PAGE 38, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1990 Easter song and activities By Tracy Smith Early Childhood Educatioei Graduato' As Easter approoches, al children are very arijous to have a vst froni the Eastor Bunny and to find the Easter eggs ho has hidden. Children are forover 1ornng new longs, the words to fhich parents may flot .b. fanijilar, so here is a song that both parents eniciy. and children can Five Little Easte EBas Five litt.Easdtâer eggs lovely colors were Mother ate the green one, thon there were four. Four littie Easter eggs, two and twq you see Daddy ate the red one, thon there were three. ANYDREW PARKR shows off his work during an Easter craft workshop at the Whitby Public Libr- ary. *Thre. littie Easter eggs, bofore Iknew Sister ate the. orange on., thon thore were two. Two littie Ester eggs, oh what funi Brothier ato the pink on., thon thore was one. One littie Easter egg, se. me run I ate the very last one and thon there were none. Activities that encourage creativity are vory important to children, as they incroasothe child's imagination as well as chaloenge their fine motor skills. It is not always nocossary tca purchaso an Easter baskot, bocause children can have just as much funi by creating thoir own, and it wiil probably look after much more becauso he/she made it. Here are a few simple stops you can foilow whon your child is maldng their basket: Have your child opon the. top of a small milk or cream container. The container can ho cleaned out, thon painted mm 'd. and out. If you do not have any paint,. construction paper can bo uSed to covor the container. Your c1hild can eut out two long oar and a circle for the nose, out of construction paper. Additional features may Woadded using markers and crayons. Ppe cloaners can bo used for whiskers A handie can b. of thiek string. Anothor activity that is vory inexponsive is the. colcring of Easter oggs. Mix two cups of hot water, with two tablespoons of vinegar and thon add two teaspoons of food coloring. Dîp egg and wateh its shoil turn colora Making Easter bunnies is another enjoyable activity that you can help your child do. Tho child cmi cover an ompty toioet paper tube with whito, Pink or tan paper. Children can cut out oars and put on a face with magie markors. A cotton bail May bo us.Pd for a tail. Early E aster SCOIT REEMAN was surp)rised to rfud that the Easter bunny arrlved early Ibut week on Grath St. Whitbyp viing homes and dellpïeAngeggs Interest courses at Anderson By Nîcolo LyIyk If it's a common interost, chances are you can tako a course ini it at Anderson. John Gilman, a teacher at Anderson, is direetor of the ovoning interest courses h.Id at the sehool each week. Courue are held two timos a .yoar, from Septomber to the. end of Noveniber., and from Foébruay through to the end of April. Each course lasto- approxi- mately 10 w.eks. Fees for the courses may run froni $50 ta $60 depending on the course. Eaeh week involves two hours of instruction tume, totalling 20 hours by the end of the terni. .Though not'didaetic in nature, some of thb courses offor basic instruction. Such courses include computers, Spanish, French, Gernan, typing andwodr- Gilman emphasizes that '«the courses at Anderson are for ineetpurposes. It is not a Iitercourse include aorobics, bailroom dancing bridge, quili- ng, 'lrai Chi (an Ã"(5nental form of psieself-defenoe), decoupage (smlrta shadow boxes), yoga photography and numerous -oti- ors. «Some of the courses offer beginning ana intermediate levels, However, al 0f tiien are for adulte. It is an adult environ- ment," sdded Gilman. Gilmsn forsees eight new courss ta be added ta the.Sep- tomber terni. For the most part, instructors are Whitby residfent,with afew froni Scarborough, Ajax and Bownmanville. i For further information, cal Anderson at 668-5809, Ménday toTufday, from. 7 ta 9 p. 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