.WEMW~F1lEP RSS WENESDAYAPRIL 2s, 9.pAGV, ai CommnitUy, phase continues mammoth firndraising .effot med as to the current hospitai situation a nd their n"ed. Volun- teers also get tipasu d practice on how to 'knocic ondoors.' The conmittee has put together, a p<ackage (inu-this wiees edton ofTà hE ree Press) which is deig'ned to inform resi- denta of the optah eeds and how they- can cotribute. Resi- dents eam decide what their con- tribution cau lie sud c6n expeet a knock on.'the door. ! alm volun- @ercontacts no îot than- 20 househoids so no oe is. over- whelmed. Judy ,Moskaiuk -a hospitai auxiliary member for 16 years, i8 chairmau o, f the community phase of the campaign "I sit on the executive, of the. auxiliary comnittee sund ,have been a Mnay morning volun- teer for 16 years,» says Mooka- iuk. "Fuudraising for. the hospi- tai is flot new ta me." Born and raised iu Whitby Moskaiuk hans-a real ense c commnit au beonging. At the re"ut o a friend, she started voiunteerng sadbecause she wanted ta do something for 'lier town.9 The door-knocklng phase of the comunity camp a irete by a commttee f 10r pie. "Vie have asma]l rmy of mielJge who are willingj o o ut a w knock,' oay. Moskl "'The tawu lui divided inta 10 areas with 10rcaptains. "Btlé a pyramid sort of thiug., The letter mn The Free Proe will paethe way. The person at the door doesn't want ta heip, make the deion ,Most of, the volunteers; are quite. familiar with door-knock- izmg. Vie have strategized ou how ta approacli people. Vihen it's for a cuseyoubelieve luniifs easier. Itcwiii eoogreat !Y everybody wiii open that enveie and read it. It makes a big dference lu their attitude about givlng." Moskaiuk says the momentum i5 grea9ýt. .«It also makes it so much easier ta go 'door ta door' wehu jou know so many others have given. "You 'have ta be very .optlmistic and believe in your'feliow man. You need to,.haveé the ability to meet strangersansd talk ta them and be a very-Z"iî7" type of per- son. 1've iearned th1at peopie are very good and carlig. They aiso know howf importat agood com- munity hospîtaI is. The tawn The War Amputations of Canada Your support assists CHILD AMPUTEES can't "unction. without a, good community hospital' Tlhe goal for the door-knocldug portioný of the community cam- paigu la $300,000. Door-toç-door camnpaliu wiii last two weeks. "I have nopfear, well raise that, mays Moskaiuk. "Whitby's up ta that." Another thing W hitby's up ta la walking.' The lospi..tal's 10k walk-a-thon in scheduied for May 6. Kim Glover is'chairman of the comnittee 'for. the walk-a-thou', which lis sponsored by .the Kiùtt Club of.Vihitby. She la hopinç for a thousand or more participants. «I hope that families eaun parti-, cipate. 1Cm somethlng that's very appealinig to the whole -,com- munity," sayýs Glover. "Coin- paishave been approached, acooshave featured it m 'their newsietters, and challenges have been macle. The 1 1 yVnét are challeng*. other Kinette Clubs lu theDà rham Rwithe lire department la chsAiliengin other emergency servies." AMone who wanîte ta partiei pate or -make a challenge eau pick uplpedge shoots at the h=)Italmunicipal building, ire offIcerooCis Park or »BIA at the four corners The, Walk-a-thon will b. held ramn or shino. It beginsaut 10 a.m.Poi can begin their walk frointa time on until 2 p.m. It in estiated that the route wll take suywhegre from i-nhour sud a half ta two hours ta complote. Auyone Who gets their hair -aj DURHAM REGION'S LUMBER SPECIALIST FOR O VER 50 YEA RS Spring'Is finally herel Corne in and let our frl edy,,staff give you a quote on cedlar and pressure treated lumber for decks and fenoes. OSHAWA 725-231 328 RITSON RD. WHITBY 1990 Ozone depletion, greenhouse effeet, -destruction of rainforests; the evidence of our degradation of Mother Earth is beconing more and more evident each day. If we are unable to reverse this by the year 2000, according to environmental scientists, the trend will become irreversible; our roler coaster will be going downhill too fast. Qne group 15 doing what they can to help. On May 5, 1990, an estimated 650 Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers and Rovers and their parents, wiil gather in the Pringle Creek area ofWhiMtby. Supported by the Town of Whitby and the Whitby Rotary Cl 'ub they wili plant about 10,000 trees in this year's Trees for Canada cémpaign. Soon, a young representative from the Whitby Boy Scouts will conie to your door askIng for financial support in their bld to help Mother Earth recover. Please be generous; they are not doing this just for themselves. scoifS CANADA MotherEarth: Site deerves better 4oue a1t AuthonY'm Hair S"yling ,n 1 Suday, April 29 wlbô ontrib .ting ta the Whitby GeneralHospital cTphe. b salon i~l b. open fol)arn. to 4 pp.,all money raised by *Anthon'a gotaward the cam- iAe IA is organizing: a reiay race for ay26. Theseasd man!y other events arblg orgauized no people wiii have ample appt»nity ta enjoytheseies ancfdouate-ta aa worthy cause. Ti.' corporate sud fluancial, sector i looai showlng a slraong piedge of generosity tawards the, town it lias chomen ta do buoluesu in. The chairman of that commit- tee is Terry Bainbridge, who lias been on ti board of iec.<of the hospital foundation for the past three years. ."Our abject la ta make contact wi*th corporations," oaysBain- brde Ve have su active com- mitteof i13 membes alwiha high profileminthe community."' acquire just under $1-mfllný*of their $1.8-niillin goal sud Bain- bridein hopigta ht the $1- million mark b May 1. Th. Town of Whitbyh as aloma led0e4 $500,000 taward tho hosetal 4e '1ave about 400 prospects. ft is aur intent ta make personal contact sud follow through ta the gmft h avemacl "ofrwo hvemaeO00calle sud had two flrm declines The. response hian been very good. Why Choose Ewing Pools e 23 Vears in the Pool Business e Farnily Owned and Run Business (Gerald Ewing and his 4 sons) * No Subcontracting *Expert Workmanship* *High Quality Products and Warranties *Two Stores to Serve Your Needs *Free Estimates *Over 2300 Pools lnstalled in the Whitby-Oshawa-Bowmanville ares "The challenge we have nowis' that we have7three irionths ta, achievý our objectiSre. Our succesa.ta this polut has been a resuit qf tremendous Sommunity support. rve corne ta rýalize the contrib4tion of the various com- ponentl of the comm4nity. Vie are a real united community. 1Cm very eucourýagmg. we have firat-ciaos volunteers sud a flist-class communiity.» Ed Buffet, who mat on bath . ards f tehospital; prior. ta the C"npag, sco-presMent of theý ontir -e fmdraiser aiong with Hoe et eieetvery much as a comMumty ;statemient as Weil as a comm tn "We're 'taking the first stop lu demonstrating- that the éomn-' munity in prepared ta, back its ho7ftal." H_ ponusout that* it =f=Y à a lot of weight when approa -mgthe mutry -for futrefndg if hosipital repre- entatives eaus Our com- ,munity lis akJ up the con-, cernbydgiglta their pockets ta te tu"C néé*.-mlio. iTv. been involved lu smaiier fundasn initiatives. lu the paut. This lhas given me the opportunity ta meet su awful lot MS oncpeople. I reinforcos my faith l cmmnin "Peoplewh live and work here'cure about their comrnunity. Fin arazed at the energy. sud comritmnt.(When wei'v era- co ur goal) 50,000 people eau ait back sud feel great about what they've been able ta * Expert Excavation * 14 Guage Steel Walls * Cernent Hardbottom * Bulnose Coping. * 30 Mil.Vinyl Liner- * Skimmer * -Return Jets PLUS *FREE Solar Blanket *FREE Solar Roller anbidge emphasises ta, the reieta of Whitby that the $10, $15, sud $25 -piedges, are very unrtat ta the campaigu as i'hose piedges are very, very helpful. We're asking (residents) taideep on a perslonal levol. Their contributions are very im-, portant sud treaoured. by us. lesé not just the aize,,but how miuh people have ta extend thèeelvos that matters. A lot ofdollars wil corne iu imal amounts fiom a &roa section of the côrnrunityr." At a breakfast meeting Aprfi 19, the developers aud, builders comrittee pledged ta raise $1.9-, million ta fund-the.new ambula- tory centre lu the hospitai. *wWe, waut -tagvethe ,Iudustiy a jolut, profile, mays Reg Webs-- ter. "Mucli of the -expansion for the hospital sud the town i. due ta, thedevelopers sud builders. They don't have -the marne iden- tity that home-based companies have." 1Cm 'aWebster's irt time iluà a 'fundraising venture sud he admits he didn't realize. the amount of work luvolved. i"1Cms very re wardlng when you aee rosultà sucl as these. The tawn and the development indus- fry has been good taUs. This is bank oerunity ta give something' The bottom Uino throughout the, whole campaign is commit- ment, may organizers, whether residents give their time, money r both. *Sand Filter *Pump *Vacuum Kit *Maintenance Kit *3-Step Ladder *Diving Board *3 Ft. Concrete Deck *FREE Winter Cover *FREE Pool Chemicals *FREE Winterization *We'll pay the Sales Tax A FARDIIV TRADITION lIanOl [J WH >TB2ff SH!AWJ 1200 Rossland Rd. E. FR2 ER 1251 SjfllCOS St.-N. Whltby, Ontario. Durham Region's Largest Oshawa,, Ontario '.430-1884 Inground Pool Installer 728-1113 EWING POLSundSR Since 1968 INGROUND POOLS Gompletely Installed rom0,995 Il r.--