WUMTYFRPM PRESS, ,WEDNESD)AY, JTýNE 13, 1990. PAGE 31 WHITBY REEPRREEAETA-TE Prices redued ont ,Mayfield Home Prices have been slashed on homes l the> Mafeld Heights subdivision., Bider Vince iSantocono lias reduced prices as much as '$45,000 on luxury hmes on the 12-lot subdivision located north ofMann Rd., west offGarden St.. "The mareti soft," is Santocono' simple explanation for bis decision to eut prices. The Durham model lias been reduced to $244-p680; The Brunswick to $280,320; The Allensgroveý to $299,640 and, The. Cam- bridge to $3099360., Santocono lias a trailer on the site with comà plete interior and, exterior *examples of the many different style homes. "Drop into the sales office- and negotiate the sale of the '90's," 'says Santocono........................................ The Durham .-is 2039 sq. ft. wbile The4 Cambridge is- 2578 sq. ft. The Cambridge __Mayfield Heights president ..Vmce Santocono looks over In addition to the choice of luxury homes Mayfield Heiglits lias -to offer, there is .a choice of luxury upgrades, plus no GST guaranteed and zero Per cent 9iacn where applicable. Acontractor for the' paët 21 years, Santocono lias done- custom building lu Toronto, Lndudn the Cabbagetown area, as well as houses l Scarborougli and This M I/ da s first projeet w hty One of the many styles being built by Mayfield Heights. 6 p.ni. and closed Fridayýs.