Mii1B RE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1990, PAGE 39 - training. Six months fromn now you could 1be in an interesting job. BANK TELLINO & FINANCIAL SERVICES You want a CAREER flot just a job. We'll show you ail the SKILLS you need to help make it happen. Banks are expanding their financial services and offer good career opportuniLîes. OVE RSEAS JOBS High demand in Australia, U.K., France + 18 differont countries. Need persons willing to work overseas on contracts. Ail trades. Supervisory positions also available. Caîl: SMART INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED 1-719-687-6084 WAITRESS NEEDED full imre and part time. Appîy in persan ta Hagen's, Manchester Highway 12 at 7A. FREE COMPUTER TRAINING. f you are 45 or over and have been permanently laid off or are out af work due ta business faillure ln the ast 6 months, you may qualify for free tuition, bookcs and supplies. Cal now ta register. Rglstered with the Mnistry of Calleges and Universities since 1984. Computer Leaming Centre. 668-9713. PERMANENT FULL-TIME deputy cerk-treasurer requiredb Township of McDougall. Good salary and benefits. Must apply by April 20/90. For further dotais cal (705) 342-5252. B START NOW' If you .- want instant earnings, unlimited potential, job flsxibility, indepen- dence, and love beautiful lingerie and clothing. Cal coîleot (416) 632-9090 MA CHERIE HOME FASHIONS. (Est. 1975). B REMOTE MOUNTAIN RESORT in B.C. now accepting applications for summer and ful-time empboy- ment. Positions include chamber- malds, watresses, gas attendants, bartenders, cashiers, clerks, dishwashers. For application send self-addressed stamped envelape to Glacier Park badge, Rogers Pass, B.C., VOE 2S0, Attention: John Gait. B TRANSPORT DRIVERS needed. Now is t ho time ta train for your Class OAw licence. Fo r pre-screening Interview and job placement information contact Merv Orres Transport Driver Training. 1-800-265-3559. Head Office: 16 Corydon PI., Cambridge. UPDATE VOUR JOB SKILLS! The more you know, the more you're worth. Cal the Micro- computer Training Experts. Class times are tailored to meet your schedule. Cal now ta register. Registerod with the Ministry of Colleges and. Universities since 1984. Computer Learning Centre. 668-9713. HOSTESS NEEDED part timef occasionai. Must wark weekends. Apply in persan ta Haugen's, Manchester Hghway 12 ai 7A. ASSISTANT AND MANACîtK transes and sales clerks wth retail experience. Robin, 430-1501 or andy, 430-1648 or apply ta 7-11, 403 Brook St. S. ail shifts available. NEW HOMES CUSTOMER service persan requirod for Whilby area. Muet have awn tools and transportation ta commence work May 1990. Resume and references required. Sond ta: Alex Loiselle, 1 cadaeRd. Suite 300, Don Milis, M3B 2R2. LEGAL SECRETARY Smoke- fres environment. Resume ta J. A. Stockwelî, P.O. Box 245, Port Hope, LiA 3V9. PART-TIME REULABLE sales persan for clothing bouitique. CalI 430-0436 between 1- 6 p.m. WAITRESSES/WAITERS, dish- washers, cook, bus boys. Apply in persan ta The Ranch Steak Huse, 89 Commercial Ave., Ajax or call 683-802L 4 Evenings 6:3Opm-9:3Opm or jo trainingswith plcment help ir avail rablCops dtails can b WOaPERtaCyou.0P2hooRodg19s 2cholatur1-8 0068-001 cld postall code. 1 B SANDY LANE RESORT reqirs a summer recreational lae.Our leader muet be versail, self-motivated, and weil arganized ta supervise gaines, crafts and water sports. A drivers license, camp background, musical ability would be beneficial. Forward resumne ta Sandy Lane Resort, Halls Lake, RR#2, Minden, Ont. KOM 2KO. B WANTED: watresses and cooks. Apply to Brian, Square One, 223 Bok St. N. or cail Brian, 666-5831. LPS - - Lucitoras Proporty Services. lnterlocking stone from $4.00 sq. ft. Fonces from $1325 per ft. Pressure treated docks, retaining walls, flowor beds, driveway borders, trse & shrub planting removal and pruning. Grounds koping maintenance alsa available. Monthly & seasanal contracts. Cal today for f ree estimates. 428-6817. STU MeGEE Floor Sanding. Sanding, refinishing, repairs and staining. Supplied, laid and finished. Over 20 years experience. Cali colleet alter 6 p.m., (705) 944-5529. A BETTER TAX RETURN! The best way ta get h is with TaxGuard. When we prépare your tax return, yau'hl rocéive ovor break coming ta you. You'll pay the least tax possible. Home appointment availablo nowl Cali Toîl Fres: 1-800-265-1002. Faim Business Consultants - your faim tax experts for 37 yearsI B HILLSIDE FENCING and docks. Industrial or residential wood and chain link. Ail types of docks. Post-holes drilled and posts set. Cal today for free estimates. (416) 985-9078. Boboat with back hoe for hire. COMING EVENT? Phono 668- 611. BILL'S PERSONALIZED lawn and garden cars. Yards cleaned, grass cultinq, pruning, gardens tiled, fortilizing, landscaping. Reasonable rates. Bill, 430-1920, 655-8649. SHELLED PAINTING and Docorating. Palnt and Wallpaper. Clsaning.. Brush, Roll, Spray. Caulking, Woodstain. Residentiai., Commercial, IndustriaJ. Cal 434-1325. T& S SERVICES. Cornent work, roofing, foundat ion ropairs, asphait repairs, patios, docks, fonces, chimney and brick repairs and backhoe and boboat. For free estimate, caîl 668-8736. GENERAL CONTRACTORS, framing, insulating, boarding, taping, skylights, saunas, roc rooms, basement apartments, cedar siding, replacement windows and more. Cail Jim or Terry at 430-1321. IF YOU ARE TIRED of house cleaning, give Nancy a. cail at 427-1531. PART TIME OFFICE clearuer available 5 night per week. Bonded. CalI after 8 p.m. or before il arn. 668-0825. OPPORTUNITY of a iffetime for r ugmon and women 19-28 ta ieand work overseas, on agricutural/horticultural farms. For a fanastic challenge contact the International Agriculturai Ex- change Association, #206, 1501-17 Ave. S.W. Calgary, AB, T2T 0E2.B3 LET'S GET BIZZYI Mufti-million dollar national f irmn seeks 2 representatives in your area. Candidates solected can eamnl ta $2,000 weekly. IndMvdua applying should bu availabbe immediately for placement. Cal (416) 756-2111 or (416) 7796 for your confident ial interview. B HOUSEWIVES, MOTHERS and interestod persans needed immediately ta selI toys and gifts for National Home Party Plan. No investment, doliverios or money collection. CalI (519) 258-7905.8 JOIN THE BOOMING Underground Lawn Sprinkler busines. Start your own dealership for summer 1990. No experience necessary. Training and technical support available. $3,500 for complote start-up, iricluding ful inventory. Cail us' today. Aqua-Lawn Sales and Installation, (416) 890-9749. Fax: (416) 890-9097. B $DOLLARS$ - Tops'n Trends home party sales. Consultants and Hostesses w etd. Ladies fashsons. Colour c~alogue avallable. FantastKic ho toss gifts. Cal Lynn Roaney tollfrbe, 1,800-268-5670.B3 RESTAURANT, HOTEL, DEU, bakery, butcher, grocry, submarine, and pizza equipinent for sais' or lease. Arctic Refrigeration Store Fixtures. Est. 1945. Toronto, (416) 283-2600. B NEW - CAMEUON - NEW! Have fun and make 40-509/6profit marketing sheer non-run -hosiery and halian sterling silver jewvellry. Work from your home or office, full or part-time. Cal collect, <604) 687-0409, (604) 687-0510, <604) 736-6703 (evenings). B WORLDIS LARGEST Windshield. Ropair Network nNOVUS. For franchise pkg. phono <416) 568-8608. B 1 PROFESSI01NAL j TUTORING I **Experlenoed Teacher @ Indlvdual Programs I 1 .Group or Prta/Lessons I eFree Consultation * EDUCATIONAL ICONSULTINO SERVICIES I 668-8225 CLASS AIZ' OR D'Z'. Cali now for professional ons-on-ono training by the experts. Rogistersd & approvod Private Vocational Sohool. Kim Richardson Training Specialists, (416) 765-3445. B LEARN AUCTIONEERINO et the Southwestern Ontario Sohool of Auctioneering. Next class: June 9-16/90. For information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, RR #5, Wood- stock, Ontario, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. B GUITAR LESSONS. Beginner and advanced. Accoustic or electric. Lessons tailored to student1b musical interests. For appointment cai Lou, 666-1979, Whtby. MARKEL 1-800-265-7173. Class AZ-DZ Professional Transport Driver Training. Careers? Finano- ing? Tax Deductible? We've got the answers Markel Instituts of Professional Transport Tranin. Guelph, 1-800-265-7173. ARE YOU AT HOME AND WISH TO EARN A STEADY INCOME? Wee Walch is iooking for reliable ioving providers ta cars-for infants and toddlers. We offeir ofull insurance *equipment *payment for statutory hoidays *children's sick days. Providers espocially needed inl FalIing Brook and Belhwood areas. 668-1492 a E IdAgeny - 4