wmm B~EPRB% WEDNcSDAY, hPRIL 20% 1M9, PAGE a ue Englihrghtse gop rn Durham Itemig froml Whitby.Council agenda(s) Recommendations' from the Planning and Development. Committe 1-o hlm consuiting flrm M.M. Dilian Ltd.. ta undertake the revlew and updating of Whitby's officiai plan. Councl declded last Octoberto meise ils officiai plan, which establishes land* use policles In the munlclpailty. mhe" review wilI cost $437,000 and is expected ta be completed by May, 1992.' Cai-ed To approve a site plan application tram Sklar Peppler allawlng for construction of a cavemed 34 square metre loadlng dock at their Victoria St. plant.. Carried, Ta approve a site plan application tram the Whltby Hydra ta canstruct a warehouse and office building addition at the existing hydro service centre on Taunton Rd. E. Whtby Hydra currently has a 16,500-sq. ft. facllty. The addition will add anoîher» 38,5O0-sq. fI. Camred from t*elOperations Committee.' mhat "Mr. Tube Steak" faad vending carts be allowed ta operate on privately awned praperty ln commercial and Indusîril areas. Mr. Tube Steak Is a Wlnnipeg-based company that souls hot dogs, salade, plas and similar food trammoble9 vending carIs. Cmrried To apprave a $98.450 tender tram J.J. MacKay Canada Ltd., for the supply of 255 electranlc parking meters. The electronlc moters are equipped wth a b 'ulft-in coin discrlmlnatorthat pmevents bingo chips, washers anid slugs-tram belng recognlzed as valld currency. Carried To ask the Ontario Mlnlstry of Transportation ta provide $1 .6-mIllion ln subsîdies for aperation of Whitby Transit, buses ln 1990. $1 .07-miillion is for capital expenditures and $574,000 for aperating assistance. Carried Ta ask the Durham' Board of Education ta Investigate alternatives ta on-stee parking whlle Anderson ,CVI is belng réenovated. If the' board cannot flnd a solton, the Town is prepared to terrporarllywalve restrictions on Crawforth St. until Deoember. BY Mlke Kowalsld Another political protest group has formedîn iDurhamn egon. The Englih SpeakingCana- diens Associationheldý its found- ,mg meetig'in Oshawa last- Weelc. >Borrowing the naine froma Belleville group, acting president Gary Jones said «Were- another language Èr'oup with a littie more flair. This means the association will lie speaking out on -more than just language issues. «Our major sunü is té develop.a Solitical voice for the area,' said "We're not confmned te one rid- ing, we want ta develop a large singular voice. Without that kinci f~ clout we won'?t get IMPs ta listen." Jones 'said Canada's paria- mentarians do not represent the wishes of their constituents. A Whitby retirement home employee who fabnicated'a hold- up, story ta cover up a senies of robbenies has been sentenced ta six mon n thsh j Janice BlairSinoski, 20 of 115 Scott S't., Whitby, wià aiso pla-. ced on two years' probation by Judge William L.,ane fiollowi'ng ber appearance in .district cUrt lest ffiday. Sinooki, a former employee of Sunnycreat Retirement Villa, pleaded guilty on Feli. 23 te five coimts obugary, theft aven $1,000 and publcmischief. Court ýwas told Durham Regional Police.responded toaa robieycall at the vila about 4 n..et oct. 29. Sinoeâd told police that two men lied brokeni into the build- ing tbrouih a wlndow, tied her echa and forced ,her ta, swallow sepigils The'thieves thenappanentlyý went froin room ta, roon, taldng purses of nesidents;wo wene sly also took a stereosysten.. and VCR unit froinithe recrea- tionroom.ý- Assistant Cnowu attornegy TOM Fitzgerald said police ýbecame suspicious of Smnosis steny when she g ave coniflicting descriptions of the roblier. Dur- PnoSubeu ainterview with polISinosk amtted the story was aI hoax.. She lied let three. male friends into the home. and, watched wbile they looted the Shooingat worksoffie Durhami Regional Police are investigating a shooting incident which occufrred at the Durhamn Region public works office lest week. Police- say someone fired, tbree shots through two doors-and a wlndow ati the Consumera Drive building lest Tuesday niglit. There wes no one M* theéffceat the time. SDamage ta, the buildii esti- mated at more than $1,000. Althouigle, police are not cm mentingp lily about a motive for the ah ti&thç incidezýt was rmised at - ast wepA's regional council ml *ng. :Regional Irm*an Garye Her- rein spc4ted that the shoot- in ecudbëlinedta brek-im lest Christmnes or ta a disgrun- The calbe of weapon used liedstili notbedtrmed HÃe aims, the views of Cana- diens have.been ignored on such issues as, abortion,' capital pun- ishinentî immigration and bilingualiam. "people are recej>tive toa what were aying.'11e1 rfed upwith Ourgoerients, said Jonesn. RUfotuntly- were branded as radists-and bigots'* and that keeps people froin joinlng Our organization.n Jones said bis prup isoppooed te '. officiai. bihngualism and warns of Premier David Peter- son's "bidden agenda" ta make Ontario officially bilingual. "It's inevitable and it's going ta' cost a fortune to translate aIl the laws, legislation and codes.» Trngte the federal level, Jonssi the goverinent owes' it ta Canadiens ta order an independent study on the true cost of bilingualism. 'TII bet there's a lot more The next day, Durhami police, accompanied by Metro Toronto Police, executed a search war- rant at a Toronto nesidence. The search resulted lu the recovery of a numben of stolen articles belonging ta, Sunnycrest and its reuidents. Judge Lune ordered Sinoski ta make $1,942 restitution and con- tinue ta take psychiatric counsel- linges terme of her probation. .The tbree other men charged in connection with the incident will appean in court Ffiday (April 27). Glen Van Hee,20,0of Chapple; Hill ]Rd., North YOrkis charge d with thFbà aven $1,O001 nd five counts of breaking and enterig. Dominic Baptiste 20, of 1-10 Tretheway Dr., 1Ãaranto, and Darrmn Brown, 20,'of 193 igli Park Ave., Toronto, are charged with theft over $1,000 and five counts of breaking and entering. mnvolved than just giving money to the language commisosioner to spend.» Jones feels the real danger ini a bilingual country 18 that people are promoted to, poéitions of power based on, language 1 Ikille rather than technicalnolege «We've got to, be losing a ltof expertise.So many things ehould be based on nienrt, not on an ability to speak French. Jones ýbelieves >Canadians should be wiven. the oportunityý to, vote for them selves on conten- tious issues, rather than accept- Ing the decisions of politicians. NWhat ùpublic in Canada ever voted for 9i..ngal'in? We'ýre'not gie .referendums 1ini Canada. brne issues should be put before, the people.» 894 Sir >57! DIVISIO Jones iv Canadien politi- clans credit for so me measures, such as adopting our'own flag "but a lot of our culture han been-' erased. «Multi-cuturalism, is part of the problem because is sl mentîng 'socîetyr.,Everyone s becoming a'à hyphenated Cana- dian. "I'dont want te be known as a- hyphenated Canadien, and, Fin sure most peoplefel thesame Joneisà sid. that whèé fll out bis ceus forin hemak "'othbe»when'asked ta, give bis "I arkoffother and wrte, in <,For. further information on the group contact Joues à t 655-4792 or Stephen Leach at 728-4718.'ý Beam in .on m Bluit-in Vacuums Imagine cleaning your home iust by plugging in a lightweight ......... . .. .. . .. .hose. ..and neyer again drag- ging an old-fashioned vacuum behind vou. i -4 *imagine one so durable, it's the' Iast vacuum you'II ever buy! 1 x * . .. Former employee sentenoed to j ai. I Sop Imaglnlngl Don't lug a vacuum. Plug in a Beam.0 MAIMY ExCUTiNO aOSHAWAHOME SHOW SPECIALSTHIS WEEKEMDI 11h -wïâ 'j' i 'i r: "I ALL CANADA BEAM, "Buit In Specialist Since-1960"f ____605 BWhityN. 3hawa- Peterboroughý ncae St., N.' 1582,Ctiemong Rd. N. 9-941 2 705-745-0645 N 0F FANNING FAMILY EN-rFTRPRISES* INO. 7BE it