PAGE 20, WHflfBY FREE PRESS, WENESDAY, APRIL 25,1990 Changes in Act emphasize that bicycle is a vehicle 0Ontario Minister Of Transportation Wliam Wrye bas announced several amendiments to the Ontario ighway TraflBc Act concerning bicycling. "These amendments are designed to emphasize that a bicycle is a vehicle under the Hlighway Traffic Act and that drivers of these vehicles must obey the law and follow the rules of the roed,",Wrye said. "In turn, other motoriste must respect their riuhts to the roadet The following. are 'the' amendments: - abyce i., now includdt the definiton of a vehicle; - bicycliats must now identiIfr themselvos to the. police supplying their proper name ana. AJAX TIRE SALES YOUR AUTHORIZED DEALER CUS TOMER SATISFACT7J ION GUARANTEED SiNCE 1973 AJAX TIRE SALES 369 FmnIy Ave. Ajax 683m 5675 " HANDLING BY LOTUS " HIGH OUTPUT 16-VALVE ENGINE " MULTI-PORT EFI w Cw * AMV/FM STEREO CASSETTE * ALUMINUM RIMS * 0-60 IN 8.2 SECONDS $15,95;00 FREIGHT & DEALER PREP. INCLUDED address,, where an offcer perceives .them -commtting * a tramei offence. This'provides the police with the powers to enforce the law -and doter unsafe riding behavior; -bicycista are not permnitted to ride their bicycles ýiIéng a crosswalk 'or a pedestrian crossover. They nust walk their bicycles acroes the road. This should im ov safety at cross ng and discourage bicychasts -frora darting acrou the road, endangering the safe;y -of pedestrians; - bicycists nay' now indicate a right turn by extending thefr ful right baud* and* arm horizontally. This is an alternative to the ignal now permitted. This viii be a safer and eaaer method of signaing for cycliste and will b. more vieible to motorists; *bicycles muot now b. equipped with a proper braking in an initiative to reduce fatal road accidents which peak during the summer montlis, the Canada Safety, Council and supportipg agencies are directing two major national.afGety -campaigna te Canadians during ]May. Promoting the slogan, 'Roadi are for Sharing' the Camiain are the first-ever Natoa Motorcycle Awareneus Month and theigh ]National Summer SafetyWeek. Ma> 1 - 7. 1h. two campaignasWillbe launehsd simultaneusly fro.n Ottawa. Motrcce -Awaroess Moth, poordby the Canada Sft Conithe Xtctrcclead Moped Industry Council and Transport Canada- aiis te educate roed usera and motorcychatsa about responsible road-sbaring beha-vior. The council is directing part of its Sâmmer Safety Week promotion to edûcating parents of young children. about the importance of bicycle heiniets. Consumera 'wil be able te purchase Canadian Standards Association (CSA) approved helmets in 1990. Summer bringa unique conditions and a diffierent trac mix to, the road. 'With the inceased populaity For fun, fitness and mobiity at any age, theWes nothing lilce bicycing. The Canada Safety Council remninds you that the' rules of the road- apply to motorias and cyclista - by law. Be safe: Always wear a helmnet; iride with, not against the trafllc, and always- use liand signala when turning., Remembe-r, roads are for aharingr. Motorcycles, cars, bicycles pedestrians, trucks, buses - it can be a real jungle out there. The Canada Safety Council rezinds you to maintain a safe distnce between vehiclea and alwaya yield the right of way. Obey aIltafi signais and inake an extra effort te look out for leu scnspicuous' road usera. Helmets save lives. The Canada Safety Council indicates about 75 per cent of bicycista who are system. 'his enhances bicycle control and provides. the lc with the power{trge bicyclists wiWoo proper braies; - a persn walking a bicycle along a highway without aidewalks may walk on the right '-side of the highway - nfot facing traffie -- provided it is unsafe for the' persan- to cross the highway., This exempts cycliste, when dismounted, from havinigto foilow -h general' rule ta eqie pedestrians- to walk on the right-hnnd aide of the road facing It. is hoped that the. new requirements will help to inake these amaller vehicles safer to ride and more visible to other Motorists, " Wrye concluded. '1By clarSifying the rights and responsibilities of cyclista and encouragng other motria to share -the road with them, w. expect a reduction in accident&-." of motorcyling and recreatoa cyrcing, we see the need to, stop up suMMer road smfety 3apin," said Emile Therien, Canad SaeyCouncil president. e In 1988, 272morycst and 124 cycliste were kint traffic colisions. 0 Most seious multiple-vhiele collisions take plc ât intersections, »as the driver of a car turns left in frut et a motorcydhLt e Speeding by the motoecyclist was involved in almost haf the fatal ixujuiy single-vehicle colliMIons e About 75 per cent of cycIng fatalities are due te head iiijuries. In Ontario alone, 14 per cent of ail pediatric injuury doaths were attibutable te, bicycle accidents. Nearly ail result fromn head injuries. Canadians are being askd te, niake' an ail-out effort te, combat potentiel surmmer .trafic injurie/fatalities. . Both National Summer Safsty 'Week and National Motorcycle Awareness, Moth are endorsed by Doug Lewis, Federal Mimaster of Transport, and are being promoted in coopération with MSt provincial aafety councilaleagues acrose Canada. kcilled eueh year dJie from head inuries. Use your head. Wear a bike helmet and make sure your children do. Motorcycliste and cycliste, se and b. seen in traffic. Mai yourself and your vehicle more visible.- The Canada Safety Council adviss yoem to wear brightly-colored clothing* and a helmet;, add reflectors and retro-reflective tape >to your vehicle; and keep the headlight-taillight on at ail times. Drinldng and driving: the Canada Safety Council urges motorcylists along with .othier road usera te share the, road safely. Research indicates that in single-vehicle collisions, 65 per cent of fatally injured motorcyclists are found te be legally impaired. If you drink, don't ride. National safety campaigs%**,s,-- in May When bicyclingr follow the miles of the road 1