PAGE 40, WMITBYFREE PRESS, WEDNESDAy,.APiJg -111990 CHILD CARE AVAILABLE. Safe and roliable., Ideal environment. 668-5931, 668-6259. MATURE MOTHER private or semi-private1 in my home. Babies 655-4533, anytime. will do babysitting prsferred. MOTHER 0F TWO would like to babysit your pre-schooler. Gardon and Bradloy area. 430-1453. RESPONSIBLE MOTHER wiI babysit in my home full or part-time. Kathleen Rows School area. Noar 401 and Go. 430-680t. REGISTERED NURSE & mothor will babysit In her home. RA. Hutchison School area. Cail 430-6335 for information. RESTAURANT EQUIPUENT for sale. 668-6668, daytime. FREE: 1990 GUIDE ta study-at-home correspondence Diploma courses for presti9ious careers: Accounting, Aircondition- ing, Bookkoeping, Business, Cos- meto<ogy, Electronics, Legal/ Mdc Secrotary, Psycho4oy, Travel. Grant9n (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto. 1-800-950-1972. B RETAILERS ONLY. Video Laserdiscs, Nintendo and Video Movis leasing. We are well- stocked, fast, efficient. Bi1-woekly rotation. You select your invontory. Canada wide: 1-800-665-5082. Fax: (204) 231-1150. B PORTABLE BAND SAWMILL. Enercraft Silva - saw 30 I-I. Only 35 hours. 30wx20' log capacity. Auto log turner. $17,400. Cal Barrie, (705) 734-1679. B DISCOUNT MAIL ORDER. Collector plates, limited edition prints, Preciaus Moments, dolis, Doulton figurines, plate frames, many other collectablos. Sond a list of your needs and we will do aur bost ta satisfy you. Corne to meet us at the Owen Sound Colloctable show in May. Homestead, 3905 Route 147, Lonnoxville, Quebec, J1M 2A3. B FREE CATALOGUE. Complote poultry, rabbit supplies from stafl ta finish. How-to books, kitchen wares, gardon aids. Berry-Hill Limited, 75 Burwell Street, St. Thomas, Ontario, N51P 3R5. (519) 631-0480. B NORTHERN FRUIT TREES, Decorativo Shrubs, Evergreens, Seodlings, Nut Trees and Raraflora. Guaranteed delivory. Reasonable prices. Mai-order only. Catalog us $1. Golden Bough Tree Farm, Marlbank, Ont. KOK 2L0. B MANUFACTURERS' SECONDS el great bargain pricoa Please cail for directions, 434-8870. ~D ~ COCKER SPANIEL, blonde, - maie, 2 yoar ad. Trained, Sewng achne eparsregistered. Ãros ta gaod home. i Mahie Pis Phono 576-2447. Compléte Tune-Up $39.95 Reconditioned Sewin8Maohins TOPUNE SEWING*CENTRE op 571-1385 400 ing St. W.Oshawa CHESTERFIELD SUITES, loveseats, sectionals, less than hait prîce. Large selection. MoKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. LAZY-BOY CHAIR, $300.; sofa and chair, $350; kitchon table and 4 chairs, $40; sewing machine in cabinet, $80; 9 piece dining room suite, $1800. 668-8432. Open ta offers. PIANO. Excellent condition. 0*( finish, reasonable. Cail 668-2857, ovenings. COMPLETE MODERN kitchon cupboard, approx. 12, fi. by 12 fi., upper and lower. Incudes .Countertops. ln use - make offer. To view, phono 430-3724. RESTAURANT TABLES 5-4 seat sections, $1,250. 1 small sandwich display case, $250. 1 Pizza Pal electric aven, $250. 1 cold milk vondor,- $400. (705) 746-7786. B OVERWEIGHT? Diet of the '90s. Cota ppetito. Lose inches-gi energy. Eat the foods yau love No drugs. 100% guaranteed. Surpris- ingly affordable. Cali (416) 847-6434. B WEDDING KEEPSAKE. A special momento of your wedding that records ali of the important information forover. Send $5. ta Wodding Keepsake, Box 70, Creemore, Ont. LOM iGO. B TI1E uhKtNhuu* eno Hydroponics Inc. 63 Clarke Sideroad, London, Ont. N5W 5W7, (519) 452-3919. Complote hydroponic systomrs. Wo do mail orders. Send $2. for catalogue, $2. rebae on your f irst purchase. B HOCKEY CARDS. Oshawa Generals 23 card set, produced by lth lnning Sketch, features future N.H.L. Superstar "Eric Lindrosu. Limit 5 sots per order, cost $7.00 + $1.00 P & H. Send choque or money order to: Grand Slamn Enterprises, 4 Lowder Place, Whitby, Ont. LiN 8C1. MATTRESSES and box springs at haIt price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. REDUNE BMX BIKE - Excellent condition. Asking $100 or best offer. Cali 668-9166, after 6 p.m. Rebuilt APlianceB Up TIb 2 Yeara Guarantee.S iWashers. JzYeru. fldges tvu jDshwashers & Microwavea. IWltby -107 Dunda. e. W..S6-4 Oshawa -23 King St. W., 723-Oïm- I Petborough -4e4 Oeorge BL N. : L 1AAARTENT RIDES & SToVES I $425 A SET.I 3BCBURNERS (CAST M I ..CHECK OUR PRIC TOP DOLLAR PAID for aId gald and diarnonds. Trado mns wslcams. Estats jswoîlry sold an conslgn- ment. Shira's of Whitby, 436-9070. Whftby Mail, 1615 Dundas St. E., LUN 214. OLDER PAINTINGS and works of Art. One or ontire collection. KarI Mearns. Box 1266, Caledonia, Onitarno, NOA 1AO, (416) 765-6782. B OLD WRIST WATCHES wanted. Eatons Quarter Csntury Club - msn's rectangular wrist watches ( 25 ysars service watch) will pay $,000 and Up for this watch. Also wanted aId Rlex wrist watches ospecially the foliowing Rolex models - Prince, Oyster Perpetual, Qyster Royale, Chronoqraph and Cosmograph. Also buying Patek Phillip, Cartier, Movado, Vachoron Constitine, or any ather high grade or complicatod wrist watches such as Chronographs and Moonphase wrist watches (mon's only). Cal (416) 365-7240 colleot or write: B. Walsh, 211 Quoen St. East, Toronto, M5A 1S2. B OFFICE FOR RENI%. Downtown Whitby at 4 corners. Second floor. Suitable for lawyer, doctor office, accountant, etc. Caîl 623-5524. OFFICE SPACE *vithin lawyer's office. Pearson Laflos - Whitby. 668-1712. A CAREER IN DANCING! Wo are looking for energetic, enthu- siastic people ta teach dancing - will train. Cail 430-0014 *WHITBY QUIET DUPLEX. 1 bedroom apartment. $595. plus 1V2 utilities..Askfor Larry, 576-2500 or 668-211. SMALL BACHELOR, apartment. Firsi of May. Laund y able, utilities andpm k r1ue working lndiviual. F7rst' and last month's rent. $450. 666-4007. BROOKDALE ARMS Senior apartments. Brand new ans bedroom apartments. $695 per month. Apply et 100 William Street West. Downtown Oshawa. 723-1282. FARM LAND for planting hobby wanted. Approx. 100 fi. by 50 ft. Phono 666-0204. FARM FOR SALE. Excellent 200 acre farm 10 miles east Of Port Perry. Joe Kirley Real Estate, (705) 324-0206 anytime. 2 PICTURESQUE WOOD lots with rocky points stream. Cabin close ta lakes and village. 2 hrs. NE. $22.900 + $26.900. 683-4019. PA VTERTGAGES- The plaCeit ohen y o1b0nk says "N.Serving hil t since 1973. 668-7200ANUIS INVESTMENTS. MORTGAGES $5000.5,000.000 " Reskdenial, Commercia, construion *Up to 90% Flrninrg &id P.ftnancing " lut. 2nd & 3rd & Po*eof aile& Prblom Mrtg. " Fast Approvals - Fast Clodngs - 241*k. Service FREE IN NOUE CONSULTATION AVAILABLE PRE-OUAUIFY BEFORE YOU BUY j 223 Brock St. N, «CITICAPITAL Siite2Ol 6686-5607 Whftty, Ont. * st, 2nd's & 3rd>s at prime rate *Up to 90% financing 0 ConsolidAtion and problem mortgages refinanced Cali Glenda Thorpe Con--imunIy FInanclaiSevies Corp. 9W Dundas St., W., Ste. 205, Whithy EMPTY, SPACEI Only becauqe your ad, ipn't being road. right now. Phonoe66-6111. I MOTORCYCLE I I INSURANCE I I 683-9725I * PINE. RIOGE j INSURANDE ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because of age, poor driving record, or suspension of license? Perhaps we can help. Phono 666-2090. 1988 MUSTANG - onvertible, white exterior, red interior, air, full power including door locks, fully Ioaded, 42,000 kcm. $15,500. Julie, days, 668-6112. 79 CUTLASS. SUPREME V6. new. tires% exhaust. AWFM cassette. Runs good. 86«t offer. 668-4430. 1979 BLAZER 4X4. P.S., P.B., 350 Corvette engins, BF Goodrich 35" tires on 1988 Chev. Alum, rally rims, 3w body ifft. Many new parts. $3000. Phono 668-504o. CHEV. 6 CYL engins, low km. Runs goad, $150. 666- 1716. STEEL BUILDINGS for immediaite liquidation. 20'x30', $2,306; 25'x 30', $2.90; 30'x34, $3,672; 40'x 461, $5.091. Complote with end walls. Other sies availabe. Positive savings. W. pay the Cai, 1-800-668-4338 or 1-416-792-2704. B BUILDING SPECIAL clearance. 20x2O,'fi., $2.900; -4k24 -ft., $3,100; 28x36 ft., $4,500; 32x36 fi., $4,900; 36x48 ft., $6,900; 40x60 fi., 48.800. Cali 985-7930.* SPRING INTO A steel buiIlng - Inventory Re&zcion Salà - Quonsot 16x18, $1,699; 40M6, $6.759. Straightwall 30x4O,.$8.679 with solid endwails. Factory direct savings - While quantities last. Pioneor/Econospan 1-800-668- 5422. B ONE PERSON TO SItARE 4 bedroom house wfth ans or two people - have own living room, use of appliances and laundry facilitîes. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS. For holp oeil the Den"se Fouse for women and children. Taîl free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311L Confidentially assured. (Formerly Auberge.) OVERWEIGHT? Try aur new Appetite CoraIo Program - lase up ta 29 Ibs. in 30 days. Na drugs. 100% guaranteed. Surprisingly affordablel Cal (416) 338-5550. DLtrlbtorshý>s now avalabe. B