Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 13 Jun 1990, p. 36

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S PAGE 39 36, WIMW BFMEE FEk%~ WEDNESDAY. JUNE 13,1990o BTHCONTROL and famlly BROOKLIN -ý 1 & 3 bedroom apt. OFFICEý FOR -RE NT. Dwntawn PORTABLE sAWmLI, ORVAL MoLEANAUCTriONS planning counselin9. Free and ayalable Aug., 1. 2 bedroomn apt. Whitby at 4 cor iers. Second floor. demnonstration, - June. 16, 1990 SAT.9,JUNE 1& - 10 kM. confidential, avallablMondayto avallae ýnow. 'Close to ail Suitable-for la or, doctar's office, trrm loam .- 4pm ael Enercraft GIGANTIC BOAT LIQUIDATION, Friday, 8:30 a.m. ta 430 p.m.CIinlc arnenkIes.. Utilliles Included. CGall accuntant, etc.. Cal 623-5524. FacoyA74WlaMR. ari, NW& SDBATS BEY every Thursday 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 Herb Visser, 985-0856. Ontario L4M 6E7.(<705> 734-1211 - AUCTION - FR AHNR p.m. For - further information, cal____________ Specials offered - make your deal CONSIGNMENT SALE-AT 420-87Q.1 or 433-8901.-1' todayl1 B ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION WHITBY - ONE BERO______ _____ CENTRE, LINDSAY HOME 'MO VIES transferred« to vldeoý tape. European videa tapes converted. Low, low prices. 728-9565. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS. For help, cal the Denise I-buse for women and children. Taîl free. 1-800-263-3725 or ,728-7311. Confidlentiaîity assured. (Formerly Auberge.) WOULD YOU UIKE ta correspond with unattached Christian people, ages 18-80, the' abject being companianship or marriage. Write:' Ashgrove, P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.C. VOE iMO. B1 SPECIAL TrHANKS ta St. Judo and the Sacred Heart for favaur recelveci. B.C. BAHAIS BEUEVE: Thus directeth thee the Dayspring of divine knowîedge from this luminous horizon. Cali 668-8665. THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heart af Jesus for favars received.-Maythe Sacred Heart of Jesus b.Foýred, glorified, loved and prese ~ed thraughaut the world now and forever. Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus -pray for us, St. Judo worker aof miracles pray for us, St. Judo helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer nine. times a day. By the eighth dlay your prayer will b. answered, regardless of how hopeless your situation seemns. Publication must be. promnised. R.P. THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favors recelved. May the Sacred Headt of Jesus b. adared, glarified, Ioved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Judo worker of miracles pray for us, St. Judo helper ai' the hopeless, pray for us. Sa this prayer nine times a day. By« the eighth day your prayer wiII bo. answered. regardless of how hoppless. your situation seems. Publication must be pramised. B.L apariment avajawe July 1t.' 528- monthWly ncludes frldge, stove, p arkin' '& utilties. Apply 110 itaria St. W., 666-0271. 8BROOKDALE ARMS naw renting new one & two bedroamn apts.,$650 & $795 pe*r manth, al .inclusive. Apply at 100 William St. W., downtown Oshawa, 723-1282. 2 BEDROOM available, Aug. 1, upper level, $695 plus 1/3 hydro. Cali 576-1913. IMMACULATE 3 BEDROOM bungalowm in Whtby, 6 appliances, extras, near GO. Open House J une 16 & 17 1.00 - 4:00 p.m. 668-8910, 725-8645.189,900. PAl VATE SALE COBOURG duplex, good incarne' propery, $16,00f/year. Excellent residential area. Downstairs: living room with fireplace,. large kitchen, 2 bed- rooms, 4-pc. bathroom, utility raom, sunparch, sep. entrance. Upstairs: twa bedrooms, living room,, kitchen, *4-pc. bathroom. $149,500. Cail 41-286-2477. PRIVATE WHITBY home.4 bedraom. Asking $180,000. Cal after 6 p.m. 430-6819. WHITBY - BROOKWOOD (Garden/Rossland). Tormina buili executive -4 bedroom, 2,600 sq.ft. 2 skylights, cathedral ceiling, 2-1/2 bat hs, Scarlet. O'Haraà staircase, f ireplace. August 15.420-2815. 3 PLUS one bedroom semi an large landscaped lot. 1-1/2 bathrooms and 4 appliances. Assumnable first 3-year term martgage at 11-3/4%. (416) 579-5075. BLANKE To Reach -A Wîder Market Advertise throughout the regional rnembeérship of the Ontario and Canaidian Community Newspapor Associations; Central Ontario 49 newspapers $142 for 25 words Ail Ontario 185 niewspapers $289 for 25 words Al Canada 581 newspapers $913 for,25 words For furiher Information please caîl: 668-0594ý. IN/W ONT. Waterfront Golff Course, Resorts, Hotels, MAotels,' Licensed Restaurants, Lumber Yard. Landry's For Real Estate Inc. (RWtr) GsLanry, 331 ctt Streetr Fort France. (807) 274-7738. Fax (807) 274-8383. Paul- Landry' #2-25 Main Street, Kenora (807) 468-9871. Fax (807) 468-9167). B 8 ACRES mixed hardwoods. Close ta beach and lake, year-round road,-permits available. $19,900. Cai 683-4019. HOME EQUITY LOAN plans. We- have Mortgage Maney for any worthwhile purpose. Examples: 1. Pay off credit cards. 2. Home renavations. 3. Start a new business. Low re-payment plans available. No, qualifying hassels,' regardless of incarne or credit. Servin9 ail Ontario. CaIl Excel Financial Corp. (Tal Free) 1-800-265-6984. B * wcllst 2n1d.t's li& 3rcjs à tprimerate *Up to 90% financing. ,@ Consoli dation and problem Inortgages .refinanced Cail Glenda Thorpe Coniunit Financla ovc Corp. M6 Dundan SIL, W., Ste 205, WihitIbyJ MORTGAGES 95E000.5.coO,ooo Reodonial, Cmomci ,Conanucdan t 90W% F1imiMand Rslnmm la. 2rM & &d àa liw of Sale A ProUem IMg. *Feu Approvais-.Fat Cloalma - 24»1f. Servic FREE IN HOME CONSUJLTATION AVNILABLE PRE-OUAU"Y EFORE YOU BUY 223 Brocic SLt.. = ITCAPITAL 3uite 201 88&M07T Whtby, Oit. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the place ta go when your bank says "NO". Serving Whitby since 1973. 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMENTS. OPEN HOUSE The fwnify of HARRY and IMRY, >lNKPENlInviteyou to, loin with them I.ln ceIebratlng their *GOLDEN WEDDING ANMIVERS4RY0 oni Tkwsdayý Jne 19, 1990 at Whitby Caci Legion Hall, 117 Byron St. 8,from 3 * 7p.m. Beat. Wldieaoniy. WINCHESTER COTTAGE SUMMER CLEARANCE OPEN HOUSE &PORCH SALE Froin 10 to 50% off SATURDAY,JUNE 16 FROM ID TO 4 Pli oaýdIqn s ord ea ad Porcli Sale. Sale prices oni owrha,dmade hata for you' door te scattor nVs for yooe IlorVictorienlkines aSccIa«sl plcfte 76 Wlnchester Road. Brooklin jPaper Products, inclùlng ne wspaper comprise 36 per cent of the garbage placed iat curbsIde for PIGKup uacn" week AHl of I i a It Is recyclabie. I m~m ~. ~. - a - s - a - . - a -. .1 AUCTION SALE SAT., JUNE 23 - 11:00 A.M. Selling small farm equipment, ridin9 lawn mower, fumniture & appliances. The property of Lais & Bud Suddard, 3499 Garrard Rd. N., Whitby (Oust south af Taunton Rd.) John Deere 12 h.p. riding lawn mower <liko new), ,McCarmic tracter, hay &I grain elevator with undercarriage, small" manure spreader, 2 cultivatars, grain auger, Germa 1600 watt generator, 1976 Flat-bed 1/2 tan- Chev ' truck (as is), 5 sec. of, harrows, wagon, steel Implement wheels, steel gates, 5 h.p.- rota-tiller, chain saw, many handyman's taols, airtlght wood stave with haod, 30m McClary elect. stove,, Inglis fridge, beer fridge, 22 eu. it. freezer, wringer washer, b/r suite with double & single.dressers, chest of drawers, bookcase, 2 single beds,* rust wing chair, hall mirror & shef, 4 caned antique chairs, gramaphene, wooden 4 drawer desk, end tables, stacking tables, couch & chair, area rug (good cond.), plant tables, geld rug, pictures & arnaments, cooler, sway lamp, plus ether odds & 'ends. A nice dlean lins aio furnit ure. Terms cash- or' choq ue with l.D., lunch availablo. Owner and auctioneer wiIl nat be resporisible for accident or injuryiln cennection with this sale. Sale managed &sold by COCHRANE AUCTION SERVICE 985-2788 Now accepting cansignments et rfaim mac h inery, tractors, pars, Itrucks, boats, motorhemes, hous. & box trailers, gardon tracors,ý motercycles, Shop & woodwarking tools, ,consjructlon 'equipment. BOATS: 81 Grew-200 closed dock 185 OMC, 85 *Grew 266 cabin 260 OMO Cobra, 85 Dorai Tara c. 185 Mercruise'r,- 86 Sunray Mirage ,,260 OMOCabra, 87 Thundercrat ,»'190 Magnum cuddy 260 OMO Cobra, 87 Tempet 2f cmc. 230 Mercrutser, ,87 'Thundercraft Stemptation 265 twin -175 OMO Cobras, 88 Cutter 195 bowrider 175* Meroruiser, 15, f ibre9lass 40 h.p. Evinrude& traidor, 16, f îbreg lass 40 h.p. Johnson & t railer, 20' cabin cruiser (woaden) 85 h. Evinrude, 20 h.p. -Merc out. MOTORHOMES: 73. Winnebago, 77 Casual, 79 Centurion, 80 Chev, 84 Citation. HOUSETRAILIERS: 13' Holiday, .13' Orbit, 15' Fleet, 28' SAirstream, 29' Citation. Large assort. of CARS & TRUCKS inc. heavy trucks aIse 64 Fleetwood, Cadillac - (excellent). Ige. 1 assoriment aof tarm machinery& *construction equipment mncl. J.D. I 1Abackhoe. Good selection, jexcellent epportunity ta purchase powerboats. AIL MUST GO. For i nfaor flyer cal ORVAL McÉlEAN AUCTIONS IORVAL &BARRY McLEAN, AUCtioneerLE "KAHN CQUNTRY AUCTIONS" every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. octed on Brock Rd. Pickering, 3 miles north of *Hwy. 401 (exit #399. Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection of antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, collb'ectibles, primi- tives, and. the unusuals. Sa join us every Wed. and paricipte" in- ane of Ontario's Tue" Auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. "éCen- sinet& estate selling aur specialty". Cali us-today. Previews from 1:00 p.m. KAHN AUCIIÃ"N SERVICES (416) 683-0041 SATURDAy'S AUCTION SACTION JUNE 16 - PETHICK AUCTION BARN, HAYDON, 10 Ml. NME0F 09H-AWA - EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AT 6:30 P.M.' This week contents cf area home ta include: dining mcom table- & chairs, living rocm suite, oak side-by-slde, roll-top desk, oak parlour table, 2 wardrobes, Victorian games table, Victorian parlour table, oak bookçcase, hho ressers, rocking chairs, aId hangung lamps, aId ail paintings, hockey cards, stampe, coins, ail lamps, collectible glass & china. Also set of bunk bedai w/new mattresses and set, of new mattress & box springs plus lots mare. For more information, calI: GARRY K. POWELL GARY SHMYR AUCTIONEERS STOP. Dan't Samnebody might classifieds. Phone throw It out. want it. Try the 668-6111. >7t11k .j~ ' fI' ~ e4

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