IIITBY FREE PRESS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20,1090, PAGE 35 Certification program bèegun. for fitness lea ders Ontario Minister of Tourisyn and Recreation Ken Black recently announced the launch of a mAjor certification programn for fitness leaders acroe the r"My niinistry supports the Ontario Fitness Counei1's efforts ta assess -the compeBtencey of fitness instruictors,"etB1iak told a media conference at the Skyline Hotel. the council's fitness leader certification program willenBure safer, mare. effective means for. Ontarians to becomne healthy and active." To lie certified, individuals must lie at least 18 years of age and proficient in basic first id and cardio-pulmonazy resuscitation procedures. They also have ta take courses in basic fitness leadership and successfuly complete the theory exam. The announcement also marked the program's first certification theory exan,ý taken ly more than.200 participants. lDuring the past three ypars, the Miistry of Tourifxn and Recration bas pro)vided 1$75,O0 ta the Ontario F-itness Cauncil ta suppoort research and developmental work for the Whitby .girls softbafl We& edlW Jm la SOPEOMOeE BotMi Club 17 Kiwanis club 7 Flahermana Fr. 10 Crau Rmait74 Rotaiy Club 19 Lion Club il S -dW RotamyClub Cmann Reaty Umos Club FlahermansFrlend MmLwnl.Clii, Plu 14 9 7 a 0 BANFrAN No Paie. my Lave Draup i î Kinon Club 3 2 Brooln Ladlo 2 3 National O 0 5 No mçeaapooet PME 10 a 4 0 squDr Sorlchettl Scotta olonel Whl.Optimi"t 17 Pau»eokpoat1 1,laMdwv ykM iu 17 RaadiMEldot1 1 Vau .--- -, uI a 2 a1 i I ÉR May&wnb Clichm 2 3 1 , 15 NU RabrOne 2 40 4 le o" Fhl 2 40 4 The counc 'il is a non-profit organization that services -the needs of individuals and organizations who have an interest in fitess. W L T Eudclylecl 4 2 0 Wbltby Opim1" 4 2 o BImO&iOPtimiDIU 4 2 0 Imway xmutr. 3 8 O S«co Cloels 3 a O Cugîy 21l- ILBrown 3 3 O Pencock Sport. 1 5 O Sevan-En . 0 60 Ben canad" Dad&Soutor PîooeoeInL WhILLeien Big vDraga 18 Mo'u~Auto 15 Retap I. 14, Cdn. COEm la! Kinamen C. 22 Pro 2 s Ra-fq canedlan Comrt Rumm - D. Ha$eck Dedd à Soute Bon à ma T-RAIL 28SUlt 3 Tmm..27 37 it IKamy«in i36 MayBg Mb8 dadmd W L 50 412 4 2 4 2 4 2 8 2 28 PM il 5 2 2 2 2 Karali HIM7yaDe Il YOr. W L 42 PME CORPORATION 0F THE ...... TOWN 0F WHITBY' NOTICE. 0F INTENTION Street Name Change The Caunicil of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends ta pass a by-law ta change the name of Winfield Street ta W mtre. The change in street nam"e will apply ta ail ai Wanfield Street an Registered Plans 4OM-1611 and 40M-1612, as shawn below. The purpose of the change in sétreet name is ta avaid any possible confusion in name that might arise with Wyndfleld Crescent wich is located an the east s"d of Garden Street, north ai the CAPR tracks. The Planning an d Deveopment Cammittee of Whitby Council. vvill meet on the evening of Tuesday, July 3, 1M9, in the. Meeting.,Hall'ai the Municipal Btikâng, 575'Rossl-and Road East, Whitby, for the pupsea heaning any person.who dlaims their land will lie ailveoeely aetebythe by-a. Any persan wishing to meet with the Cammittee as asked toa arvise the Toun C"erkacor ia olater than Thursday, June 28,990. Donald G. McKaj, Clerk The Corpoation ai the Town af Whitby 575 Rassland Road East Whitby, Ontario LUN 2MB Phone: (416) 668-5803 Whitby figure, skating SUCCEUSFUL2BI PIIHLMINARY FIGURE Andrea Dunn, Lori lUci, IST FIGURE Samh Oldman, Erin Beegan, Loigh-Ann Connefly, Maggie Hinkun, John Rut,, «Lynno Poatovit 2ND FIGURE Miranda Greggire, lichefle Conns1ýy 8111) FIGURE Jasnon Collier, Catherine. Advoet 41M FIGURE Teri Ninacu, Dale Noble 8T0FIGURE Taxnmy Hodpma Sarah Oldnm Junior ai.. John Bh S e u l e fr a n g e M a i l. i t u j e L i NatalieDmue =Aman&da ub Junir gver Te NaAdve Jtml~SIloe Tel ID.,. A Briarlanâecy --. MMuMlOnMaM D" dW"ztu Tata Wuaa L dri kfa &m il g q ~aaaga Amende Dum VanuamIlun 10 Fox Ka e lIbOlman LolWAanmConoelly PaMOla Du Ci"lfstafford Johnluth Bain Beegan LCd>Anmnn Lynnocuov wmliw NMM hOWM BraCm Brin CaLMer, Eu va u Miloche" eConnoy Natalerapo Brin Camer, Mir"daGregoir Mteune Nichonls JUNIOR @SiVERDNcE Amamb LtWohn Aang Agamf HateulnAdt Rxoe SUDRiL MVM DANCE m * r' The Council ai the Corporation ai the Tawn of Whitby intends ta pass by-laws ta stop Up, close aend seii that portion ai Garden Street, as shawn belaw, being composed af Part ai Lot 25, Cancession 2, Tawn ai Whitby, desig nated as Part 1ion Plan ai Survey 40R- 12922. -J _ 1 fý 14 Step