Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 13 Jun 1990, p. 13

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0001 ,2t RKUL aaaw 4efRn3tam IYWIIW.21 oA Wr*Fm!EIÇREsS. WENESAY, JUNE m8.1900 PAGE 18 PROM PAGE 1, mejor job foi dêpartmnent staff. Plonning starts i the fali for the next year. However schedul- mng was made eéasier last year througb use of computers. "Tbere's, no question the leagues are expandig. Whàtever decisions we make for 1990 14 Mn pacta on '91-92,» says Morrow. He offers théeieampie of a new bail field at AshPaýrk. I It measures.210 feet down the Unes so0 there is a temptation Uo tbrow onyone inte it, but, you have te be carefulwitb wbat yoù allocate where.t' matching whatls played with the calibre oi the field.» Morrow says the Town bai improved botb the condition sud typie of facilites availabie sud works closely with minor sports UWe try te accommodatetbem wherever possible. lu turu the leapies -have been great, co-ope- ration bas been great.» Representatives of four dif- forent mirior sports orgonizations in Whitby agreed- recreation department staff are doing tbe best tbey con. But ai say more facilities are needed for their particular sport. "This year- we bave 'close te 1,400 kida, iast year we bad approximateiy 900M says John Methven, president of the Wlutby Iouois Soëcer Club. "'IMe fieid were adequate for that (ube 900). With 1400 wepre scraping the bottom olf the barrel. Metbven says one of the presa- mig needs for bis group is more fieds for mmi-soccer Mini-soccer is, piayed by chil- dren, up te age 9. Rather than using the entire iengtb of the field for onegae MMI-soccer is pia4yed cos fied, widtbaiwn for two difféeet games' toL played simuitaneousiy. * «We use a full-sihed field but play across tbe field. Itcreates more surfaces but on iesser-sized fields,» explains Metbven. "But-if y ou don't bave a big surfsaet~bgnwti can be a Methven .says the club is limi- ted te Jeffrey Park sud Victoria St. fields for mini-soccer aud that is not enougb. He points out that the Victoria St.,grouuds wiii eventuaiiy dis " Roast Prime Beef " New York Peppercorn Steak " New York Marsala Steak *Coq au Vin *Chlcken Neptune *Veal Parmesan Neptune " Veal Bourguignon " Sole a la Bonne Femme " Halibut Steak " Ralnbow Trout Almondine " Pasta Marinata appear because of future" deve- lopment plans along the water- frént. -'WI we lose that, 'wee, sunk. Th'ey (Town)promies 'theyyil. r iooc at somethM*ng else, but how ion g wiil it taicr 0 M'orrow responds that. Victoria r Fields were created ini 1985 as a teiùiporaryý facility, pending future waterfront development. "In terms of timing, that's not immediate. We told -tkem if the 0 tbree fields disappear they wfll 1) be replaced," says.Morw.e The soccer"club has not. yet had to turn cbildren away nor ioeoutaide Whitby* for a play- fn ilbut Methven says the dayis fast aproCg. Th club now uses 16 different 1 filds for its! representative and 1 house league teams. 3 "We have nue representative teama that need, fuil-size fields. L We oniy have Iroquois, and Peel b right now,» says Methven. We could use two more lighted fieids sud five fuli-size fieidsj, possibly a compiex type 3 structure.» 1Ifltiniately, Methven would like to see a soccer stadium i Wbitby but concedes that's iikeiy out of the question.» Methven says Whitby bas uo > facility, capable of- holding a 1 Major soccer tournament such as the Ontario Cup wbich was held at Civic Field iOshawa last- year. 't c sfl «Thiey were quit s- csaa l We can't hold it=ause we dou't have anywhere to pla it.». Aithough socçer oficais have igto play thirsotth same isfot tueofba e ai 'We've had to turu away kida,» says Eric Donnelly, president of ciation. Bsbl so «We had about 65-70 kida on a iWaiting litat thestart of the seaon. ltes been reduced a bit during the first few weeks"7 Like Methven,- Donnelly is satisfied recreatin staff -are "doig the best they can. but considering the popuatono fthe town~ there are not enougb facili- The association"bas approxi- mately 1,315, players, between age, 6 and .21, I)aying bail this yeare eitber on a bouse leaçue» team.i one of six different divi- sions, or oue of five representa- tive teams. The AbovelIncludes Caesar Salad & GariIc Bread Banquet Facilities Availabie DIET with MEDICAL SUPERVISION DR. S. 1K. BERNSTEIN Pb""Ir%131GI1 A N OFFICW> IN WI«IB, O&{W. 1O WWIO, SCARMMUGU MNR YORKW, IS&SSAUGA&, BRAMALEA, BRAUMN, TU R4RCMOND NL Hf.. SIUFR Z PHONE 666-5939 80 Thickson Rd. S t*o-w n facilitie «Whitýy bas a goodreputation forbaeal wegve aiways had good facýities. But we would lie tese am few more parka,» says Doniml~ 1 »e d4lMe, tesee more parka bulit li Elizabeth Crescent, not school dipimonds wich are smai- 1er.» Donne ly was referrinq .te the Towu s -arrangement wvith the Durham Board of Education, on arrangepent begunl last Yea;; te sllow U"e of achool fielda in returu for the Town upgrading sud maIntainingthefaciliy lhe Town spent 2,000te upgrae fouriacool fleéIda whicb asMorrow says, «If budlt from scratch, it would cost that mucb for onefieId.» Donnueiiy says more ligbted basebail fields would beip relieve the pressure on the only eisin fields witb Iights, Irouois sud Pringl reeki ýPark, sud wouid utibize more pas fie WBroli-Wbitby Minor Hockey Association had- more thon 1,100 players jpartic-ipate asat season, sudl presideut Mk Brousseau expecta at least 1 that number this year. Brousseau welcomes the addi- tion of 'a second ice, pad at Jroqiùois Park, saying it was "lonig overdue. But rmà stili flot sure we caugbt up with the po >pulatin rwtb mWe vie for ice witb ringette, figure skating sund men's hockey. Itsamad acramble te, get ice timeiluWhitby.» However,the association bas not bad to, turu onyone away, hoe 'adds. Brousseau says the association bas n ot made any -recent requesta for ice'surfaces in addi- tion to thetwo pade atroïquois sud the Luther Vipond Arena lin Brooklin.' Hie preferred hot te comment ou wbat additionai facilities hockey may reïuire witbout kuowinçpte Town s future pions. til Bousseau feit compeiied te issue a warning te council. «f hyr ot planning an- thing and the -population Ïi- continues, thore wiii be more 'PalaciQ odel Restaurant & Dinhr is celebrating Fat Join us for dinner - 5pm i ry our fabulous FAJITAS -5 fect your favorite item from c NTARY SPANISH COFFEE .nd Rd. (at Garden), WhitL understand lt." Stili tbore Jlaon urgent e for «mnore arenas now,' says Ki ner., «Weright in adem wil] pressure o .n everything, not just Tlhe, Whitby Minor LacrossQ Assocation bas sligbtly mord tban 700 players thies sason, an increase over asat year's figure of 470. «Tbat's pretty Weil capacity,» says. president Dieter Iruer. aW hveu' bad to turu anyone away yet but, *were at that point.» Kirner jokes that bis group sbould probably be cafled',the «Durham" association to reflect tbe fact that many pl1ayers do'not live iu Witby;, alèo, perbaps, because the association must go outside Whitby in order to.fîîùd- enougb facilities. S Vipond Arena is used' on a fuli-time basis during the, sum- mer and Iroquois Park ou a limited scale.- «The Town wants to keep it open for trade shows sud other - events, youcan't book too far iu advauce» soaVys Kirner. Outsiâe Whtby, the, associa- tion uses North Oshawa and Cbiidrens' (Oshawa) Arenas, but renovations to the latter facility during the next two years foroed lacrosse' officiais to look else- wbere. One alternative is Soccer City, a private arena for indoor soccer iocated on Sunray Ct. in-Whitby. «During the summer it's vii,- tuaiiy. empt because.soccer is eILydoutsîde»saysKirner. Hlowever, e~rer notes that since it 1is a prvt acility, Soccr Cty harges private enterprise rates. «We have to pay peiu prices. ]Pm not compia rnnumw got a fair price from tbM.But itfs higber than we conget on arena for.» To'- meet the demand for. lacrosse, the association bas even consideredl building its, owu ver-. sëion of Soccer City, says Kirner. ."But'that's big bucics, youre asking someone te take a big risk. » As for iacrosse's wish liat, Kir- uer acknowiedges that "everyone kuows tbere is no endiess money suppiy. Itfs a tough situation, we Prime Rib For reservations> cail ,668-9369 918 Brock St. N. Whitby' Teza'4 m8 Loun8e ier's Day tif closing siy r rglrmnu )pic oelr menu. FOR UAD )y 686-77754i IRA~M- FAST-DAILY LUNCH & DINNER SPECIALS For mrore deta-ils cail 831-0441 & a$k for Cathy Joinus-on FATHER'S DAY, Sunday, June l7th 4:OOpm to 10:OOpm FEATUIRING a special -Dinn-er Menu or seli ,COMPLIME 701 Rossli r- - - - - i (I U SG rowth s transý ... ... .. ... .. MUGI TBK$ . ....... SPECIAL FATIER'S DAY MENU... 0 q.,, COUNTRY JAMBOREE Every Sunday Afternoon - 2 pm to 6 pm odp th j Li - ý7/, l*Iiý -4 1 r- ls Rue. pue:::

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