Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 Apr 1990, p. 8

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PAGES,% W ii il ~Ï~ Couejiaskd t spporÈt Lasco's dup ppicto By MlkeKowalski Whitby's planning and deve lopment commn-iittee hias no objec. tions to,,Lasco Steels "officiai' a pplication for a temprarý dump site for car fjshieddWr waste. Committee members recomn men.ded Monday that the Town flot 'oppose Laiss fflcial plan amendment application for «the dump provided specific environ- mentlconditions are. met.. Lasco (Lake 'Ontario steel, Compay. Ltd.) in seeking an~ amendment tW Durham Region'a officiaI plant, to aHow the. com- -pany to dump byproducta from its car shredding oper-ationi into a temporaiy holding facility.' P owever, the company began usnthe site without, waiting for a dIecision because a delay would have meant laying off employees involved in thie-shredding pro- cens. The committee's recommenda- tion essentially reinforces a council décision made earlier this year. The Town supported the posi- tion'of the Ontario Ministny of Environment that the dump was sound and there was no need for, an environmental assessment of Ilowevrthat approval was- conditional ujpon assurances that waste in the e mprary site would be relocated upon appro- val of a permanent dump. Lasco has proposed creating a massive bern, composed of earth and waste, at its Hopkins St. plant.-> Wihile this proposai goes through an environmental review;,Lasco was allowed te dump waste in a demonstration The demonstration berni rea- ched capaity o the.cmpn had no choice6ut to begin dump- ing in a temporary site. n Y r 1. i A condition-^of the recommen- dation is that Lasco demonstrate how effluent from the temporary dump can be safely puÏmped inte the sanitary s 1ewer system. Benni project manager Ron Package rides chanýge By Rene Bostona Ontario riding MW 1The Canadian environment ministers met on March 20 te 1take action on a nuniber of environmental issue being pursued 3 by their national coordinating organization, the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME). One of the I: issues on whicli important and finm initiatives were talcen was excess packagfing. The environment ministers declared war on exces packaging, agreeing te adopt a s"nes of measures designed te cut the aniount of pakaging that ends up in ourgaae dumps. Recognizcing that packagngcontributes -gifcatly te the volume of solid waste in Canada the ministers endmoseda National Packaging Protocol for reducing packaging by 50 per cent by thfe yean 2000. The protocol is the work of a 30-memben nxulti-stakeholder National Task Force on Pak" etalihe by the CME i Apil, 1989. As afirst step ., menninisters established a 1992 interim national target of 20 per cent reduction over 1988 levels of packaging. If that target is met ini 1992, the sàivings in annual waste 'collection and disposaI coes will exceed $50- million.- The ministers challenged the packaging industry te, initiate meases voluntarly te, meet the intenim tanget. They signa]led, however, that they would'immediately begin te prepare compatible legislation and regulations te achieve the necessary reduction. Measures in the protocol set minimum content levels for recycled material and regulate. packaging irnported into Canada. -In addition, a "Code of Preferréd Canadian Packaging Pýractices" would given preference te, sytenis that use no packaging, followed by those that use mnimal packaging, reusable packaging and, finally, recyclable packaing. Canadians understand that our landfill sites are growing at an unacceptable pace. This is no secret te us in Ontario riding. Each year the average Canadian family buys a tonne of pýackng, of which 80 per cent is used once then thrown awýay. Thiis a situation that must be addressed and in my opinion this initiative has done just that. Deeth teld the committee ýthe effluent (termed leachate which results from rainwater iterin through the wastem-iaterial) mifl be wnmped. from a collection. po n~tothe sewer system. Deeth'said 'the. leachate muet meet the Re*on's bylaw, -stan- dards before it is..pumped inte the system. By MIke Kowalsld. Results of an environniental assessment of, Lasco Steel's demonstration dump for car shredder waste may Be available later this month. Ron Deeth, manager of Lasco' henni prol*ect., i8 hopeful that a fnal draft report will soon be ready for presentation te a public liaison committee moniteninig the "ruIetnot completed- yet but itfs in the final stages,» said Deeth. «I expect it will ne out befone our next meeting on A nil 25." Lasco (Lake Ontaio Steel Company' Ltd.) is proposing te build a massive landscaped hern comosed of shredder waste and eart , at its Hopkins St. plant. ewaste is comprised of rub- *ber, plastic, cloth and glass not recycled when old vehicles are shredded for their metal. *However, the full benm is being, held up periding the- environ'mental assessment. "There will be a meeting, pro- bably this week, te discués it (repot, peole are stilI neading it and makiz recommenda- tions,» said Deeth.' At a meeting of the berni liaison committee last wee, 5a report on any gas omissions "We have no intention of mak- '*fig an apglication*' for, a sewer connection, said Deeth. "It will be pumped on a regular basis sud only when, it, meets appro- The 'committee recommenda- tion will be considered by council neit week. emanating fromni the henni was given to members. Deeth said that while consul- tant Dr. Claude Davis'reponted that anpy traces of gas were «iii- significant, not detectable," Davis did recommend contÎiued cautingofthesite as a pre- .Meanwhile, Lasco officiaIs are still waiting te la1 what action, if any, Durhazn Region will- take with. respect te the company's decision te, go ahead with a' ternpoýrany dump, without neggonal approval. Lasco began dumping waste 0 inte a temponary site last month because the demonstration bérn was full. With 300 tons of waste pro- duced -daily and thd herm full, the company.was forced te begin filling the temporary- dump or latyoif-emiployees involved in the shredder operation. The comny sid it could not wait for theReion te pass an official plan amendaient appnov- ingthe temponary dump. Lscoclaimed, it met. the deginSstipulations -by :simply appl ingfon the-arnendnïient.' Te matten is scheduled for discussion by regional council's planning committee next week: Touci' o f legazitf Ïk/ Aj~u - J9icker~~~g BROCCO STEL -RESTAURANT "CATERING TO YOUR FAMILY" Canadian or Italian Cuisine 'loin us for Casual or Formai Diising Sunday.Brunch Full Course Menu If you have tried the rest, "Cornei and try the Best" Buffet and Salad Bar in the Durham Region. îwk 4iy FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 428-0888 1660 Kingston Rd. Pickering at Brock Rd. & Hwy 2. .Banquet Facilities - up to I2Opeople. qiaxe& I Scxi 8m to Midright i~axctug 9:39pm to 2an, Gina's DirningLong 335 Bpayly St.-W., Ajax 427-03371 A RSTA I--- -I --ri -riih à- A i4- I m I iuniAmT i Ij r io i imir4mI- a~~1 IJII'~. ~J The OId LIVERPOOL HOUISE BUILT 1294 KINGSTON ROAD* PICKERING OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK WtNCHEONS: MON. THRUFFR.. 1IAM TO3PM DINNERS: MON. THRU FRI. -3PM TO AM SAT. .4PM TO IAM SUN. -4PM TO11PM *SIRJAMES ROOM 'ROYAL GALERY SOMTHPIOKERINO 831-1000 683-1010 FITSU I lAS OFTEN IL~ASYOU CAREI Frarn TORONTO Eidt4Ol jjVflW&Rd. N. t Hvwy. 2 EmtrLivwpual Rd. 683-8021 Ram OSHAWA Eidt4Ol Uvwvod Rd. N. ta Uvomnad Hmia- Hwt2 .....- 4 j ad IL.O The R&anch.' Steakfiouse Fri. 9pm-lam Sat. 9pm- lam Sun. 5pm-9:3Opm. 89 Commercial Ave., Ajax MYAP4QYOL() CHINESE RESTAURANT ExpioesMay 31/9 KUDS NUTg DAM.Y Chidren 12 LIUCHEOM & un!er SPE IAL EAT Open DaIIy. EAT FRM llam- 12Pm 325 Westney Rd. S. Ajax CANADIAN & KIEXICAN F00D SERVED DAILY 427m3567 686-4468 AvaIIabIe SUNDAV BRUNCH il AM-3 PM Banque Facliles Teh 428-3888 I eNi Free bomet *10% off on We Accept Competitive Coupons rew concept indlning delivery on order over $15.00 ail pick up orders over $15.00 V 7 DAYS A WEEK MISSISSAUGA OSHAWA 925Ra.thburnRd. E. 1000SimnoeSt.N. ro.ken ShoppingCentm > (at 10W Pzo Tel:897.3888 < TeI4333U~ ('2 ~---~"'~.--~ .* - Environmental -assesement' reporton Lasco readysoon (M AJAX' 570 Weetney Rit S. CDiscoveryEloy Cmltt) Diilil74g )iCi ii f. rh 79 p il7 A jd X -

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