's learned and jprmote homo to his'mom and brothers the. oxchange prograzn iwieh is, and sisters in Wiiitby March 12. av ail able te, stu dents up to goHe.fllspn both Christas 20. and bis 6frthday (Feb. 2) in He Hoays ho aIso hadthe oppr- Brazil. Up To 0N FILM O3FF DEVELOPING1 I (C-41 Process)I I Get $3 OFF on 36 Exp. $2 OFF on 24 Exp.I IMIE TO ONE COUPON PER OUSTOMER PER VISIT I 1EXPIRES JUNE 30,1990 DJ7yd"«W0 NONICS '80 THICKSON RD.,WHITBY, 430.764 BUSINESS SYSI'EMS CANADA. CALL QATBOFDURJIAMSLARGES2 PHO TO COPIER & FACS ML ESPL4ALI9TS. sCoMplete range of Panasonic products Fuil range of supls Technical service specialists 1121 Dundas St. E. Whitby Phono: Whitby - 430-0004 Toronto -428-2828 an~r~u~v~.Fm&x-430-0005 Iru~waK,~~J.'EASY PA DONV'BE A «VICTIMI! ,@ MicrormenAlarm Screenài Protectar witl& the windowa open.a Unigurci Secuxity Bars *Dotera smash & grad>, lock 8c rêleaso, Custonm cutIdtsor installation ~ PAIR SECURflY 1636 Charles St. UCNA TEAK SHOPPE, Fine Scdandanavian & conterrporary fumiture 1735--B ayly Street, Pickering 831-5408 I 1 NOVV JEU] FOUR SFASONS GRELNHOUSES 1 1

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