WHITBYPFIREESS, WEDNESDAY, APILUI 2 ,100PAGE 23 Isuzu Impniulse: 'Catch-me-if- you- can' looks With 130 horsepawer on tap and a resonably light curb weight of 1,096 kg (2,400 lbs.), the Impulse is a brisk, exuberant, and rather noisy performer. Its 16-valve, double overhead cam 1.6 litre four-cylinder engine revs a the way te 7,800 rpm, whisking the Impulse from a standing start te 100 km/h in a respectable 8.2 seconds. This kind of performance will undoubtedly attract younger buyers who want a 2+2 sports coupe with catch-me-if-$rou-can looks and race car sounds te match. The. Impulse is imported fi-om Isuzu Motors of Japan and sold through General Motors'Passport dealers. At the moment, the fImpi.ieS is "available ' with front-wheel-drive only, 'but a fui-time four-wheel-drive RS model witii a .160 horsepower turbocharged engin. will ma-eits debut later this year. Four-wiieel power-assistd disc brakes are, standard equipmient as the XS <ventilated h ii front, Sold ini Tsar),: and they. are incrsdibly good.* Tô*ini.pulse cornes te a stop quicksr tiian just' about anythlng elsIeV tested. If frizu vas to add an anti-lack srkn -- ystem, these -brakes Imizu ,makes a ope"ia- pont of ,=tif5 everynne know the. des4ied-.by ou < nln (now , .a General bMotors subuidiai).,'Handfing By Lotus' badgs adorn the. exterior. and interior cd the.Impulse. T%9. Lotus suspension amounts to, four-wheel independent susnnszon witii an- and Fast motorcyclists The most common crror commit- ted by moLorcyclists is riding too fast. Nearly haif of ail ridcrs in- volved in major or fatal injury single-vehicle crashes wcrejudgcd to have been speeding. Rcsponsi- ble motorcyclists ride within the speed limnit and adjust their spccd for varying road andwcathcr con- ditions, traffic situations, and nighttime riding. By Greg Wlson gas-filed trutsi . rnt and ia corners faster yet with increased drie ata, iigthe.car a My ra.dtess cnflmedthat'it dose mdod bve furwheel- stewjýe ighspeed Ian. c an-'ýd cornering je qufick and liat t=rug tne corners but insratherstfad there in somne und.rstsering. I would rate the. Impuls end:ln a god, but flot ~ ~ .sor ti.Satm htca. Tii. .fareclining -pr ' eat with~ iubradutent are suppoetve but firm. Analogue instruments are laryvsible and pusii-button cnrosfor wipers. and ligiits are convemently located on a pod near the driver'. fingertips. Sonie of the. things I didn't 1ke about the Impulse were its rather low driving Position and minimal headroom for the rear passengers. Trunk sae .is smller than avemp ragad tere is no security cover te bide valuables in the trunk/hatcbback area. And in my opinion, the tires and wheels look too siail for titis car. fieIruzu Impulse, said tbroegh Geeil ooe' ~upe~deniDOMfr Under -acceleatiasthe. nois from thi.en in. compartment, is unusu!afly loud, tiiogh at crtuing qsped it is c ortably Pd" sattgd Heuepwerh width Hdight Fuel ecumoy Wamrnty 1UO ruina i ed a 2 doer sports coup"fatchback tranvue &trtenulekSat wheed rve la valve, DoNc, 1.6 litre 4 cybnder w/multi-port fuel 13O680rpm 5 spd. man. (4 spd. auto.) P18M elR-4 radiah 1,096 kr%2411lbs. 4,216 mm/166.0 fi. 2,450 mmM6.51 1,694 mm/GB.?fiIL 1,298 mm/61.1 lmi if nSet up 311 1111.0 eu. E. if smat dri 619 1/21.9 cii. fi. avg. 7.911V100 km. 37 mpg. Baalc 3 yruM8,000 km. Corroson 6 yrv/160,000 km. «Oege*Kfir wheel dise, diwioe ,and a fuuylà dt:s l~ Enaland. Tie nice thing about tiie bas. Impuls. XS model i.that it cames wihjust about, everythung yo need without haingt6ead expenhive options. TIbis includes a five speed manuel transmision (an- .lectronic' four speed autoiatic i. 'optional), ' 14 1michialuminum whsels and 60-senis radiais fold-down rear sati tachoineterc AMIPM cassette sterleo witii four, speakers, dual électric outside mimos, front air dam and rear spoiler. price fortii. ImpulW se two-door c.e>'$s 15,995 ineluding,.P--i- Cit dnestnton charges,-makwng it ome oftii. better-pziced sports coupes iits clasa. !An xuerantpefner the new Isuzu ~usembae et' hebethe noles t engines teste&Y thru "brake centre muffler thru. ebrake cenmtrer muffler