Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 Apr 1990, p. 28

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PAGE 28, WHIBY FME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1g9o Alfreepoland spa: eminar 18, 7:30 p.m., at the - P'oLh Vterans H ail, Oshawa. Cal 576-0189 for more information. ONE PARENT FMLE The North Oshawa Chaptei o<f the On. Parent Familles Association will meet on Wednesday, April 18 at 8 p.m. at ChrstMeoralChurchcorer. of Hillcroft, and * Mary streets in' Oshawa.. Guest- speaker, will b. Mike - Britton4, on the "Junior Youth Olym'p-. e mnbr are welcome. For *ifrmtion cail, 668-5144 or 576-5853.1 MEETING Durham Parents of Multiples CluY'. general meeting wiil be held Wednesday, April 18, 8 p.ni., in the, Michael Stan, building,* 33 King St. W., Oshawa. There will b. elections and gmest speaker Betty Ann Manuel from the Health Departinent, who will discuss 'Sibling ]Rivalry.' For more information. cail 576-3036. SPRING DINNER 'SpringiJinner'.Will be held by the St. -Mark's Uiiited Church Women on Wednesday, April 18, 6:-30 M.r., at 201 Centre St. S.,% Tiickets are $10, avoulable at the church office or by calling Freda Rowlev at 668-6389. KIlWANIS MUSIC FESTIVAL The Kiwanis, Music Festival will b. held from April 18 ta, May 2. The program is avoulable at music stores. For more informa- tion eall Orest Salmers at 655- 3802 or Margaret Todd at 23 B[EAD INJURY The Head Injury Assciation of Durham Region will hold a sup- port group meeting on Wednes- Zday A r1 18, 7:30 pan., at Whitby ýa tistChurch, 411iGil- bert St., Whîtb. For more infor- mation caîl 576-3830. Whitby LeçiOn Branch' 112 Ladies, Auxdihary will hold a euchre on ThursdayApri98 p.m.,athe on ion Byron t.S. Entiry fe.- is $20 There will ho prizes and a light lunch wil ho served. Handicapped lift i. avoulable. BREAKFAST CLUB The Third Thursday Breakfast Network will mieet on Thursday A rill'9 7:30 a.m., at the Ol Munich *tes*tauront and Bistro in Oshawa. Guest speaker, will- ne Clair Cowan-Poirier who will dis- cus'Motivation.' For more infor- >mation cail 723-1143.- SPRING AB'rtALA The Whitby General Hospital Auxiliary will hold a 'Spring Art Gala' on April 20, 7 ta ilppa., at Heydenshore Pavillon, lb. work of Christine Marshall, Canadian wildlife artist, will ho featured, and a raffle draw will ho held for an artist's proof valued at $200. Ail proceeds ta the hospi- ticampaign fund. DAFFODIIL DANCE' Th. Wlitby Senior.' Acivîty Centre, located at 801 Brock St. S., wiil hold a danc. on Saturday, prl21 at 8 p.m. Cash bar and lgtrefrealiments are available for a $3 admission fée. Cail the centre for further information 668-1424. No advanoe ickets required for members. lb. Whitby ;,Photo, Club wil4 meet at the Wiitby Public Libr- ary on Monday,' April 23, 7 ta 9 p.m. The instràctional topic will beFTilters.' Submnissions for print clinic III will bel accepted. COFFRE HOUSE Christian Singles Coffee Houa. will ho held at'Pickerin' Pente- costal Church, 755 Oklahoma Dr., on April 21, 7:30' m.For more infor-mation caîl pe n, t 728-9720. NEWCOMERS CLUB Th. Newcomers Club will hold a garage and bakte sale on Satur- day, Aril 2,9 a.m. to 2 pm at 158 Iroquois Ave., Oshawa. Opor more information caîl 430-7663. PICIN' SESSON Pineridge -Bluegras. Folkor Society will hold a pichin' session on Sunday, April 22 fr-om 2 to 5 P.m. at Camp Saa, sawa, at the main couni hall (north entrance of Conlin Rd.). Piekers and listeners, everyone welcoe to attend an aflernoon <f bluegrass music. tJPPJNGW1NGS A waterfowl viewing day, 'SpringWInMgs and Splashdowns '- will beheld on Sundayr, April 22, 1:30* ta 4:30 p.m., at Lyrde Shores Conservation Area( Vic- toria St. W., parking lot). FATHERS F~OR JUSTICE Fathers for -Justice, which as- isto non-custodial parents ad> their childrený with problex4 related ta ac èsaustody, SUD- port, separation. and divorcewill meet on Tuesda'y, April 24t' 7:0 ta 9:30 pam., at the uhtyPb lic Library. LOYALIMT The United Empire Loyalista Association <f Canada -. Upper Canada Branch wiil meet in thé. auditorium of the Whitby Public Library, 405 Dundas St. -W.s, Wibon Wednesday, April- 25,y 7:30 p.m. Ail are cordialy' welcome. An 'Irish Format? M ho presented by Eric Glenholmes. For further- information 'cal Donald D.> Fox at 576-3175. A new program, espeçiaily -fèr Alzheimer familles, willb. eIel on the fourth Wedneuiday of each month. Next 1 meeting l'O Wednesday, . Àril 25, at 7:30* p.m., in the Seniors ' Activit Centre, 910 Liverpool R. Pickeng (just seuth of Ba1 St.). rgmi 'Dealing ;i1 Hoetilty.' Refreshements wil ho served. Everyone welcome. BIG SISTEIRS Big Sstars of Newcastle-Osh- awa-Whitby will hold an oin tation night on Wednesday, April 25 7 ta 9p.m., at 387 ýSimcoSe St. S. 1For more information call 436- 0951. Comingevenýts Several1Erth ýDa activities in Whitby schools and the Cen- tral Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) have organ- ized activities for Earth Day, Sunday April 22. PrinkIe Creek public school's enionetal group, POP (Prer serve Our Pianet) will this week have speakers Ïrom Pollution Probe and Durham Waste Management; Enviro-tips, which includes prizes for students' writ- inq broad cast on the. PA; money raised from sales of buttons (with environmiental messages) willg toward the creation of a schyard habitat; Earth Bal with a two-metre bail; parachute bail gaines; garbage-less lunches; Enviro-spies will reward stu- dents who are observed practis- ing good environmiental hobis at lu nch and in the schoolyard. «Although this is a special week at Pingle Creek, the. achool makes caring for oui' environ- mient a year-round concern with regular projects such as recycling and establishing a habitat for wildlife right on the sehool pro- pierty,"p says teacher Jacky Branima. Anderson CVI will also hold several events, including a leaf drive, this week. Similarly, H[ery will hold activities this week, including a tree plon ing, neos. cELERATIONAI HEEDOWN 'Earth Da Celebrationi aiso beho e1d at Hehor Conservation Area on Su starting atl1p.m. Local naturalista will hol ded waiks;, co-operatives1 will includéeaeth baIl and Whiïtby r' chute;. kite-flying, using kites made with on environmentai kE' Wil theme; trees con ho purchased ta Down commemorate Earth-Day '90. unday, The 2th anniversary of Earth Id gui- Day will b. celebrated in more gae thon 120 countries. It began in Ipar'a- the U.S. in 1970. Job workshop Aprl 26 A 'Summer Opportunities Workshop' for grade 10 students will b. held at Henry, Street High Sehool on Thursday, April 26, 12:30 ta 2 p.m. A representative from the Farm Labor Pool wull ho on hand as port of the workshop, spon- sored by the. school's guidance Tegu~idance deprtment and DurhamniRegion cdepartment oi health wiil again ho i 'Info Marte nn May 18 at the sehool.- Th. event, which met with great success when firat held last yeai for grade 9 and il studnts at the sehool. There wull b. about 25 displays, offering students information about vani- ous health-related subjecta. G;ym construction begins Construction of a gymnasium and renovation work at Dr. Robert Thornton public schooi ae eeced t soon begin after a tedefoth projeet was awar- ded last week. tion awarded the tender ta J. Velacich and Sons of Whitby a&~ a cost of $915,000. With otiie work contracta, the total cost <f the. i»oject will ho $1,070,300. Sfiould there ho no delays due -to.4mde-stý&éksï 4he-ork -could b. competed by the end <f 1990. Deénts OConýnor H.S. TanyalýTrinkaus Yesterday, the halls of Denis O'onnor welcome dback DU'C students from the Easter Break. Since our school week is short again, everyone is very busy trying to fit al cf the school's activities into four short days. Today, DOUC performers won 'oohs' and 'asha' from the audience as they showed off their talents at the Talent Show. The acts were chosen by our student council who aise organized the entire ýevent. Highlights from the show included Maricar Macapaa Polynesian dancing, the Monty Python s3kits, and Cathy Murphy's rendition of "On My Own" from Les Miserables. Ail of the performances were really great and just showed how talented our students reaily are. I sports, tomorrow our girli? varsity field lacrosse team will be the only Canadian team to play ini a mid-western tournarnent at the Sewickly Academy near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Best of luck and have a great time! Mrs. Ryan's grade il advanced ancient historiy clams is another group that will b. venturing off tomorrow with its destination being the Royal Ontario Museum. As I arn a part of that clas,ý I arn looking forwardto the' exhibits representing ancient Egypt and Greece which promise to be very interesting. This Friday, April 20, progress reports fr-om second semester will be given to the studenta. I know that many students dread that date. The following Tuesday evening, April 24, parent-teacher interviews will be held. This Friday is also 'Earth D;y'at IXYC. This day <f awareness lias been planned by the Enviroonental Club. Activities include a sunrise service at Lake Ontario, tree-planting and campus dlean-up. Everybody is being encouraged ta help save the earth b~y doing thinga 1ke biking or waiking ta sachool instead of driving, and letting the sun light up the classrooms instead of using the, electrical lighting. Al students are aise being asked ta wear brown and green as a part of the day's theme, se doeitfogt To wrap up «'Earth Day' the student council lias organized il A- for that eveming. It should b. a lot <f fun. ONE PARENT FANMlS The North, Oshawa Chp o f the On. Parent Familes Association wiil -meet on Wednesday, April 25 at 8 p.m. at Christ Mémorial Church, corner of Hiilcroft and Mary streets in Oshawa, for cards and conversation. New members are welcome. For more informiation eaR 668-5144 "Or 576-5853. FOCUS ON WOPM Focus on Women. will hold a coffée.and dýssert eventon ACji 24 at 7:30 pilm. at. 570, Thornton Rd& N. Tops 'N Trends ýiàii present a ringfshion show and RuthHadawill b.the special guest' speaker. For reservations cal 430-0233. Al women welcome. Admisson isn*.R OPEN HOUSEC 'Let's Grow To'ether' co-op nurerysehool 'wiJ hold open house ond registration on Tues- day, May 1 and W'nsd May 2,-9:30 ta 11:30 a.m., and :30 ta 3:30 p.m. Parents are m ivited ta bring their 3 ta 5-year-olds and to see the school and regs ter for faîl classes. A.ddres ins-812 Hor- top, Oshawa ( Rosslànd and Sim- coe, area). For more knomain caîl Patti at 571-3050. YARD SALE Westminster United Church will holda yard sale at 25 Manning'Rd., Whitby, Saturday, May 12 from 8 a.m.'ta 2 p.m. Lots of items for *young and old, home baking, hotdogs and mnacks, clothing, crafis. Everyone welcome. PARINSON. The~ Parkinson Exercise Group meets every Thursday, 9:30 ta il a.m. at the church hos of St. Marks United ýChurcli, at the ,corner of *Byron ,ond Cîblorne iL ~ 's ? .#.r. el~ ~

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