Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 11 Apr 1990, p. 42

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U Coming events 1 s.. naro MG Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiII not be liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied ,by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertiont; The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or rejeot ail advertisements. PRE-PAID (cash, VISA, cheque received before deadline) $5for 20 words; 120, each additional word Buanket Ads - to blanket a wider market (se. separate panel for sample rates) BILLED $7.50 for 20 words; 150 each additional word AUCTIONS/ANNOUNCEMENrS 770 per agate line (1 4 agate lines per' inch) Minimum Charge: $5 prepaid, $7.50 billed DISPLAY ADS UN ,bLASIFIEDS'. Regular ,d isplay rates apply 7- 820 per agate ulne Minimfum s ize 1-colu .mn inch $1 1.48 (14 agate Unes per inch) DEADLINE Monday noon prior to wednesday publication. 668-0594 ..NFridayFrfePress1 Will b& open regwar h ours9-.5 on Mon dayApril 16 Deadlines for al advertising wiil be Monday noon The English-Speaking Assoca- tion will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, April .f7, 7 p.m., at G.L. Roberts Seconda ry Schooi, Osh- awa. Ail welcouie. CAT SHOW The Motor City Cat Club of Oshawa' will hold the l8th 'Championship' Cat Show' on Sundy, pril29,9 a.m. to 5 pa., lat the Pickering recreation complex, Shown Will be 200 rare, purebred: kittens and cats. The speciai Mrrs Award' will be prsnted to.the top household, pet cat. *Ju ding wIll be held* throughout the day. Admission is $2.50 aduits, $1.25 senior citi- zenS and children ($5 for family). For more'information caîl 723- 7410 or 579-7143. A free pool and spa seminar will be helon We Iesday Aril 18,- 7-30 p.m.,, at the o ish Veerans alOshawa. *Cal 576-0189 for more information. BIG SISTERS *Big isters of Newcastle-Osh- awa-Wlutby wili hold an orien- tation night on Wednesday, April 25, 7 to 9 p.m., at 387 Simcoe St. S. For more information cali 436- D951. Tenders ae*'.Invjtedto pr ovid e hâterior Office Alterations et the Courthou 'se,.WHITBYI Ont. (includea now carpet, drywall& vinyl Wall coving). TIENDEà .R B1R 0Qil Sealed Teriders ,wiIl be recened until 2:00 pjn. Local time on TUESDAY. MAY 1.,1990. Tender documents may be obtained t ram the Ontario Ministry of * Government Services, Orillia District Office, 24 James St. E, PPO. Box,790, Orillia, Ontario. L3V 6K7 Note: For further information regarding the Tenders, please caithe Tenders Office at the albove ýaddress, telephone (705) 325-7403. The Iowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. m JOHN BA1LEY John (Jack), Herbert Baile? *of Whitby died on March 28,90 at Oshawa» General Hospital. He was 56. He was born in Picton, Ont., son of Harry Bailey and Jeni Hull.* His step-mother was 6 Generacions of Service, Quality, & Trust " Family Monuments *Granite or Bronze Markers " Cemetery Lcutering " Sandblasting: Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-3<552 After 1-ours 668-4460 or 666-1513 Ihome aPPointmentý gladly arranged DSp inner'will behedb the St ÙMrks United Church Women on Wednesday, April 18, &:30 .m., at 201 Cenitre St. S., .'ickets are $10, available at tihe,-church office or b calling FredaRowley at 668-6389. EUCHRE *Whitby Le *on, Branch- 112, Laàdies Auxihiary willl hold a euchre onThursday Aril198 ma the Legion hl1 on Byron t.Entry fee is $2. There will be prizes and a light lunch-will be served. Handicapped lift is available. PHOTO CLUB The Whitby Photo Club willi meet at the Whitby Public Libr- ary on Monday, April 23, 7 to 9 p.m. The instructional topic will be Filters.' Subinissions for print dlinic III wilI be accepted. KIWANIS MUSIC FESTIVAL The Kiwanis Music Festival wili be held from April 18 to May 2., The programi is availabie at music stores. For more informa- tion cail Orest Saimers at 655. 3802, or Margaret Todd at 263-1 2080.1 LOYALLIff QUOTATION REQUEST.,, SEALED QUOTATIONS WiII be re Wvd i the envèlopes provided *by; the 'undersigned on the specifiod, clàsing-date.. QUOTATION #90-4S Grass cutting. 1990-91. ai Varous Schools CLOSING DATE:- Thursday Apri.26, 1990 -3.00 P.M. Local Time Quotat ion documents will be available tram the Purchasing Department. The- Lowest or ariy Quotatio n flot necessarily acëepted. D.M. Homeniuk., C.P.P. OPPO Manager of Purchasing The Durham Boaijd of Education 555 Rossland'Road West Oshawa, Ontario LUJ 3H3 Madge <.oniey. He married Glenna Wanna- maker- on April 4, .1958, at. Frankford, Ont. A Whitby resi- dent for 30 years, he was produc- tion supervisor for 30 years at Dupiate/ PPG Industries in Osh- awa. He was a fluplate employee for 37 years. Mr. Bailey was a member of St. Mark's United Church, and was a cirector and treasurer of the Dupiate Sports and Social Club for severalye1,ars. He is survived by bis wife, daughter Camre of Frankford son Stuart (and hie wife Dawn) of Whitby, sisters Helen (Mrs. Arnold Jones) of Frankford and NÎancy (Mrs. Ed Ford) of Picker- mng, and mother Madge Conley of Beve H. was predeceased by bis, parents. The funeral wa.s held from -the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel on March 31, 1990, Bey. Brian Ge. conducting. Cremation fohiow.d. INFO NIGRT The Durham « Chapter of the, Neuroîfibirornatos'is ~Society of Onitarlo wiil hoid aný awareness and information night at the Whitby Pblic Library. on IWed- nesday, May 2, 7:30 -to 9:30. p.m. Ail welcome. Admission free. For mre iinformtion cail 668-9915. COFFEE PARTY Ail Whitby seni"ors .whé do * volunteer work anywhére, in the I* ommnunity are invited te, the, 'Morning Coffee Party' to be held on Thursday,, April 26, 9:30 to 11:30.-a.=., at 'the'Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre. Light refreshments wil1lbe served and door prizes awarded. Town administrator Bill Wallace the most recent recipient of the l>ter Perry award, is 'nuest speaker and wiil discuss vorinteim FOCUS ONWOIMN Focus on Women wil hoid a coffee and- dessert event on AprIl 24 at 7:30 p.m. at 570 Thornton Rd. N. Tops 'N T)rends will present a spring fahion show and Ruth Hands wiil b. the special guest speaker. For reservations cail 430-0233. Al women welcome. Admission is *R HicKIN'SESSION Pineridge Bluegrass Folloe Society wiil hold a -pickin' sessi*on on Sunday, April 22 from' 2 to- 5 p.m. at.Camp Samac, Oshawa, at the main coundil hall (north entrance of Conlin Rd.). Picersn and listeners, everyone welcome to, attend an afternoon of bluegrasa musi.c. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE St. John Ambulance offqrs étraining in eight-hour and 'or 16-hour courses ta obtain certifi- cates in both cardiopulmo)na*ry resuscitation and fîrst: aa. Course are scheduied te bô heid every month at 110- Ash St.,Y Whitby. Courses remainigfor this monpth are* April 17an 18 8:30 a*im. to 4:30 p.m., or Arif 124 and"'26, f6 ta 10 pm babysitters' course is ofiéred on 1Saturday, April 21, 8:30 a.m. te, 4:30 p.m.C l 1668-9006 for more informnation or to register. At the library Rabbit breeder Dave Grandy will- brin g rabbits and' discuss care and handlingat the Whit Public 'Library on April 1,7ý p.m. No rgitation is necessary. PMSURPRISE A special Easter prograr for children aged 6 ta 10 wiIl be held Saturday, April 14, 10:30 ta 11:15 a.m-, at the Whitby Public Library. CMLDREN'S CONCERT .,Me Kinette Club of Whitby will present a chiidren's concert featuring ,Bryan Wiilisten,- for those ed 3 to10, on Saturdayý, April 2 .Showtimes arel1and 3 p.m. Tickets are $2, availabie at te aduit fiction and chiidrenes desk. . Ail. proceeds go ta th e Whitb Genrai Hýospital First Kinettes wiil aiso hoid a' I used book sale on April 28, 9:O a.m. to4:3Op.m h-i the proram room and wealier pernutting, outside. F?ùnds go ta theFit Class Fund Camagn A guest speaker from Harle- quin will discuss the writinîof ,romantic noveis* at the Wutby Public Llbrary on April 23, 7:30 to 8:30 p.ni. GOO MIG GOOD FRIAY St. Andrewse Preshyterian Church, 209 Cochrane St., Whih is hotin »ite second e 'Sd fornngGood Frday breakfast on Friday, April 13, 8:30 a.m. Worship service te follow at 10 a.m, PABEINSON The Parkinson Exercise Group meets every Thursday, 9:30 to il a.m. at the church ?ouse of.-St. Marik's United Church, at the corner of Byron and Coiborne streets, Whitby. Refreshments are serv'ed. For more information caîl 668-6580. WOMENSAGLOW Women's AgIow Feilowship will meet on Thursday, April 12, 7 p.m. at the arts resource centre, hehind Oshawa city hall. Guest speaker will be Maureen Onions. She and her husband are evangelists from South Africa who are currently on a worid tour. STAION GALLERY The exhibition, 'Henry Moore's Animais: Prints from the Per- manent Collection of the Art Gallery of Ontario,' will be at The Station Gallery until April 22. The United Empire Lioyalista Association of Canada - Upper Canada Branch will meet in the auditorium of the Whitby Public iàbrary, 405 Dundas St. W., Whitby, on Wednesday, April 25, 7:30 p.m. Ail are cordially weicoine. An .«Irish Format' will be presented by %rc Glenholines. For further information cal Donald D. Fox at 576-3175. SELF-BELP The Durham Regiorial Manic Depresive & Depressive Self-heip Group will meet Thurs day, April 12 at the Canadian Mental Health Association, second floor, 111 Simca. St. N., Oshawa'frm 7 to 9< p.m. Speaker wiIl b. Chan Lam, psychopharmocologist fron Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, who wiil discues medication for mental ilinesses. Friends and family are encouraged to attend. Admnissionl is free and everyone i. welcome. Refreshments will be available. For further information, cail Judy at 436-8760. SPRING W!NqS A waterfowl viewing. day, 'Spring Wigs and Splashdowns,' will beheid on Sunday, Apil 22, 1:30 to 4:30 p.m., at Lynde Shores Conservation Area ( Vic- toria St. W. parking lot). -Obitu'ar y e ý

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