Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 2 May 1990, p. 32

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PAGE 32,> WH1TY FREE PRESS, WEDNESAY, MAY % 199o Students -prepare foirok ssso B ioeIyyk w ill be held from 7:30 to 9 p.m. cipalbuildingand will b. op en to Dae iýcofOAnderson CIini the meeting, hall at the muni- thé.~lc will b. mayo o Witbyfor oneu day hmnha t h e Town ducts the 'Youth and Civic G l 'f Ë i n y alid Adminisitration Program.' For bard-to- reach spots HIENRY Street High School'sjunior and senior concert bands, god award winners at the local Kiwanis Music Festival,9 are now raising funde, through such activities as car cleanmng, for a trip to Boston, NMass. for an international music festi- val. Above, Julie Bucking helps Sarah Onyschuk. Chlu Boy!. photo HenrjL& y to hold Info Mart' on health awareness Students arechc>senby their teachers from Anderson CVI and Henry Street High School.' Since its inception i 1972 by councillor Joy Thompson, theé progam a offered young people a chance ta learn about the Towns municipal structure and administration procedures. With meetings that began on March 28, the eigqht-week course includes lectures /seminars, films and tours, and will culminate in a mock council meeting on May 16. Each student chose a facodown ballot card of the 16 possible municipal positions ta determine their ro-le. Participants from Anderson an herpositions include: Brad Wallace, director of public works- Martin'Kuchirka, director o# parks and recreation; Brad Nichols, regional councillor; Anthony Kelly, fire chief Laura Weldon, regional cuncillo; Dale Wick, mayor; Tom anderstoop, area 4 councillor; Mark McLeod, treasurer; and Tracy Noftle, regonal councillor. Prom Henry: IUsa Taylor, area 3 councillor; ria Heiler, area 1 councillor; Taniara Stinipson, area 2 councillor; Kelly Faller, director of planning-, Karrin Boggs, clerk; Gillian Brisco., director of personnel; and Flem- mig Nielson, administrator. Debi Bentley, an administra- tive assistant i the clerk's department, and Mike Davy, deputy clerk, supervise the group. Says Bentley,»It's a great pro- grami. The students are really receptive and they learn no mch. The May 16 youth and civic administration council meeting By Nicole Lylk Henry StreetfHig Schol bands won two çold medals at the Kiwanis Music Festival held. April 18 to May 2. On the first day of the festival, the Junior Concert Bond, com- prised of grade 9 lstudents, won a mold standard ini te junior bn On April 25, the Senior Con- cert Banid also'won a gold stan- dard i their respective cas. Henry students also competed i individual categories at the festival. Julie Rosbottom, a grade 10 studènit, ireceived a flit place award for her performance i the junior flute class. Sarah Tanner a grade 9 stu- dent, also won tit place ithe junior obo. class. A second place award was won by grade 9 student, Sheryl John- stone, i the junior saxophone class. Kristina Kukk and Sheryl Johnstone won first place in the saxophone duet categoy Rosbottomn and Tnner later won first place for their flute duet. The two girls have both been ivited to compete in their res- pective classes for a scbolarship' in the 'Festival of Stars' ta be held May 2 at Eastdale Col- legiate ini Oshawa., With the Kiwanis Festival over, the Henry Senior Concert Band will now prepare«for their upcoming trip to Boston, Mass. Prom May 10-14, the 40 band members, along with chaperones will take in some sigts and participate in the. International Mu cFestival which will be a nsoe by Héritage Music Tlhe ;baid, will coMp eé.aaiet ýotheWr ensembles. ,.ýfrom :across Canada* and the U.Se-«I FinaIly,ý on May 23 the Senior Concert Bandp , afong w ith Henry's 'other musical ,groups and the. Oshawa- Festival Singers, will fiish off their. èche- dule -with a concert ta, be held at the school. Severl ffrts from ÀAnZderson By Nicole Lylyk Anderson CVI studènts were well prepared for the. Kiwanis Festival this year. Ini the trunipet solo cat.gory, Judy Hunf. a grade 9 student, wonfirt pace. Amy Hepburn an i Mmuiy Bick- e11, also grade 9 students',, won first place i the junior flute4guet' class. Dave Ilt, a grade 13 student, received a first place award for bis euphonium solo. Ini the vocal competition, Dar- lene Dove,-grade. 10, placed third out of 18 entrants or her solo permance. Grade 9 student Katliryn Fair- child was first i the junioi, trumpet solo category. ~ Jennifier Roy and--;,Jennifer Elmhurst gradés 13, and -12 res- pectively, received the, second place award for their fluteduet m the senior category. Ail of the Anderso6n music stu- dents are continuig ta prepare for their 1cmng triptoWmnni - peg for-,MusiYestCanada1990 m May. The gidance departinent at Henry Street IH-h &Shoolin cooperation wi. the Departm.nt of Health S.rvioes-Durham Regcm will hold an Awarenes Info Mari% Fiday, May 18, finn 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The. target groupe fer the Info Mart are grade 9 and il students. The goal and objectives of the. Info Mart are ta promote knowledge of coenmunity resources for aoecnsin WVhitby (Durbam RoIeon>- increase awarenehs cf available community resources in arme scf employment, health and soci services; provide an opprumity for students, motes- rs admnisratrsand --enunity agency personnel téaintoat encourage personal 'epeblt i recognizing the need fur and accessing tese services. The InfoMart wilb. open ta parents and the public between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. News from Father Leo J. Austn W. are still trying ta bounce back from our mid-term reports, so Our concentration bas been on academics this week. The. junior girls' volleyball team has started ta practise, and al reports indicate tbat they are a strong group of players. And speaking of strong, the midget and junior boys played Eastdale in our first gae of the. season. W. gave th.m quit. a struggle and iproved that w. are a teani ta b. contended with. We joined together for a service of reconcifiation and peace on Nov. 30). W. were led by Father (YBrien of Holy Family Churcb. The. religion classes who planned the. penitential service helped to, set the ton. for tbe beginning of Advent. Advent is the time b.fore Cbristmas when Catholics ar exhorted ta "sty awake" and "stand ready,"0 ta prepare oun hearts ta clebrate the birthi of Christ. Ini our office the Advent wreath stands, each candle on it a symbol of one of the four weeks before Christinas. ieahcasomsunsar preparing baskets of non-perisbable food ta b. delivered to, the needy of our comnmunity. "As the. day shorten and tii. darkness descends and the. earth cools, w. tend ta irnat. But Advent joîts us awake." No muffins today, Tim B. TLM BARNES mnight have liked to fast was oreganized in aid- of the bite into this muffin but feflow «Hunger Projeot. From left are Mary Anderson CVI students discouraged Waterman, Ry Cai g, Teresa Clark, him as they began a 24-hour fast on, Sarahi Stuchbury, Stefan Timms, Aprili 27,y to do their part to help Erista Meadwell, Grabeme WiUiam- fight chronici persistent hunger. The 'son and Steve Sears. cwi.Boi.photo

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