WHITY FIRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1990, PAGE 35 Atoms wiLn tournament in Michigan Whitby Minor Atoin AA Reps, sponsored by M & M Meat Stores, concluded a highly sucoessfu season by winning the .1990 Fraser City, Mfichig, International Jnitational Tun ament, March 23,24 and 25. Whitby indooe, soccer- SQUEMi lrc ChwviomwG Mwannln Jug 3 math 31 Brook. Kiramn 6 U. Chékaiuk 4 'IL al-rd Checket' Var. 2 shawu Plakmuye EmmiHawklng Danut Po Bunmyb Cala'. 1 R. mmaîd Bliisa. v& c AudrovD"m John Houaton NB ia oeastu. Mkhodnrét Brook. Kizmen 8 OweouiVa& U. ch.h.lks A.&Khkodl 8 P.ine Blue 5. F& C K Bhbttaon N. GkdLm n3 J. Routoa2 Buumb hCte. 2 N. J. UkDtufh R Umm Drok miara 2 Bhu.5mF&C 1 &. Rainer 2 J. HOUi"a ChoekeetVar. 2 Brook. Elan 2 IL Cuehnen ULChéalnk &. Hawkins C. Broya OveecoVolka. 8 ChockWe Var. 1 A. Klukovahl 2 C.Kin. P. inié, EL HavlMe Bab mtr2 B&o mm 8 B.L Mohammedl I. StmiM q2 A. Payne2 C. Gue Matthow C JoRYMPic ManigoldiL Julian 0v Don Von Ei Wbitby l4 house leagLie hocSkey UMNOR squmKY MW W. 5 Marid lun. 8 Kww viii 2 NalanliAnirme m.- 5 KaatetB.noen M k DM outolna2 MW v droom 2 ikW'.Entm . 10 KVP Gra.ham Ryau Park 6 )OP 'hut Robert CiL8 K3 Matthov Taylor JoohuL rjotte SQUi Kw. Uin. 3 Roy'a Enter. 2 ]OP en Matthov Taylor MW ilinaton Robertt Cmviii_ aýjicatï FHsW #25 Mlm Crouch 8 Matthiv Hircock 3 Kyli Liakilde Kyli Dodavortli Bryan Wouter. Brjan Mantie frondo. Pool Squeru Boy Ejan Katthoes3 lm Crouh Matthewv Hircack. Brandon MBrido JuinCils. 2 Kyle Limld Brandon Pol NBS RMhiy Tuamy lcica 2 DamyCamr KUmm Kubrynak Kmm Ctoch a, Brandon Kcf ride 4 Tyler Handi. Matthov Hlrcock Scott Brooker Brandon Pool MW- MU>.- MW NESR..lty 8 Danr2 3 Spidy Auto 4 Bejamin Saton 2 Brann Kootekaae Adama Vlacich 10 square Boy O 3 4 SpeUidAuto Brando. Ettnie Bn«Jami uSianton Speedj Auto 1 Boqmka Saimo NRSRU&Iy 6 sqomr Boy 2 D.ny Caird 2 Ryan lBée IL Vau Beau.. 2 Ryen Kaithev a Pioe Tomnaylcice T he team, under the guidance of coach Jack, Middleton, assstant coach Chuck Sawdon, traer Mike' Thone 1 and manager Rus Camnpbell, played 85' games during the season winning 70 gaines, tying two- APM l7 Owmvaeolhe. 4 J. Vandetymi2 A. Kinkowaid uLVanvyk ATM3 Mach 24 Prdus eplat«. J. S&hw fe2 E. Sthmmlng 2 IMP Ihirlim C. Ruthetfod 2 BR Eainy 2 Matrch 31 Pà petPactomy 2 mars Cl" jannWefBrown Wblt Lime C. i SomttAudwtan Guitarzan 1 ithovayan Bicha.. 2 colla Milet 2 PapeptFetoy 1 Scotvan Vqhul WhiLLiouiC. 8 Scott Auditin2 Brook. IGA 8 AndmwTuRy22 Gullarmu O Brlckmen coypwu m JaaJoy CO% a mine 3 n 8Brook.IG& Andrw Tly2 Carmn PaeIoM Dmwu games and losing only 13, gaines for a win percentage of 82 per cent. Nmne of the 13 losses were against AAA. Teains. The teain won four tournament champ- ionships, earned first place in league play and progressed to the senii-finals- of, the ail-Ontario championships. The disappointment Of elimination from the all-Ontarjo championships was softened by the teain cloeing the season with a sweep in the 1990 Fraser City tournament. Whitby won four straight gaines to, bring home, the championship trophy. lIn this tournament, Whitby scored 16 goals, with only six scored against. They out shot their opponents 85-28 while earning one shutout. March 23 Game f 1 WJiitLy M & M Meat Stores .5 Windsor Nationaml Auto Rad -0 In the first gaine of the tournanient; Whitby met Windsor National Auto Rad and completely dominated them. Trhe Whitby defence, headed by Bya Crouch, Paul Gray, Marn Haynes, Steven Death and Jason Hotchkiss, peppered the Windsor goe]ie with 27 shots. The solid Whitby defensive unit of Donny Camnpbell, Dany Ricica, Aaron Bryant, Chris Kerr and Bryden Denyes allowed Windsor only three shots on Josh Evans in the Whitby net. Josh Evans earned the shutout. March 24 Game # 2 Whitby M & M Meat Stores .5 Chatham Optimist -2 Chathain presented Whitby with a much greater challange, outscoring Whitby in the firat period 2-1. In the second and third periods the Whitby power -came to the fore, headed by ATON la"I Lincoln 4 Km Crouuh 8 ,umb e Furmv 8 Brandon MeBrid. 8 a Tutak Matthev Hircock 2 Apmi Kyls lIahide 2 Bria eMlant!. National I TrM 6 Pwrln. Sgne 4 - AVAM. ohettmo2 John Allen 3 Es WAMColn Pattiman Chris Omudette Bries Riddi IaMOMM-luMaI JMPuiedrS HY aul ,tP- - Dbu nmlBED3M Dufe Tovlag 38 vili CouifracL 8 - ~ 1idry duI1Meln Boan 2 Joch Quel 2 -Run VelusuaTqlor Cliaton sivlUhl 8puody IMlet 4 Whltby Audio 1 CRMUCCLL&K Jeamy lavai. 2 tryan Peocce »D-Brn" N. koBd. Jus" Pr -Kyle Abby Jombua Vilimma Checket'. Ver. lT Cennan 2 -Kdmul Kne Breit Iaxy 2 Miava Tvlue 2 Mattbov TalW l»XALTY April2 - Brait Van Hommai TMm Brick 4 WIftby Audio 2 -lm Witriik S.Matthou2 B. mautaru -Tommy lido. ___lÀwere PLMak iBo 100.(ODLINCOLN Grg sav - Ejymn Ferrov SiYMntr ct.4 NqhLi înnn O -Brandon Fovior Cliton Svitlli 2 -Dsrryl Focuoy Sap'e Mame Josh quai ABE BY Paushutout . -RyaMatthuvu Jnatan ClanLCY -Scott Rae -Chris Elmea EDY AU7FO LA&M April 3 - Ben St*fltAlonDuFaTowing 65 UvfII Contract. 5 *Brandon Kotohaas Bries Noeon Jooy WaIali3 -Adam Vulacch &ABrandon Glovet Stapho. Coro Tooiy Thola Martin Borns- SeanDonmofly Dan'. Auto 2 WILt. Kinarnen Jarud Broya M. Camonaui 4 Kathiv Fortiet Nick Coaa April 8 RsBewaty DuË lWood Ju"n Fieh 2 McTangui &Mot Bette7 Wlit. Knaînn 2 Siovcaa Videi 4 Ejan Daum" Andrv Marehefl2 SaIt moom i Dui Fletahet XKà danPlbvucd Apcfl 4 KL Camanmuli2 UMOR1 lmFumn.oy 2 Whlt. »C, -ie38 Chia oo lark Ibompe IL Van IDonlitoik JulianRid Chocker'. Ver. 4 5 Brady Blakely 2 Rya Shackloton Brent Imm"x April 4 Spoody Mufe3 Jeremy lavai. 2 Todd Bainbridg Durs Taving1 Briasuleon UboSwVido 1 Andriw )marami National Truit 7 D. Eattuloffet 2 NOVICE Ejan MeKinnon2 IL Robertson Tony Chimafo Hamm Pletie O Mark cornau Uiutout - MefCanning MO.& Rua Bri KcfmRSy 2 ChnBRoad ifava Hmtka Huea» rami wÙUOmu.O1iIII imai ApilS6 Spiadj Mufliet4 .iSm.y lavua2 Brait arri.. chdeBoey IT~ Canna. 3 Shavn Tvlgger Curi4a Brovn AntlýanyCameizuli pIn Mattheve2 Qclila Stv1ti 2 NicljolaEua2 PmBm.an O EL theam2 Crouch with .strong support from Haiynes, Dari, Lewis and Gray, outshooting- and outscoring Chathamn. Crouch scored the hat trick i this victory. The Whitby defence .(Bryant, Campbell, Denyes, Kerr and icica) held Chathamn to only nine shots on Brian Harrison in the Whitby net, while WVhitby fired 18 shots at the Chathamn goalie. Mfarch 25 Game#f 3 Witby M & MMeat Stores -3 Hamilton Ohio AMl-Stars -2 This was a fast, exciting hockey gaine with both teains showing hard checking, fast skating and excellent pasngà Hamilton Ohio Ail-Stars pene the scoring Whitby could not beat the Ob0 goalie even though Whitby outshot 01#o 17-6. Despite receiving five penalties, ta non. for Ohio, Whitby gradually gined control of the gaine and bythe third period the Whitby teain, with a fine display of teamwork, took command. This was one of the best gaines Whitby played this season. March 25 Championship Game Whitby M & M Meat Stores -3 London "'Ah!' Reps .2 The championship gaine was a cliffixanger froin the opening faceoif. London soon let Whitby know that-they came'ta win. The checIng,- was hard and both teams remained scoreless i the first period, and exchanged goals (on. each) in the. second period. Shots on goal for the tiret- two periods were 7-6 for ',Whitby, showing how even' both teais were up té that point. Ini the third period the Whitby offensive crew found the answer to the London defence and fired 14 sots at theý London net, but could only beat the goalie once. The Whitby defence ailowed only nine ahots on the Whitby net in the three periods..At the end of three periods the score was 'tied 2-2 and it stayed this way through two five-minute sudden- death periods until the wi'nrnn goal was scored half way throughi the third sudden-death period by Crouch, giving Whitby the win and the champinship. Record lacrosse -registration The 1990 miner league season wiil open the week of April 23 with a record registratio«. House eague director BIH Schlitt bas beenbusy placi-gthe' 650 te, 700 registered players on tem ready te, play when %»nin am rrves. Help is stii needed i the form of coaches and convenere. The. league requires coaches for miner novice (1981) and minor peewee (1982-3). Contact Schlitt at 668-1550. The remi taams requre a coach 209 Dundas St. WM & 200 Dundas St. W. 666-3000 686-1642 (AJAX line) and manager tor the tyke B team (1982-83). Contact Day. Edgar 728-4778 or 428-0341. Late player registrations wifl b. accepted in selected mge groupe. Anyone who missed the registration dates, can oeil Schlitt to find out if there le an opening in the age group. Thie main fundrai sing project for the league this year w* lie a draw for a Chevrolet Tracker. Players, coaches and parents will b. loolng for support froment. community in this venture. ickets are $5 each. WATB1 DODG E lIpndW CSLER ._9W 200 Dundas' St. W.. 430-8100' 428-110(AJAX lune). GO"aA i Brook IDA 2 KyeGurtoner -BapnS. i PlpoePaoy 2 rAda ouma 4 Scott van Veuwa WKit.U..lC. 0 GroupE Boekkman 2 JaumJoy Pany 2 Doug Wyte 2 Ouituin 2 matthov 1'qne Bfr= Petmr 1 . NOBODY N.0OBODY COMPETES LIKE WE DO MLINUJMEIUVIUJN