Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 13 Jun 1990, p. 3

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WHrYBY-FREEPR.ES%, WEDNEÉSDAY, JUNE 1%, IB, PAGEs ci Le Committee That a rezonlng application submitted by 779002 Ontario Lt. te, allow for expansion ef the Subway Traler Park on Dundas St. E. be approved. The rezanlng will allow the developerto bulld a commercial development and townhouses an the site. However, a bylaw lifting a holding designatlon on the land wlll not b. passed until 67 trallers n ow occupylng the property are relocated elsewhere on the promise and that the new traller sites are fully servlced te prevent the maintenance probleme whlch have plagued residents ln recent years. Carried Recommenda- tions from the items from WhibyCount agenda(s) Monday, Jun 1191990: Recommend Durham Rcycling defici"t reduced wl By!Trudio Zavadolýice I 1989 recycled materials rnarket, but Durham Recycling stil! managed. te reduce their projected $1.1-xnillion deficit te $780,676 in tbe fhrut four months of 1990.. "W. seldom aeo a statemont wbere the figures ail go in the right direction » said a very peased John Akor, chairman c Hegion waste management com- MItte at last week's meeting "Tho budget was proparodls fail whon -we were unsuro of wbat was going te bappen. We hoethe worst is ovor for tbis particulai' fluctuation,» seul Glenda Gies, -- manager of the Durhamn Recycling. Centre. "We're, starting te sam signe that itrs stabilizing.» Gios was referring te. the plummeting pricos for recyced papor in 1989. Paper prices plungedt $5 a tonne last fal fr-om their original market value of $60 a tonne. The market now averagus htween$10 te $20. a tenne. Expenses for the four months from Januazy 1990 te April 1990 were $993,513. It was orignally estimated that expenses would ho $1,244,052. Originally estimates of siales for ta period were *114,347; actual sales were *212,838. Ton- nage sold rose, from an ostimated 4,000 tonnes te an actual 6,500 tonnes sold. "Wevo known ail along w. were one of the best operations in the province,» sid Gerry Em, chauiinan of Durhamn le ' i uwhosays theïr .excel- ue o teamwork, a god staff and *e solid reccg now-ho of Glenda Gies. Emm says ho doesn't know if this erfo rmpnce willhave any hoar*ngon tho Rogion'e decision te taeovrDurham Recycling next fail. "We're un4lor -contract te the Region, «wo have ne alternative if they cut off!1our flow of money. Unortunately the Province funl]san rougwdbe 1*egi.» Em nfaeels if the ogon takes ovor the oporation the- standard ofoexcelloncemay drop.' "If the Region takes ovor, the 1. .'twil dnoas well asthe deicton. There is evidence, of that in composting. W. know our target and what we!re aiming for and we can do it.» He says tbatý the present stan- dard cf excellence is what made thom survive in a very teugh -market. "W. can seIl tbings worldwide bocause of our excellence. And we can do more. Got intx na items, finer papersand plastics. Tecbnology in allowing markets to opn up nowe can accpt more Hie sad that right now, the Region is getting "excellent value for thoir money. W. want te got new programs started. We need the co-oporation of the Rtegion -and of the Wýovince!» Emm sai4 that other munici- palities write te Durhamn Récy- dling asking for information about their rocycling practices. Operations Coinmitte That four-way stop signs at, Gien Dhu Dr. and Buttorfleld Cresnot be approved and that the'*xistl n rthbound an;sitbound stop slgns an Buttarfleld and Chatsworth Ores. at Gien Dhu romnain. Despfte a request from area resients for the four-way stop slgns, public works staff àoi trafflo volumes at the Intersection ld flot warrant the signa. Staff wlIl Investigate mothods of provldlng for lncmeased pedestrian safety measures an Gien Ohu. Carrled That parking restrictions be enforced on bath sides of Halls Rd., 30 mnetres south of the Intersection of Halls and the Flfth Concession, wlthln the Intersection and 30 mentres nerth cf the Intersection. A report tram publie works staff states that when vehicles are parked withln the Intersection, slght linos are reduced, creatlng a hazard for motorlats.Due to the roadway wdth RIs llise difficult for vehiclos travelling In opposite directions to pass when cars are parked on bath sides cof the road. Carrled That the wook cf June 18-22 be prcclalmied 'Transit Wèeek ln recognition cf ton years of operatian for Whftby Transit. Ail passengers uslng'Town buses on Saturday, June 23, wlll be able ta do se free of charge. In addition, magnets bearlng the transit logo and telophone number wll be givon to passengors. The fime rides wllI resuit ln a revenue ioss of approxlmately $560. The coat of praducing the magnets and crests ta be wom by bus drivers la Heard house saved fromdeoltio PROM PAGE 1 mng the property' about 10) Montbs apo, bad determinod that the building was in ne condition to ho movodt and rostoration was oconomically unfeasible. Instead, the companypropooed that architectural floorplans and olovations of the emg struc- tur e horogistered with the Town. This would allow a replica of the origial bouse te o, bu ilt at a lb. developer aise agreod te cmmissaion 'an artist toe pre a drawing of the hbouse that, would hodispayed in the lobby of the apartmnent building, togethor with an appropriate pla- In hbise nt to ecouncil, McDonnidthe bouseibas both bistorical and architectural e said it is ane of the oldest bouses in that part of Wbitby and . an example of, the homos built by William Bernes, a local contractor. The - bouse was built in 1876 for Michael Griffin wbo settled in Whitby in 1860. The. Heard fain- W il oved ite the bouse during "W. foît confident a cou ple yoars ago the bouse could ho moved,' said M onel"tat it was eonomically feasible te, move it and the building was sttucturly sound.» And bath conditions still apply said Mcflonnell. House movers have quoted pnices of about $20,000 te move the. building while Stanford Engineering says it can ho moved successfullY said McDon- neil. Ho added that if the bouse reoeived histeric designation, Schickedanz would hoeéligible for . vical grants te restere the «eei develoner could get a maximum Of M3,000 a year te restore and refurbish the build- .N »aidMel l -ffl-cDonnel..... eH could get *6,000 withini eight months and 1 don't think thé project. would ho completed by thon,» *addod McDonnell mangthat Scbickedanz would ho oligible for even more money the following year..1 Scbickedanz ongineer Felix Gofman repeated bis dlaimi that the buildinig cannot heo safly moved. But if it could, relocation and restoratio would cost a mini- munm of $150,000 said Gofmnan. .He said, LACAC's ongi'n report is flot; complote 'and accusedi the Town's planning dopartment of intontionally ignoringbia repot Mayo Bobttrsley reminded Gofm-an that hie report was deait with proviously. The sitaff report hofore council on Monday concer- ned itself with the IÀCAC su),- mission said Attersley. (Ini fact, GofmianWs report for- mod tho basis of. the original rocommondation from planning comiteslast month that the sitejplan ag~rmnt bechanged. (tfiÜ IACCI .report was submittèd, bath, the planning comitoeand deparmet wer r ared te cep ofnns Councillor Marcel Brunelle told Gofinan ho had difficulty deciding which engineering repot te, beliove. vM problomi is that you are also a spokesman for Scbicke- danz, youlre not; dealiUwith this at arm's length,» saidBruelle. «You're bringing forward more Charges laid« A routine car check led te charge of possession of narcotics and drivFIng without an licenced driver for a Whitby esident. Charges were laid against a driver without a licence. Police aise found 3.3 grains of hashish in the vehicle. ThIe vehicle was stopped at BYron St. and Dundas St. W. June 10* at 10:42 pam. A p as- songer n kthe.carwas-found .to,' have her: licence under suspen- idon. than just your' profossional opinion, but the opinion of the Iomnrolidthat ho had bis own ennerg business and was speaun as a professional enginoor. However, when Attersley poin- ted out Pthat Gofinan had addressed a letter te coundil on Schickedanz letteérbead, Gofinan admitted that ho was also repre- sonting the company. Planning committee chairman Ross Battenù explained that LACAC was flot consulted about Schickedanz' 4proposal uinitially because Heard house was not mentioned on LàACAC's short list of buildings worth preservmg. Batten said that while LACAC's report proves that the house can ho moved, designation under the heritage act sho-uld ho considerodseparately. Batten rendnded council of bis traditional position cf not want- ing te 'impose an historic deuig- nation on a building without consent of the owner. Coundillor Joe Bugelli said. that when the1 original agree- mont was signed, it recognized that the bouse should be saved. Wfllere would have te ho miti- gating circumstancos te change it and I don't believo anything has happened te warrant it,» said Bu Ili. ge only differonce is tho = .rtyhasbeon sold. The roal mirivebehind this .is based on ProisI think council would ho îlladvised t change, it" ho added. Councillor Tom'Edwards con- curred. "If wo appoint citizens te com- mittees ana they go te tho kind of trouble te present this evi- dence'wo %iore it at our porel said Edwards . . McDonnell teld reporter that LACAC will hoasking Schicke- dazte apply for thé. 'hhstoric doisignation. Ho preferred net te spoculate on what LACAC will do sheuld thé owner rejet-thoir roquent. "It will have te ho a comiittes docision I cant answor that,» said Mcbonnell. Ho said council doos have the riçht te. request a dosignation witbout the ownor's consent as it did last year with the fother- gill bouse on Dundas St. W. McDonnell said the onlyý pro- tection the bouse now bas is the site plan agreement Wbicb.i means it will hoé moved and usod as the building superintendent's rouidence., agenda I -J / I I .5 j LIONEL GRAVELINE, owner of Picture This and That, sPorts a ghastly lde for the Whitby I)own- town BJ1A's Ugly le Content iles wil b. on display for public voting at the IGA (Brook St S.) Jume 13-14 and Mifracle Food Mart ( Dundas St. W.) June 15-16. i j 4 J i / i 41 tions from 'lthe Planning and Developmeçnt 1 1 1 1

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