Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 Apr 1990, p. 39

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-%gTBY ~ a i a a0 am aa WHITBY PUBLIC LIBRARY: - requires - Chlidren's - Fiction - Roferonco Assistant. - -Duties fo includo assist ing - patrons and conducting : -programs and tours. M 21 hours per week to includo - two weekday evenings and- M aternato Saturdays. M:Som e post «secondary with: - children's required. -Apply: - Whîtby Public iîbrary : : 405 Dundas St. West * Whltby - ~ U LM A - Deadlîne: Aprîl 11, 1990. TRUCKING CAREERS'. Driver job training with placement holp is available. Complote details can be maloed. to you. Phonoe ors School at 1-800-668- 0031, include postai code. B OVE RSEAS JOBS High demand in Australia, U.K., France + 18 difforent countries. Need persans willing ta wark overseas on contracts. Ail trades. Supervisory positions also aVailable. Cal: SMART INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED, 1-719-687-6084 WAITRESS NEEDED full time and part time. Appîy in person to HaiJgen's, Manchester Highway 12 si 7A. EDITOR REQUIRED.Progressive Gommunity Newspaper, circ. approx. 6,000. Immediate opening for EDITOR. 5 person dept. Experience required. Sand resume:, Porsonnal Dept. P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 4B6. B VIAMEDE RESORT receiving applications for summer employ- ment in recreation, diningroom, kitchen, housekoeping, grounds. Strong interpersonal skills, team player a must. Send resume ta Box 413, Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 6z8. B FREE COMPUTER TRAINING. If you are 45 -or over and have beon permanently laid off or are out of work due to business faillure in the Lls 6 monthsi you May qualify for free tuftion, books and supplies. Cal now to register. Re? istered with, the Mlnistry of Cloeges and Universities ,»since 1984. computer Loamigng'. Contre. 668-9713. .cm - * a 1 EXPERIENCED HELP wanted for donut shop. Morning and aftomoon shifts. Good pay. Cal 668-8551, George. UPDATE YOUR JOB SKILLS! Tho mare you know, tho mare you're warth. CaII tho Micro- computer Training Experts. Class times are tailored ta meot yaur schedule. Caîl now to register. Registered with the Ministry of Collages and Universities since 1984. Computer Learning Centre. 668-9713. START NOW! if you ... want instant earnings, unlimnited potential, job flexibility, indepen- dence, and iove beautiful lingerie and clothing. Cail colloct (416) 632-9090 MA CHERIE HOME FASHIONS. (est. 1975). B HOSTESS NEEDED part timo/ occasional. Must work weekends. Apply in persan ta Haugen's, Manchester Highway 12 ad 7A. MATURE AND STUDENT applications being accepted for summer employment at Chateau Woodland, Fialiburton. Cook, baker, dining roomn manager, social director, waiter/waitressos, barten- der, housekeepers, office and children's program. Accommoda- tion available. Write: 1 Sulgrave Gros., Willawdale, Ont. M2L 1W5.B3 EDITOR REQUIRED for community newspaper in Niagara Peninsula. Grow with expanding paper. Journalists only please. Sed resume: Editorial Go- ordinator, P.O. Box 310, Gisy Ont. 13M 4G5. Gr y1 FREE:. 1990 GUIDE to study-at-home correspondence Diplomna courses for presti9ious careers: Accounting, Aircondition- ing,*Bookkeeping, Business, Gos- metology, Elect ronics, Legaif Medical Secretary, Psycho oy, Travel. Granton (5A) .263 Ade9lie West, Toronto. 1-800-950-1972. B3 LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern, Ontario School of Auctioneering. Next class: June 9-16/90. For information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Wood- stock, Ontario, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. B MARKEL 1-800-2 65-7173. Glass AZ-DZ Professional Transport Driver Training. Careers? Financ- ing? Tax Deduct ible? We've got the answers. Markel lnstitute of Profossional Transport Trainingi. Guelph, 1-800-265-7173.B ASSISTANT AND MANAUthi trainees and sales clerks with retail oxperience. Robin, 430-1501 or andy, 430-1648 or apply to,7-11, 403 Brock St. S. ail shifts available. INSTRUCTORS WANTED. Are you willing to share your talent, spocial hobby or intorest with other Durham Région adults? If so, Write to' the Night School Supervisor at Anderson C.V.I., 400 Anderson St., Whitby, LiN 3V6. Explain your area of expertise and Include your name an elephone number. ST. MARKS UNITED CHURCH, Whitby, requires' Administrative Secrotary for 30 hours per week. General office duties including typing, word procossing, record keeping. Must be a good communicator. Send resume by April 20 ta Mrs. Earlien McCracken, 911 Dublin St., Whitby, LiN 1Y9. PART TIME OFFICE cleaner avaiable 5 nights per weok. Bonded. Call altr 8sp.m or beforo il a.m. 668-08251 BUSY RESO ~ is naw accopting aPications for the following positis: rocreation, dining roomn, chef/cook and kitchen assistants. Excellent training prograrn e. Accommoda- tion and meals available. Apply: Deer Lodge, ER. Haliburton, Ont. KOM iSO. (7 5) 457-2281. B WORK AT- HOMIE Earn $100. to $30. ia day. T*e phono orders for publisher. Phdne 666-0484. db STU MCGEE Floor Sanding. Sanding, relinishing, repairs and staining. Supplied, laid and finished. Over 20 years experience. Cal coloot after 6 p.m., (705) 944-5529. SHELLED PAINTING and Decorating. Paint and Walîpaper. Cleaning. Brush, Roll, Spray. Caulking, Woodstain. Residontial, Commercial, Industrial. Cai 434-1325. OFFICE DUSTING and vacuming. Can be done evenings. 668-9057. GENERAL CONTRACTORS, framing, insulating, boarding, taping, skyîights, saunas, roc roams, basement apartments, cedar siding, replacement windows and 'mare. Cal Jim or Terry at 430-1321. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR painting. Averaging $150. Free estimaies. 668-9057. COMPUTER FUNDAMENTL 12 HORS$9 Leam the baslcs ai your computer Induding DOS. 4 Evenings 6:3Opm-9:3Opm or 2 Saturdays 9:OOam-3:OOpm LOTUS 1-2-3 12 HOURS $195 Leam the most popular spreadsheet program. 4 Evenings 6:3Opmn-9:3Opm or 2 Saturdays 9:OOam-3:OOpmn WORDPERFECT5.O 12 HOURS $195 Leam word prooessing. 4 Evenings 6:3Opm*-9:30pm or 2 Saturdays 9:OOam-3:OOpmn Somne pre-requlsites may appty. 'l'oronto, lo 'Bsns 1PICKERING CAMPUS 1450 n R a 420-1344 (wy 2 At Valoy amR. TRANSPORT DRIVERS needed. Now 19 the time to train for your Class "A"e licence. Fo r pre-screening interview and job pl1acement information contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training. 1-800-265-3559. Head Office: 16 Corydon PI., Cambridge. PRESSPERSONS with 5- 10 years experience on Web Offset Presses. Excellent wages and ben- ofts. Located in Elmvale, Ontario, LOI iPO. Kathy Jamieson. B SEASONS BEAUTY & Image Consuitant. Make money making people beautiful. Own hours, high income, professional training available, non-animal-tested cos- metics. Car needed. Cail 1-800-387-9522. B HAIR LOSSI As seen on national tv. The greatost Helsinki Formula ever, now available in Ontario. $85 for nine manths supply Phono (416) 631-4522. Dist ribÙtor inquiries welcomel B $DOLLARS$ - TOPS'N TRENDS homo party sales. Gonsultants and Host esses want ed. Ladies fashions. Colour catalogue available. Fantastic hostess gifts. Cai Lynn Rooney tollfroo, 1-800-268-5670.B GROW YOUR OWN tobacco in your homo, gardon or greenhouse. For free information, send self-addressed stamped onvelope ta 'Scott Farm,' Box 55 1, Fermont, Quobec, GOG IJO. B VOUR JUNIK could be sameone else's treasure. Selli h in the classifieds. Phono 668-6111. HIRING - EXPERIENCED KITCHEN HELP ALSO SEASONAL HELP im for * ICE CREAM SHOP Apply In Person (no phone cails) 939 Dundas St. W.., Whitby LPS - Lucifora's Property Services. lnterlocking Stone from $4.00 sq. ft. Fonces from $1325 per ft. Pressure treated docks, retaining walls, flower beds, driveway borders, tree & shrub planting removal and pruning. Groundis keeping maintenance also available. Monthly & seasonal contracts. Caîl today for f re estimates. 428-6817. ATTENTION small business owners. If running your off ice is a headacho, lot BOSS do it for youl We have the skills and experience to give you fast, accurate and confidential service in the following areas: bookkeeping, typing, billing invoices, payroll, sales tax RST/GST, bank reconciliations, personal tax- returns. Caîl Mary Gavin, 436-6225 or Marg .Huston, 436-5308. HILLSIDE FENCING and dock s. Industrial or residential wood and chain link. Ail types of docks. Post-holes drillod and posts set. Caîl today for free estimates. (416) 985-9078. Bobcat with back hoe for hire. BILL'S PERSONALIZED lavn and garden care. Yards cleaned, grass cutting, pruning, gardons tiled, fertilizing, landscaping. Reasonable rates. Bill, 430-1920, 655-8649. H & L DRY WALL Systems. Framing, painting, T-Bar Geilings. Caîl Harvey, 430-7808. DOW'S LAWN Maintenance. Spring yard clean-ups and weekly lawn maintenance. Caîl BIII, 666-0760. AERO SPACE ELECTRIC. Construction of new & old homos, renovations, and back yard lighting. Commercial and industrial work'done, also. 666-5397. HOME CARE AVAILABLE. Safo and' roliable. Ideai onvironment. 668-5931, 668-6259. DECK SALE - .20% OFF. Book your custom designeddeck now for sring installation.and huge savings.. Lowmac Construction. 428-8892. T & S SERVICES. Cernent work, roofing, foundation repairs, asphaft repairs, patios, docks, fonces, chimney and ýbrickç repairs and backhoe and bobcat. For' free estimate, caîl 668-.8736. JOIN THE BOOMING Underground Lawn Sprinkler business. Start your own dealorship for -sumrner 1990. No oxperience necessary. Training and technical support available. $3,500 for complote start-up, including f ull inventory. Cail us today. Aqua-Lawn Sales and Installation, (416) 890-9749. Fax: (416) 890-9097. B SNACKS: Rapidly expanding full lune snack cornpany. Has distributorship available in your area. Funds requiredfr inventory. Cube van necessary. For further information, sond resume to Listowel Banner, PO. Box 97, Listowel, Ontario.- N4W 3H2. Attention: Box 433. B RETAILERS ONLY.' Video Laserdiscs, Nintendo and Video Movie leasing. Wo are well- stocked,' fast, efficient. Bi-weekly rotation. You select your inventory. Canada wide:. 1-800-665-5082. Fax: (204) 231-1150. B YOUR PHOTOGRAPHS can bring in thousands of dollars monthly if you know how. Send setf-addressed stamped envelope for Informffation to AKA, Box 86, RR3, Brighton, Ont. KOK iHO. B EXTRA INCOMEI W. train you to grow big baitworms in your basement, garage. or shed. Odorless -operation. Low invest- ment. Markot guaranteedl Free information. Ear Br Eooy RR#1, Smithville, Ontario, LOR MA, (416), 643-4252. Chathamn Kent Bait Farm, 1 11#7, Chatham, Ontario, N7M 5S7. (519) 683-2468. Kumari Bait Farm, Box 69, Camden East, Ontario, KOK 1J,10 (613) 378-0023. B cit

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