Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Jun 1990, p. 40

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PAGE 40, WTBYFREEPREVW NE.SDAY, JUNE 20,'-1990 1984 PONTIAC 60009 aircondftionîng, 'automatic, PS/PB, body sound, but needs mînor repair ta trunk. $2.500. 666-2136. 197 '9 :PONTIAC SUNBIRD hatchback. Blacks .AM/FM, cassette, Dolby JVC auto reverse,> chrome, 4 speakers, red interior, customuzed nterior and oxterior, raspolIer (whale tail), front spoiler. Caîl 668-9010 after 4 p.m. $1.300 or best offer. 1980 CHEVETTE standard, 2 door. Must' selI. -$500 ob. 430-1422. 1983, MONDA CVI,2-door, 4-speed, new battery, n.w muffler, excellent running. condition, AM/FM stereo, $2,500. -CaId 666-3428 after 6:30 p.m. or leave message. MORTGAGES $5000-51000000o * RsldoilU. CommorclidComtrucUon *Up to "0%Flnimq d Refinicn 19lu, 2nid & &rd & Po"u ofSd& Probiem Ikg. *,FtApprovais- Ft«Ckodnp- 24 W.. S"rice FREE.UNNHOME« CONsuLtATrioN AVAiLABLE* PRÉ-QUALIFY EFORE YOU *JY, 223 Brock St. N. CfTICAPITAL S»t9201 ' 06-5807 Whithb, Oit. RVAMORTGAGES - th pla cet o hnyp or0'bank says NO.Serving Witby siice 173 668-7200.34NUBIS INVESTMENTS. HOME EQUITY LOAN plans. We have Mortgage Money for any worthwhile purpose. Examples: 1. Pay off credit cards. 2. Home renovations. 3.- Start a new business. Low re-payment plans available. No qualifying hasseIs, regardless of incarne or credit. Servinçi al Ontaria. 'Cail Excel Financial Corp. (Toîl Free) 1-800-265-6984. B # lst, 211d's & 3rd's at prime rate Up to 90% financing e Consolidation and problem mortgages refinanced Cail Glenda Thorpe Commuit Financwa Sevices Corp. 96W Dundas St., W., Stea 205, Whitly DO YOU HAVE a special service or product? Calil the classifieds and flnd out how ta seill Whitby Free SET SAIL THIS SUMMER in FREE CLEAN f111 from swimmincg' CRUISE THE ST. LAWRENCE, BIRTH 'CONTROL and famlly Lindsay. Rivermill' Village, aduit pools, 655-8035. Saguenay.and Ottawa ivers. This planning coaunselIling. Free and, waterfront condominiums in ______________ summffer or fal, p , 5 or 7 confidential, avalle Monda ta downtown Lindsay nowý offers nights aboard eegt replica Friday, 820 a.m. ta 4:30 p.m. Clinlo Boating, Slips right on. the steamrships. *See -romaritlc cities, every Thursday 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 Trent-Severn waterway. Rivermill ___ the world-famoius *1000 Islands, the p.m.-Forfurther* information, ýcaIl provides access ta,' 240 miles of International Seaway and Locks, 420-8781 or 433-89.01. spectcdular fishing and, whaie-watchlng and magnificent___________ sightseeing ... frorn ake Ontario t'O ......is $592 ta . $2,480. Georgian Ba. 14. Suite designis, Oia-l-a- brochure 1-800-267-7868. B3-OVERWEIGHT? 'Try aurne ma:gnificent Rivermill* Clubhouse, GARAGE SALE- chesïterfield, Appetite ContraI Pragram- lose fM $176.900. Cail Upper Canaâda kitchen table, lamps, etc. up to 29 . in 30 days. No drugs. Lakes 1-800-461-6521. B Saturday, June 23, 10 .: 3 1m, _____________ 10M0. guaranted upingy à-__ _-At,____ __leed.-u- rsigl BROOKDALE ARMS now renting new one -& twa bedroom aps. $650 & $795 per month, al tnclusive. 'Apply at 100. William St. W., downtown Oshawa, 723-1282. 4 BEDROOM- house (Mary& Garden), Whitby, 2 washrooms, large lot, no basement, detached garage. 723-1760 or 668-0370.- WýHITBY- - ONE BEDROOM apartment available July 1. $528 monthly includes fridge, stove, Sa rking.1 & utilities. Apply-110 ictoria St. W., 666-02,71. .WHITBY. ,Furnlshed 'rooms .for rènt, $85 anid ;90 weekly, Student- or. worker-,preferred. Walk' ta amenities. 666-3776 afgr 6 pni. BROOKUN - Very' large 1 bedroom apt., large treed, yard, close to ail amenities. Available Augi 1. Rent $680 per month inldingutilit ies. Caîl Herb VI sser 985-0856. OFFICE FOR RENT. Downtown Whitby et 4 corners. Second floor. Suitable for lawyer, doctor's office, accountant, etc. Caîl 623-5524. RATHER BE SAIUNG? Grampian 26, large cockpit, sleeps 5, easy ta, handle. Grea starter boat. $18.000. (416) 623-4839. MATURE hardwoods, close ta beach and lakes, year-round road, Piermits available. South 'of aiburton. $19,900. 683-4019. 42 ACRE LAKEFRONT, new road, timber, close ta town, south of Haliburton. $74,900. 683-4019. CLASSIFIK RATES ARE $5.00 for 20 wore pre-paid ojr $7.50 blep ,p ~p 2671 Thickson Fload South. YARD SALE - June 23, 9 amn., 211 Byron St. N. and John St. W. Antique glass, oak chairs and collectibles. Rain or shine. YARD SALE, - Saturday, June 23, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m., 35 Habitant Crescent, Otter Creek. Househokd items, baby clothes, mniscellaneous. YARD SALE - 4 families. Set., June 23, 2944 Audley Road (north of Taunton). Lots of bargains. STREET SALE, 'Brooklin, Cassels Rd. East, Seturday, June 23, rein or shine 10 a.m. - -'2 -p.m. Residents of Cassels9 Rd.' East' (beluveen Hfwy. #12 and Queen St.) are having a co-operative yard sale. Manr first-tinie sales. Toys, bikes, toois, -hôusewares, furniture, boaks. records, etc.' 74 families participeting. STREET SALE.« Saturday, June 23, 9 arn..to. 3,p.m. Greenbush Place- (Gàrden ..& 'Rosslland). Household itemns, toys, sports equipment. STR EET SALE, Brooklin, Casselîs Rd. East, Seturday, June 23, rein or shine 10 arn.- 2 p.m. Residents-of Cassels Rd. hast (between Hwy. #12 and Queen St.) are having a co-operative, yard sale. Manr first-time sales. Toys, bikes, toom, housewares, furniture, books, records, etc. 74 familles partiipating. SUMMER & FALL day care available by mother of 2, ln my home, Palmerston Public School area. Phione 666-2172. WILL BABYSIT in my home. Stimulaing curriculum including worksheets, sto time, crafis, music à games, pus via lin & piano instruction for Ifttle ones. 3 yrs. aId and up. Openings for September. Reasonable rates. Rossland & Anderson area. Many references. Caîl Sharon at 666-8167. FILLER: Nothing! for sale here. If you had advertised here, 1000's like you would be reading this now. 668-6111. *'RECYCLINO# GLASS, ICANVS,,PLASTIC SOFT iDRINK CONTAINERS AND NE WSPA PERS « CAN HELPf REDUCE i I PRESSURE v»ON jLANDFIL L $ES AND INCINERA TORS, I A AN0COSERVE iNATURAL-RESOURCES. ~.- ~-s au~u- A-a- "LEAVE YOUR CARES at home with us" *- Professional pet/home ,sitteré are fully bondsd and insured. Custom. Home-wetch Internetional, 666-5353.. FARM TRACTOR- 20-85 Ferguson. 4 cyl. gas 3 point hitch, goad condition. Ransomne compact bulldozer, hydraulics, gas engine. CalI95-79 le 6 p.m. A- -GOOD. SIZED.,,John Deere faimn tractor with. -seyeraI attach- ments. For futher information calI 655-4028 after 5. pý.mn. COMING* EVENT? Cal 668-6369, Whitby Fr". Press. NEED HELP PLACING your ad?ý Cal Joanne, Whitby. Free. Press, 668-0594. atlardablel Cail(416)38550 Distributorsh'ps now available. B 'LOST WEIGHTI* Las. up to,30 lbs. in 30 dayswih Diet Disc Program¶lu No hunger. .bLs. inches/cellulite. Earn $$$,;as yau lose. Dans 1-416-550-0232 tollf res. LOSE SERIOUS WEIGHTNOWI* 10-25 Ibs.> a month.î Diet Disc Program. Eat the foods yau love. Inches & cellulite disappear. 100% natural. 100% guarante.d. Tolffrèe 1-416-550-0214. B AFFORDABLE,..WILL-Probatng. Services. *To ha'e infomition mailed ta youpl0 ecail ,tolfý. 1-800-668-6021. 'Wp WILL saVe you thousands of dollars. *No highi pressure tactics. RELATIONSHIPS. For help, caî'l the Denise House for women and' childreni. Tol'free- 800-263-3725 or 728,7311. Confidentiality.- assured. (Foýrmerly Aubergl - BAHAPIS 1BEUEVE. -The source of ai good, is trust in - God, submission* unto His command, and contentmentwith Fils holy will and pleasure. Cali 668-8665. Pleae ceckyour advertisement for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie erors in publication beyond the cost of -the space occupied by thîe error Up to a maximum cost of the f irst insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta classifyor rejeot ail advertisemnents. PRE-PAID <cash, VISA, cheque recelved before deadline) $5 for 20 words; 120 each additional word Blanket Ads - to blanket a wider» market (see separate panel for sample rates) BILLED $7.50 for 20 words; 150 each additional word AUCTIONS/ANNOUNCEMENTS 770 per agate Uine (14 agate lines per inch) minimum charge: $5 prep aid, $7.50 billed DISPLAY ADS UN CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with barders, picture or graphics) Regular*display rates apply - 820 pier agate line Minimum size 1 column inc h $1 1.48 (14 agate lines per inch) DEADLINE Monday noon prior to wednesdaypublication.

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