PAGE 2, WIUnTBY FREE F¶RES8 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 19)90 Bugelli: put bike pathS i ubdvision Bicycle paths should be part of every new subdivision in Whitby says councîllor Joe Bugeili. SBugveili told Town council Mon- day that bicycle pathe shouid b. a. prerequisite qf subdivision agreements< between the Town' and dovelopera, as is the case with noighborhood parka. Ho said paths are popuiar in Europe because it providos ci- ists with a safe venue te ride their bikes away from busy city RECYCLINIG ONE I TON 0F NE WSAPE S * SAVES I 19 ThEES* . . .... Geese Daddles... -ots of new baby geese have already arived, otz Trumpeter swans on the arue, hont pond Will be hatcNng any *minut e. Corne and enjoy ail oui' new abies (buit dont rorget to salte the proud Geese Daddiesl! To cetebrate Father's Day, we're otlering quality Gardena Garden bols and Accessories at unbelievable pruces. ls your chance ta give Dad a real trea:/ 8GARDENAe %e'j Gardena tools, pruners, car and deck brushes, fertilizer applicators, sprinklers, hoses and much, much more. Landscape Design Service Have our trained landscape designer create a customn landscape design for your home to avoid costly mistakes. The cost of your landscape design is crecited to the purchase of your nursery stock. Please oeil for more details and arrange your appointment todz y. Minuet Welgela: A compact flowering shrub with trumpet shaped pink flowers. Flowers more than once a year. 25 cm. Reg. Price - $1 2.95 NOW ONLY $8.95 Compact Globe Cedar: A dwarf variety of globe cedar. Doos welI in full sun or partial shade. 30 cm. Reg. Price - $27.95 NOW ON LY $1 9.95 Emerald Cediar: A fresh green pyramidal cedar that wiII tolerate full Sun to partial shade. Use in foundation plantings. 100 cm. Reg. Price - $46.95 NOW ONLY $36.95 Dwarf ULIac Standard: Beautiful fragrant purpie flowers on this dwarf variety of Miac. Grafted on a 4' stem. Perfect as a small ornamental tree in foundation planting. Reg. Price - $79.95 NOW ONLY $59.95 Crlmson KIng Maple: This mnaple Ias a deep red leat that holds it's colour weII ail sumnrrer. Beautif ul selection with straight stems and well- shaped heads. 250 cm. Reg. Price - $79.95 NOW ONiY $64.95 ___________________________________________M -- -- .LÂ JO HN BROUWER GARDEN AND LANDSCAPING CENTRE 650 Lakeridge.Road South, Ajax, Ontario LiS 4S7 TELEPHONE: 686-1545 or 686-1680. OPEN: Monday to Friday: 8 amn- 9 pm Saturday: 9 amn - 6 pm, Sunday: 9 amn - 5 pm II MII mli. 4c * f V L L/LiLJLkI streets. . "Itfs a very effective and effi- cientsiystem,» said Bugeiii. Town administrator'Bull Wal- laoe was directed te prepare a report on Bugelli's suggestion. Province may support location of sehool* .By Trudie Zavadovics Four provincial ministries may, back tho Durham separate achool board in their unpopular bid te, build a «Friench-first» lemen- tary/secondary achool campiez within lWhtby's planned Lynde. Shore community. Grant Andrews au erinten- dent of business L r t]o boar appearod at the planning comj- mittee meetinig.Jus. 5 te .asic that a comniissioner's report b. deferrod for two weeks pending a meeting between the -assistant deputy ininisters of heaith, fore- inaffaira, government services, ad education. Andrews reported that the assistant deputy ministers. are meeting te examine the situation with respect te ieocating the edu- cation compiex te meet thé needs of the francophone community in Durham Region. Ho said the assistant deputyý ministers are oxaminingaspeci- caliy the Lynde Shores develop- ment whero the Province owns 500 acres. The board is asking for 15 acres of land on which te buiid the compiez. ofI just got word this mornin; ofthe meeting," said, Andrews. There is ne scheduled time yet.» .Andrews says that the boýard has don. much research and that the Lynde Shores land best suits their purposes1 . "Our francophone secondary achool wiii b. serving ail the Durham Region includin New caste, says Andrews. «Wiby is the geographical centre. Ho explained why Lynde Shores is a key area for the complex. «Lynde Shores' primne north/ south arte'riesareHighway 12 and Regionai Road 23. The east/ wost transportation is close te Highway 401 and te the Whitby GO. Iroquois Park is close. "Our point of view is that we are a regionai board and serve ail student. The eiementary echool serves the student in the Lown of Whitby and the second- ary school serves the (students in) th r on.» Andrews says that the egion's second concern is the iiabilify of development. 'The feeling is that there is already te xuch institution-al land,» says Andrews. "The two liospitals, and, three elementary achools that have been appro- veod.» Ho says that on.e elementary school for -the' Durham- public school board has been approved ini the area. Ho questions the Région approving that when the need for the complex -is im- médiate. "Right' now Charles Garnier students are in the new Mar- guerite D'Youvilie elementary school. Neit* year they are mov- ingZi te loin Fr. t.eo J. Austin students (m their new sehool) on the north aide of Dryrden.». The achool boardf is conoerned that soon there wil be over crowding. Andrews estimates that over crowding will occur by 19)92.- By thon there is estimated te b. 920 secondary achool students and 275 francophone students. «Our school board is deeply conoerned about this matter and obviously the provincial %overn- ment has concerns, too, says Andrews. ' Whitby councilior Joe Drummn who originally supported the idea of the complex ini the Lynde Shores ares, has since changed his mmnd. .-"When Grant came te us' two yoars back, I wasn't aware that there were so many achools in the area,» said Druîmm. 'Thore are three achools and two hosp*- tais. 1I think that's enough schools down there. 'Vie wili have three priniary achools there. Thby'rýe talkmng aotputting a achool betweeni Whitby Genéral Hospital, and Whitbiy Psyciatric HospitaL. Whitby isth e hub. rd like te have the achool in Wbhitby. but 1 think we can find another place. I believo this is not the -only area..» Ho says that, as yet, the Region hasn't taken aides and that it's premature te speculate what will-happon. «Let's see what the xinistry Bay!." Mneanwhile Andrews says that the school board remains posit- ive. "Wre very optimistic we will get support for that schooi site in that area. We'r-eworking on -a positive basis.» He says that if approvai is givegn for the site i they will thon sumit a proposai to tho Mimas- try of Education in tho fali te build the compiez and that build- ing would begin as soon as pos- sible. Royal Doultoil jewellers - Gemologist Figurtites V/C f f' 1101 M.-ary St. W., (Pearson Limes) Whitby i ,>.~%):~ * j q 1 -9 -R-A 1