Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 Apr 1990, p. 3

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2 Whitb)y Chamber of Commerce "Since 1928" Item.*S from Whitby Council agendla(s) April.2,1990 Planningand Development Commýitte'e That council.approve a seven-story,'84-unit houslng development near the corner of Perry and Ma ry streets. The Durham Region Non-Profit Houising Corporation la planning ta build"the apartment building. Included'in the proposai will be 40.units reserved exciusively for frail, elderly residents. Recommended to counciL. That the Ontarlo Ministry of Transportation be advised that council approves, ln principie, the preliminary design soheme for the widening of Higtiway 401 from Brock Rd. ta Courtice Road ln the Town of Newcastle. No decIsion has been made as to when work on the-highway widening will begin. Rtecommended to coumeiL. That councli approved a 7,000-sq. ft. nursery and garden centre proposed for DON BLENKARtN Finance, chairmian promotes G;ST at chamber meeting By MikeKowalold Business and consumers bath will be better off with the federal government'sj>roposed goods and services (GST) tax, predicts MP Don Bienkarn. Business will benefit from hav- ing more capital availabie for expansion and jOb creation wbile consumers wil notice a dif- ference at the check-out counter. That ujpbeat 'message of sup- port for tMhe gvernment's contra-. versial tax was delivered by Blenkarn to a joint dinner meet- ing last week of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce and Whitby Jaycees,. Cairmnan of the flouse of Commons Finance' Committee, the outspoken Bienkarn ba's acquired- the reputation- of a maverick who is not afraid to ruffle feathers,ý even those belonging ta, members Of bis own. party. That was evident in bis address to the Wbitby business orfftiore not popular as a fiOývernment right now, Iru admit Yt, said Blenkan. rve been hungupside down in effigy from theback of a pick-up truck in Alberta. Senate likely to delay G;ST 1270 Winchester Rd. W., ln By MkeKNowalsjd Stanley. Brookiin. Vie appiicqnt, The federal government's The chamber plans a Kervin Nurseries, wif flot be goods and services tai (GST) this springto, furtheri issued a building permit until May be in for a ruh ride when details'Oftge GRT. a nursery has been it gets to the cenate, says Although the Whitby ori estalishd onthe ite.Ontario riding MP Rene Soetens. tion has not taken an estblihe anth sie.But whether the Liberal- position on the tai, Stani R«cm eneto counciL. dominated Senate would dela?? the Canadian Chaniber ol the tai, beyond its January 1. merce supports a value Operations .1991 starting date, remains ta be seen. Comm'ittee Soetens offered this prognosis That municipal responsibilifty on the fate of the GST prior t aa for the development of joint meeting, of the Whitby P e Kelioryn Park be Inciuded ln Chamber of Commerce and the tènder for averaîl Wbitby Jaycees held last week. devlopentof he ew ark A memer of the flouse of delapeto the ea rk Commons finance committee, Ianedfo th aea0fSoetens said the commiteewas UC a i1ingbroak St. and Dryden making final changes ta the Blvd. Work included In the legisiation before sending it back tender would consist of ta the House for third and final fencIng, bleachers, players' reading. bences, ighing nd prk e expected the committee ta benhes lihtig ad prk have comp ted its anxendments fumtue.by last Thursday for presen- Recommnended to council tation ta MPs the !ollowing day. That the existing fines for «I tbink the governmnent will an-street parking meter want it throuh in twvo ta three violatians be increased from weeks," said oetens. «But that $5 early payment and $8 set ail depends on what obstruction- fine to $10 and $15 ist tactics the opposition cames respectively. The rates wîîî up with.» take effeot when meters are When the legislation is finally- changed ta refleot a recent pproved by MPs, a virtual cer- decisionlIncreasIng meter tanycnsiderinq the Conserva- rates rm.cns to'$ e will be sent ta the Senate. hour. -The. House of Commons and j Recommended to council the unelected Senate must bath That the existing eastbound pass propased legislation before and westbaund yid signs at it beéomes law. *the Intersection af Byron St. Soetens suspects the Senate *N. and Jahn St. W., té. wilI want ta, hold herfgs across replaced with stop signs. Canada before dealing with the. Recommended to counciL.. bill., Viatwestoundstopg~5"Then thej"il paso it or send it be Instalied at the intersec- back ta us with amendments, we tion o! shbu Rd.andcan t force them t as it.» tion of shbu Rd.andIii the case of proposed Spencers Rd. and Ashbum changes ta unempioyment in-S A Rd. and Robmar St., and that surance rules announced last S 1the northbound yieid sign at year, the Senate took, six months Here iis a cha: Ashbum and Spencers be aefre the gbvernment's bill VIsSlvs4o h remaved. retui'ned ta the flouse witb oeeto h Recommended tecounejL' amendmnents, said Soetens. over 100 styl Chamber of Commerce pre- svnso29 aident Bob Stanley said there is svnso 0 stili uncertainty about the GST The War Amputations among his group's members. "A of Canada. lot are against it. rigbt now for 1administrative reasans, they M A Your support assists think it will cost them money,» CHILD said'Stanley. Areas of cancern include 70 ossland Ri AMPUTEES chan4n*ng cash registers and ~ ti h f h i t h.~tii~l Paperworkf xplained, seminar explain rganiza- officiai le said )f Com- senting the Lane ,tom Coveir Sale tai like the GST. However, the Canadian chain- ber favors a broader-based, more simplified tax that will cost less ta adminisiter. It alo ants the tai lowered ta six per cent from seven. that what were doing is right 1 wouldn't be doing it, Rene S.- tens wouidn't be -doi*g t and neither would M:ichael Wilson. We'd wimp out, too.» (Sootens is MP for Ontario riding, Wilson,,is e'Canadas finance minister.)- Blenkarn's comment about "wimping out» -*as in- reference to peougvernments reluc- sales IIChÎ anufacturers' The 13.5» per cent tax is now hiddenin the cost of maLny pro- ducts. The government's seven per cent GSTWill eliminïate that tai but it'wiii be applied on a much broader scale. Blenkarnsaid'that since' 1949 various studies recommended do' g*awaywitb the 'tai,'but noboy hdenougb gutato axe, tbe tai. "WePre going to axe the tai because thaVs what tbe Cana- dian Chamber of Commerce wants and tbat wbat Canadian businessmen want.» Blenlcarn said the reason no governinent prior to the current administration attempted to eli- minate the manufacturera' sales tax is "because it was a wonder- fui tai. "No one knew about 'it. We've been doing it ta people ail aiong, stealing their money, picking their pockets. "Make no mistake about it, it's not the manufacturers wbo pay it, it's the consumer, you and -I brother, who pay it.» Blenkarn said that with the GST,' scheduled to take effect neit *January, consumera will know .e.actiy what they're psy- ingitx Yopyfor what you con- sue h ore you consume the .nce to have a beautiful custom buit sofa' air, handmade especia]ly for you. Choose from les and over 800. gorgeous fabrics. Ail at a LISTER S 576-64,, WB1TBFREE PRESS, WEDNEBDAY, APIIIL 4, 1M9, PAGE 8a agenda 1 i 71NP.WQ

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