.~~AIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiIiiuiiia................. ............. MESSAGE F BROOKLîN Sp SEF A new decacle, a time of futuristic- cf - the dedicated men and women that fun f illed fair days. In their hancis the past cornes alive shows - we have Rt ail, While Mom is browsing through the BabyShow. The twins Maria and S. painted. Tim and Eldon find the MidA over at the Truck and Tractor Pull Stepdance Contest, he finds Mom a Day." Let us welcomle you to our 1990 Fair.1 Ils mil ail 0 Il Il el sala 0 IR Ria a ai 0.a.a.ma.à .a.a............. WATER PROCESSING SYSTFM-Ç Total home softening and drinking water systems Low monthiy rentais & leasing Sales & service on ail makes of water equirnent lYoung's Wà terSyste ms Inc. RUru1F~~& WATE T. IET150 8~OIAI 7675 Baldwin Street.- Brooklin, Ont. 655-4544 or 1-800-263-1959 FROM THE PRESIDENT of the 'RING FAIR ASSOCIA T-IO1V P INTO, THE 901S bange, but let us hope some thirgs stay the saine - Mie twork for ten mionths to brng you four farnily onented for ail ages whether Rt is rabbit, sheep, catie or horse e Homnecratt section, littie Brenden is highlightmng the ;arah are coloring Up a storm after having their faces vay and games more to their Iiking, while big Brother is Il. After Dad has tired himself out at the Fiddle ari ard together they walk down memory lane at "Cruisin It is with great pride we present Rt to you. Carol Van Hemmen President Broo0klin Spring Fair Association ..u........................IuIIIg~,II~' Invites you to visit our Victorian Shoppe brimming withfe'minine fashions for summer.. 57 Ba(tfwin Street Brock(iti, oit (mit S655-3474 IN6DAYS A EEK 5Whitby Free Press W~II4 I KJNETICO)j aï