PAGE 22, WH[TY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL M5 1990 'New look' crinsers umveilIed by OPP Ontario Provincial Police recently unveiled their 'new look' cruisers, a change fio= the familiar two-tone black and white cruisers te an all.white vehicle with highly visible, refiective blue and gold decal stripes down bath aides. "The new look te our cruisers refiects the new look of the OPP in the 1990s," said OPP commissioner Thomas O'Grady., "ltes quite a change from the black and white design introduced in 1941." The use of decale on the all.white vehicles, prm= td manufacturers' planstephse out production of two-tone vehicles, will result in a $100,000 a year savina which is the' estimated cost 6f painting the 1,200-vehicle fleet in the traditional black andý white patterns. The new-look vehicles will ha completely phased in acros Ontario by 1993. In addition te, the gold and blue stripe, the vehicles wilI also have e JOP crest on the doors and the district "1-800" number on the rear panel as well as the work police on the front fender and rear. "Studies have shown that white reflects more light than otiier color. Combine that with the reflective decal markings and we have a'police vehicle which we halieve will ha even more visible than the old-fashioned black and white cruiser," said OYGrady. SPE CIALIST FOR ALL VOUR CAR NEEDS We follow HONDA'Srequired maintenance schedule 728-7268 140. Russett Ave., Unit 2, Oshawaj DRIpVIN SAFELY with RANDY RANDY MeLEAN IS A PROFÈSSIONAL ENGINEER WHO SPECIAUZES IN TRAFFIC SAFETY. Mir. McLear, has reviewed thousands of lndividual motor vehicle accident reports* and his close worklng relationships with police'agencies, governments. safety assciations, industry and the public, have given hlm a true overview of trafflo safety Issues, problems and solutions ln Canada. CRUIJ FOR A BRUISiN In spring, young menIs and women's thoughts turn to car and motorcycles (among other things). Those first few days cf spring signal summer vacation in alincet here, the school year le winding down, the days are getting 1o¶ and warmer, and people have returned toestreets. Ies okay to be without wheels in the winter when the temperature in minus 20 degreees Cg the. ronds are: icy, snow is blowing and it's dark b~y 4:30 in the afternaon. But ini spring everyoith.realizes how mach they want - no, .abe ltey:need - a drivei's licence and acees to a vehicle. Now in e t imt tee and be -Sn. Unlike mont of us soenior drivers (L.e. Sr age 25) who may find drivng, a iecesiry evil to get to- and frm diffierenî, tatiity entres, younger motorista consder driving to be,'an activity in itself. There isnothing wroag with that, driving can b e sixiyahie pastime. Houever, unlens it's iven the poprcam and attention, thus activity cen bvesri"cosem quences. .Every year the higheset accdent rate in every province in Canada is recorded by motarists under the aletcf2&.1 suspect tini tirie of every state inAmirica, an well. 1Wby?Its, not bec a hey1ke bad drivers. In fact, many mr probably good drivers, snome maybe even very goad drivers.lets a myth that onlLbad drivers are invoved i accidnt&. Te unLryincause cf young driver accidenîts s not as simple to correct asu "hi~them how to pull out of a skid or drive quicklthrough a series of pyloflL The mont critical asset young drivers lack is experience - the ability te critically accese or read the raad environient ahead of them. This ie not their fault. Until we change ur driver education systemn young. drivers and other mnexperienced drivers will continue te learn on the road from their mistakes and ha over-repr.sented in accident statistics. What râle p eneplay? Accidents can occu we any motorist on the road makes a mistake. Young drivers often fail to realize (until ifs too late) that another motorist bas madie a mistake and is about te create a dangerous situation. Experienced drivers sometimes start te, make driving adjustments even before the offending motorist makes his or her mistake. The second asst many ycxing drivers lack is a real appreciation for the damage 2,000 Ibo. of mea, plstc and-glass can do, even at very slow speeds. I have aften thought that it would b. a powerful learning experience for ail newly licenced drivera te ha involved ini a simulated fender bender collision (no inUiy, but some bent metal and broken glass) - not just te, get a sens. of the magnitude'cf the forces -involveti but also, te gain an appreciation of the. physical damage that accidents cause. .These two factors combine te, virtualliy ensure that young drivers are involved in more than their fatal shar of collisions. Because they don't fufly understand the potential consequenceà of tlieir actions, young drivers are often tempted te show off in frot of friends.. Tùs usually means9' doing omething nrsky. And, because .-they fai t t properly assesa the. rond enviroament tbey often take these rià ke at the worst passible The resulte? lhe accident statistice speak foir theniselves. WIu m oea>wng dri de o .reduns thir risk -in an:mmm aodeMt? Ile. nxt tarme yuetempted -te ýshow: off whlle driing -doit If you're not coacerned aboeniityoeir own sft or the afety of your fendecoader ti.eflht even a-mino accident uil have on-your inuranoerates.- Nyi attention te tthe road, ,not te narýr disactieons, no matter how cute teymay b.. Exetahrdrivers te make isà ks-,tiey- wilWatch and make adjustruents for thera. Donit let sameone oins involve you in thir accident. Don't drink and dw.vr - Frthoseof you, wio wM .smmbe on.your way to a graduation perty, please read tà s' article agan. Young drivers can ha thehast and afest drivers on the road - but only if ti.y want teha. Drive sfely.* i. Cruiïsing FROM PAGE 19 Studebaker, and I don't know if it's still there, but it was there eight years ago and you can go up and have alook atit .. . "The directions change each time, but I stili can't figure out why they get- upset when I don't hop in the car to make the trip. This one's a littie less frequent, although flot unheard of: I was driving up north asat week and I saw an oid car driving on mne bighway. It was red, and it was ind of round atthe bak.. what ind of car was iT Then there's always, "Do you know John Sith? Hels my cousin ini Vancouver, and hèesg an old car." These *are paal the saine people who ask touriets fromnWashington if " ou know my sister in West Palm Beach." (Although I don't laugh as much as at that one anymore, not since I was sitting in a coffee shop in Hawaii. A local asked me if I CORRECTION NOTICE The NURSE CHEV OLDS ad of April 18 should have read: "1990 Sedan Deville" STOCK # K1031 (flot stock #K1006.) Nurse apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused. knew his cousin in Kitchener -- and Ididi) Since it looke as if winter has been beaten into submission, the Oshawa Cruise Night is bock again. Every Sunday evening, oId cars meet and park at tiie K-Mart Plaia on Simcoe St. juat north of the 401. The public is more than welcome te attend and there's no admission charge. The cruise je a bit email right now since many cars are still in winter storage, but it gets bigger every week and i the summer can top 180 cars' Don't forget te, mark your calendar for July 6-7-8, when tiie nineteenth annual Canadian Street Rod Nationale (CANATS) je held for the firet lime in Iroquois Park, Wbitby. This event sepeted te draw over 1,000 ehce,1958 and older, froin acrose Canada and the. United States. The cars will ail ha outdoors and tiie event ie set up much 1k. tii. cruise night: cars parked together without barriers, the. owners nearby te, answer any questions you- may have, and everyone seriously inte na having a fun weekend. If you would like te, enter your vehicle (it doesn't iatter if it's antique or modil¶ed, so long as it's 1958 or older), you can get a pre-registration form by riting te, P. O. Box 456, Broldn, LOB iCO, or cafing Fred Bottcher at 416-728-8437. -Or just come down ta tii. show and sign up for tii. only Canada-wide event for modified cars, held zight here i N W «hiy . 11 _1ý1ý, COMOR YOUR I~O1~TDA .