Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 13 Jun 1990, p. 38

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PAGE 38, WHMTY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13. 1990 CONCERT IN TE PARK On- Sun4lay,,;. June 17, the Old TIMe ]Fý4Iddler Club will be peirformi at-,Whity'sRotay Centemn Park <BroCk St.S.). Admission" is, free, but contributions ta the Whitby Generai Hospital Firt Glass Fund Capan will b. gratefuily acceptethecncert is. from 7 ta 9 p.m. Bring your- own lawn chair. ANNUAL MEETIG The 30th annual general meet- ing of the Canadian Mental Health Association-Durham will b. held on Thursday, June 14 7 p.m., at the Michael Starr build- mng, 33 King.St.' W., Oshawa. Té attend, cail 436-8760 by June 4. FUN FAIR E.A. Fairman public sehool will hold the fifth annual 'Fun Fair' on Thursday, June 14, 6 ta 8:30 pm. There will b. a barbe- cue bake table, games, wishinýg well and raffles (one prize is tickets ta, a Blue Jays' game). RBRESALE Immanuel Christian School, 849 Rffssland Bd. W., Oshawa, will hold their annual 'yard/bake sale on Saturday, June 16, 8 a.m. ta 4.p.n., at the school. There will 'DeaZbarbecue lunch and refreshmnents. For more informa- tion cali Mnn Lopers at 579-4548. I3LOOD DONATIONS A blood donor clinic. will be held WednesdaLy, June 20, 9 a.m. ta 4 p.m., in the Whitby Psychi- atrie Hospital auioim build- ing 30. For more information eaul 668-5881. DAY CAMP BellwOOd community school summer camp for youth aged 6 ta 13 wll be -eld for six weeks, Mody ta Friday,. 9 a.m. ta 4ï p.m., from July 3 ta Aug. 10 at the sehool. Cost is $65 pr week, $55 per week for JUIy 3 to 6, Aug. 7 to 10. L YARD SALE The County Town Singera will hold a yard sale on Saturday, June 16, starting at 8:30 a.m., on Church St. in Columbus (Simce St. N., about two miles north cf Durhami College). Proceeda will gta the singing tour in Europe in 1992. * SEFX-DEFENCEg 'Every Woman Can.,.,' an in- tensive self-defence rogram, will be held by Outreach Ause Pre- vention on Saturdays, June 16 and 23, 9 a.m. ta 4 .a Whitby General Rospital. Cost is $4 _eperaon. To eiter or for more infora&- cal[432-7821. ST Usera of Durhamn (STUD), a usera group that helpsowners of Atari's ST and T77 computera, will meet on- Tuesday June 19' 7:30 p.m.,ý in roomn 408h, Central Collegiate Institute, 240 Simcoe St. S., Oahawa WOMEN'SAGLOW Women'a Aglow, Fellowshil (Oshawa-Whitby) -will -holdà meeting on Thursday, June 14, ' p.m., at the arts resource centi behind Oshawa city hall. Gues speaker will be Jean Morgan founding president of Wonn Aglow. For more information cal 46-9425. cOPFEE BHOUSE Christian SinglesCoffee House will be held on June 16, 7:30 p.n., at Pickering Pentecostal Church, 755 Oklahoma Dr. (401 to Wbites Rd, southest on Okla- homa). Guest speaker will lie Gladys McGaarel, who worked in Africa.. For more information cali Verna at 728-9720. [p a 7 'e 1,- ri VON MEETING Victorian Order of Nurses, Durham brfLnch, will hold their annual'dinner meeting on Wed- nesday, June 13, 6 p.m., at- Cul- len Gardens;. Guest speaker will be Carol Kushner, author of 'Second Opinion,' who will dis- cuss The Trouble With Health Care in Canada.' To reserve tick- ets <$3p), cali 571-3151. WASTE REDUOTION A meeting about waste reduc- tion will be held at the Whitby Public iàbrazy tonight (Wednes- day), at 73 p.m. Environment Action Ontario, organizersi, say the meeting will Ive partici- pants a "chance to do something about the waste that we see around us ... » For more informa- tion eall 435-0497 or 576-0104., OPEN BOUSE An open house will be held on Tuesday, June 19, 3 to 7 pamn, at the Legion Hall, 117 Byron St. S. ltby to celebrate the gol- den wedcinganniversary of Ha:ryand aMy Inkpen. Best wihes only. DDDURHAM PC USERS The next meeting cof the. Durham PC Usera Club will be held on Thursdy June 14 at 7 p.m. in the staf lunge on the second floor of Durham College on Simece St. N. in Oshawa. It is open ta al interested.. A bug session, a regular feature of the meeting, allows particii. pants to diseule problems in an open forum or ta a"set others. I%. "disk cf the month' is available toalal members and the. library of over 300 disks is updatod on a regular lisis. Demonstrations are held when possible. For further information, eaUl Bernie at 655-4156. FREE SENAR The Cesaan ýBfrth - Support and Education Groupwill hiold a free seminar, <V ial Birth After Cosarean,' wlleho id on Wednesday, June 20 7-30 p.m., at the whitby Pubic ibrary. Caîl Uisa at 576-0562 ta register. Coming events WIDOWSAND WMJDOWERS A. pleasant socal club for widows and widowers will hold its 'next meeting on Sunda, June 17, 7:30 pm.,i the 420 W in shawa Airt. Dancmg, shuffle xý darta and carda. For.more, frmtioncal Ermie at 683-2045 or Forbes at 430- 0130. REGIONAL MUNICIPALITy OF DURHAM PU 1BLIC MEETINGS 0F FREG«IONAL PLANNING COMMITTEE REVIEW 0F THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN As part of the review ai the Durham Regional Officiai Plan, the Regional -Planning Commitee is holding public meetings in each area mnunicipality at 7:30 p.m.. on the dates* and locations indicated below to present the "Drft Changes to the Durham Regional Off iciai Plan for Discussion Purposes.7 T0WN 0F PICKERING TOWNSHIP 0F SCUGOG TOWN 0F AJAX TOWN 0F WHITBY TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE TOWNSHIP 0F BROCK CITY 0F OSHALWA TOWNSHIP 0F UXBRIDGE Thursday, June 21, 190 Municipal Building, Council Chambers 1 The Esplanade, Pickering Tuesday, June 26, 190 Municipal Building, Councdil Chambers 181 Penry Street, Port Penry Wednesday, June 27, 1990 MuicpavBilinCouncil Chamber 65 Harwood Avene, Ajax Thursday, J.ure 28, 1990 Municipal Building, Councl Chambers 575 Rossiand Road East, Whitby Tuesday, July 3, 1990 Municipal Building, Council Chambers 40 Temperance Sreet, Bowmraniviile Wednesday, July 4, 190 Township HaiV/Audtorium 397 Simcoe Street, Beaverton Thursday, July 5, 190 Cty Hall, Council Chambers 50 Centre Street South, Oshawa Tuesday, July 10, 1990 Uxbrklge Musc Hall 16 Main Street, Uxbridge In addition, ai each public meeting indicated above, there will ho an open house display tram 2.00 p.m. ta 7:30 pin. during which time Staff from the Region ai Durham Planning Depariment will ho available. Everyone is invited ta attend and participate. Further information on the review af the Durham Regional Officiai Plan may ho oNtained by contacting the Planning Department. ai (416) 728-7731 or <416) 686-1651 (Toronto LUne), or write ta: Durham Regional Plannging Deparimentd Boxc 623,1615 Dundas St. East 4h FLoor, Lang Tower, West Building Whitby, Ontario LUN 6A3 Marie Hubbard - Chalrman, Planning Committee Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P. Commissioner of Planning SPRTNG RALLY Faith Baptist Church Women's Mi=onr Fellowship is hosting its, ann Spring Rally on June 21 at the church, 95 Taunton Rd. E., Witby. The meeting. will commence at 8 p.m. ,Special speaker for the evening will be Carol Kent of Port Huron? Michigan. She is the founder and directar cf 'Speak .up With Confldenée a seminars and 7teacliesi communication skills nationwide. The topie wiil be 1<Secret Passions ,of the Christian Wôman.' Every Christian woman longs ,.for fulfflment and victory in sýpeciflc, measurable * areas , of her life reflected uniquely 'in her sphere cf influence. ,Thisj topie explores ton different areas inwhich most woman strugge.ý for fufillment and success, including the passions for significance, security, Inimacy, succoeand spirituality. Special music wil »presented by Margaret Bon AU ladies are welcome. Refreshments will CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION The Council of the Cp orto0f the Town of Whitby intends; ta pass b-"aS to stop up, ob se d o that portion of Gardon Street, as stown below, being compoee f Par of Lot 25, Concession 2, Town of Whitby, designated as=Pat on Plan of Survey 40R-12922. 111S7MJtE TRM S A»T NRIVE The Operations Committe o0f !Cotxil MlI meet on the evening of Tuesday, July 3, 1M0, in Committee R>oom One of the FMwlcipal Building, 575 Rossiand Rd East. Whitby, for the purpose of heoeing any persan who dlaims theïr land will bo prejuclciaily affected by the byiaWs. Any persan wishing ta meet with the Committee is asked toa dvise the Town Clerk accorcilngly no later than Thursday. June 28,1990. Donald G. MKay, Clerk The Corporation of the Town af Whdtb 575 Rosslaid PRoad East Whitby, OntarioLUN 2MIB Phono: (41)668-5803

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