Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Jun 1990, p. 10

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PAGE 1Q, WIilTY FREE PR,-, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1990 Broolin* sewage solutions to be dscussed By Mike Kowali Construction of a sanitary sewer system has been recoru- mended as a solution to sewage disposai problems in Brooklin. B ut it would cost affected resi- -dents at least $7,534 each te, hook up their homes te the sys- tem. A public meeting wiil be held in Brooklin on June 27 te discuss the findings of a consultant's study into problems of sewage Town council last AuRust:, An analysis of welrwater sam- ples indicated that 62 per cent (24 of 39) of welis were con- taminated b e ffluent, whiie 20 per cent (10 of 512) of septie systems had pollution problems. The majorfty of septic systems are also approaching the expec- ted lifespan of such systems and additional problems are anticipa- ted. According to a staff report pre- pared for council's planning and deveiopnient committee Monday, a number of private and comn- munal solutions were evaiuated for their effectiveness. Con sulting firm Marshal .Macklin Monoghan Ltd. has recomniended running a trunk sanitary sewer from t he existing trunk on Anderson St. at Dryden Blvd., north te Brooklin. The project is estimnated te cost between $13.3- and $17.5-mil- lion. Government subsidies wili covar most of the cost, but home- owners wili be ieft with between $2.5- and $2.6-miilion to pay. theniseives. This works out te $7,534 to $7,726 per average household. In 'addition te t he meeting next week, the comrittee recom- mends that staff survey Brooklin property owners te determine the level ofsupport. for the. consul- tant's proposai. Town plans pur-vchase of aotherbus By Trudie Zavadovics Town oparations committee on Monday night recommended the e urchase of a new bus for WVhitby The recommendation was made oniy moments before coin- mittee recommended a decrease in Saturday bus service on four of six Witby bus routes. Service every 60 minutes would replace 30-minute service. The low-bid tender from Ontario Bus Industries was recommended, te supply and dehiver a 40-foot transit coach at a cost of $217,363 (gooda and services tai inciuded). The new bus wouid service a route not affected by the Satur- day cutbacks. The new bus wouid implement expanded service to the indus- triai area around Burnis St. te Port Witby and south aiong Vic- toria St. Councillor Marcel Brunelie asked if a bus couid be found within the eisting area te ser- vice that route. And comnittee chairman Joe Buaeili questioned Joyce Marshall, resident and businessi recently installed as president of the. Business & Professioni Club. Marshall is a charti of tuis club which was 1987. Marshall is chldhood educater anc three nursery schools Good Friands and Smà Whitby. Marsha] is the firsti the 'Early Childhood E tii. Year' award preseln Ontario north shore brî Association for Early Educatuon. whether further mnodifications to the eisting service would free up a bus for the industrial area. Staff answered no on both counts. Councillor Tom Edwards stressed to comnittee that in order te attract people te the transit servces, sufficient equip- ment was necessary. "We have been striving te pro- vide a bus service te at ieast reach. the provinciai norms,» said Edwards. «Unless we cari try the s stem out and attplet ein te indiustriai oteweire neyer gonto gt the systemi goin. H. add that the ,o~ Saturday cutbacks co Poem very tempoar ituation. Bgrnele said that if people don't use the buses, they won't run. To compensate for the decrease ithe ridershi that was oni- ginally projecte for the Whitby transit system, staff suggested the cutback in Saturday bus ser- vice. A report states that the rider- ship for May was down 15 per cent frein budget projections. If a Whitby The primary purpose of the. owner, was Durham BPW Club is to promote the fourth the. interests of woxnen and Durbain improve the status of wornen in ai Women7s business, -the professions and in industry. Work. will begin this summer ;er member on the. second edition of the sformed in Durham Women in Business an early directory. Any woman who owns Id owner of or operates a business in Durham 4inciuding cari advertise in the. diractory 91World in (listing is free). A few copies of the. flrst edituon are available. recipient of The club welconies members Educator of and guests te monthly dinner ntad by the. meetings from September te anch of the June. For more inforatio about Chidh><d the club and directonies - phone 668-5504. this continues, the 'ndership pro- jection for 1990 of 533,716 will drop te about 490,600. This would cut revenues by about $35,000. The report aiso indicated a rise ini June ridership and speculated that the decrease experienced in May couid just be a temporary setback. The only rouýtes safe from the proposed service cutbacks are the routes which serve Brock St. N. and Brock St. S., and Dundas St. E. and Dundas St. W. The report says that the two routes' have the highest traffle and service the downtown area and the GO train traffic. The report furtiier states that the other routes do not carry anough passengers te, justifr the 30- minute service. The. propsed cutbacks wili resuit ini a savings of $800 each Saturday and wxll ensure that Whitby Transit wili stay within its 1990 budget. ]Revenues for the. months of February, March, April and May are $36,099, $36 618 $34,640 and $36,335 respec'tivel'y. Va% Staff is reviewing the Monday te Friday bus service for next month's operations committee meeting. LuJ OU BUINESS*~ Clear priorities guie ce oftime management -aids Irrepiaceabie, non-renewabie, and limited. Tume is a businessperson's mot impotn resource. An array of ime management technology can multiply the benefits of a iise approach te using tme -- or compound the waste of a flawed approach. The bottom lime in tume management -- making the best use of your tume -- is cômmon sense. You must flrst astablish your business priorities before you aven choose the tools you need, let ainne apply them. 'Tour native intelligence is your best tool," says management consultant Harvey Wolfe. "If you first don't apply that, you invoke the principle of garbagai, garbage out." Once you have carefully olanned your priorities, you cari begin keeping track of their progress with everything from diaries te computers. The basic tixne management tooi is a multipurpose diary-calendar or two - one for the office and another te carry with you. It allows you te plan efficient use of your time and te keep a record of events as they occur. But with two diaries, you must remember to kaep bath up te date or youMl have probiems. A good diary viii include: a two-page entxy par day, with "ve just been golng over ypur diary-calendar. The way things are Iooking, yau'iI have littie tiffe ta sleep, eat, or anything else until ewly October!" appointment times markad out at least houniy; a long-range planning section; mileage and exasscol n; a things-te-do listng and cross referencing. For smali .1businesses computers and their *arrayoi software can be seen as an "adjunct" te efficient diary use, says Wolfe. "Computers invoive more turne and effort, but they a]low for easier expansion of plans and scheduling and wider accessibility." They aise make it easy te coordingte and keep track of a number of people's schedules. Realistic business prionities and expectations will alse detenmine your best choice of software -- computer prograins -- from the. staggering variety available. Most prograins specialize in turne billing, scheduling, financial projections, or compiax project management. Billing programs are best for lawyers, accountants, consultants in varieus fields, filtime tuters, private. editors, and other specialists who charge according te the time they spend on their clients' work. Busy medical offices, beauty salons, reai estate firms, taxi and limousine compaus. r travel agendaes are among the health and service businesses that could benefit from a schaduling program. The operatuve word is Progama that provide spreadheets and other aids te financiai projections cari provide someone in almnost any business with possible patterns of future growth. Baides baing of direct interest te yeu or yeur clients, projections are essentiai when dealing with the business finances. Most complex are critucal path management porgrarns. These are te other programs what calculus is te plain arithnetuc. "They are used in the construction industry, where, say, the basemient of a building bas te be Put in before the first floor, but the pluxnbing can b.- installed with more Ieeway." says Wolfe. The prograns focus frein one critical timed element te the next, basad on the completuon turne targetad for the. entire project or elements Of it. Marshall installed as new club presi dent TRIPLE YOUR INVESTMENT BY 2001 When you buy Government Guaranteed Strip Bonds. iA n nvestment of $5000.00 today Ayorcan become $15,000.00 by 2001" yorideal RRSP investment strategy to know the exact maturity value of each bond. aMail to: Jones, Gable & Co. 111 Brock St. N., Whitby Ont. Mi H 3Ë3 Name............................................................................ Address .................................City ...............P.C .......... Telephone Res ..............................Bus .................................. Jones, Gable & Co. A430-2252 686-4080

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