PAGE. 32, WBITRYPRFM PRMWEDNESAY. APUL 24 199W Dunlop first in Etobicoke meet Aison Dunlop* of the Whib Swimn Club was first in girls' 0 and under lOOm-breastsitroke at the Etobicoke Pepsi Swirn meet April 14-15. The previous weekend, she was part of the two club relay teanis which won the nedley and free relays at the ajax invita tional heldl at the Uniiversity -of Toronto. Dunlop, second in two indivi- dual, events in the Ajax xýieet, teamed with Uisa Del Matro, Lindsay Crowder and Stacey Rout for relays. Molly Morrice won two events, 100m backstroke and 200m back- stroke, and Leslie Dowson won 200m freestylo for girls' il and 12 in the.,&Ax e Renee Ayotte won the girls' 13 and 14 10Om and 200m br4st- stroke events and joined Be na- dett Masterson, Jessica Nesbitt and Danielle Johnson to take first i the medley relay. Peggy liefford won the 100m fly and Heather Armitage took the bOOm backstroke for girls 15 and over. A CONIPETITOR performs a balanoe.,beam routine before the judges at the Elite Ontaro gmnasties" and trampoline chaýmpionship held over the week- end at Iroquois Park mrena. Competition, including GeiiGyminasties club Of Oshawa-Whitby mem- bers,- was at several levels, from pre-novioe to senior national.' Peter Tombà na photo It isn't getting any easier,' says Ice Fyre,.eoach By Nicole Lylýyk The competition ilagtting tougher, 80 maybe Writbygg semor precision team Io. gettmng botter. LinmY Crowdmr Anni XMorice LA@frAmm lnno. VikyMaruh Ne.Mili«Ma DM 10£ I& D Ncfly moenc limeDowm.' bock à "de ghCrowde 1¶isa KafZO Amubide rimble L lai - 100 à £200 bock 4th - 200 &4M0 LI. lai - 200 bh.; hi - 200£& 400 LU,-Rh - 100 ira 11h - 100 hi - 1W0 Di,,th - 100bock hid- 100 fb BiM - 10 bock &£200 t Bih - 200 bock Modq nl,- mSudaFI Adide iCrowdo- bok. M* tyMoerlo- broaê, llhmKaii f~LaZuIomum -.Ià F a-aao.U p.h So L..liDoaoAmuBglIDsMdmoec% 11IImazl Bar Dckbyn An= iL. ans là 14 lume IOD.oUOo "It certainly wasnpt an easy win," saiys coach Cathy Dalton about Icýe Fyre's third straight Canadian championship recently. 'The ,,-comëtition out hid-0£ 10Obrà m, 4ih-10.çSÊM-10 Dy hid- 100 boc r, d- 200 bock Zmd- 20 Dy. tb- 2M licà ;fh -M ft»q 200 LX 4ih - se U. aBh -10- mOb..i 1- mOb& e6U- ah047th - lS bra th - 100bu".a Lia. Dol EoEEi- - 10 hm" there ,,just isn't getting any easier.n Dalton's teani performed a new routine based on an Egyptian theme. «It was really diffeiront from the routines of the other teams,ý' says Dalton. "Our musie was more classical compared t. their (other teams) toe-tapping, Iget- Md Malow - lot Hum DIflUiaium - bok. EmuoA" - WbrJmim Nuéift-D. ,D=Wk Ji.. fo aa u a à ov pew Rffd autahoArt D«iaeJ"m -fitKatlEottrk -brmu o.gPHéMd - cfy.HothurAruitap. f»o JuaMiAyeuo hi. -100 bramei; Bh - 200 brumai au" 510 LU& E AnmDnkp Llndmy aowdoe IJm DelMamWo Mol Malmm Aut oL KathaynMcfl3arm7 anEoeh Etebicoe Toeoeto April14 - 15 lai - 100 bruai; h - 100 qy hi- 100he &'d 100 f. 1 I. 100 bck B'd-100 1 o~4h - 100 my 4th - 100 brma 4th - 100 bock M IWlobr"a Énd - 2W0 J.M4 hi - froq 4th - 100 boclIth100 fly, Rh - 100 brmai hid - 100 1b; 4t.h - 100 freqSt1h - 100 back hid - 100 bock; th -100 frue 2ni.-100 bock 4th -100 J 3d100 01 3raIW ie 0 tu t WL Sd-100 bock 4bh- I00br"a ah - îWobck Bih -100 IWy* up _nw-ace'slctkix_.' - diac Fyre nwheld ix Cana-th juin chlaondisthe at the junor leveladtrea h seior lev el. The gFirls had worked really hard, saya Dalton. . The team in preparin for a trip te Etigland on April 26 t. participate ini 'Skate Elcriita prestigious event featuring numerous world-class akaters. Genesis fourth in> Ontarjo volleyball Genesis, the senior girls' vol- leybail tearn for region WV fin- ished fourth overaîIl in their recent appe ance at the provin- cial chaznpionships. Out of the 12 teanis from al over Ontario, the tep two tearns advanced te the Canadians te, be playedon May 8 and 9. With the season over, coach Gord. Williamson cfAderson CVI and hie teani are now look- ing forward te, the Provincial teani tryouts te be held during the long weekend ini May. Joanne Hood, and Leanne Muir, students at Anderson, and Michelle Parton cf Henry wiIl be ging out for the tearn which wiII tvel te Regilna for the Cana- dian-chaznpionships. _ The Eliteý'comp et e in, Whitby Whitby Irouquois Club Univoesty et Toeoto lai - IW bac;8M - Mfm. aaeliksm - bockADMDunap - brà tUmI Cgoww - fj. Iacq Ro. h. Llnduy Crovdo.lmfDel Maai o« aoEou AIhnm DUD 2ad- 200 bmck Rh - 100Ob.c 8îd. -100£à 200bock 4th - 100 bock BMh- 200 bomk hid - 200 bock 4th - 100 bc 1