PAGE 26, WHMTY FPR PRESSI WEDNESDAy. ApMI. 4.1990 'Gare. Pr.ovided in many ways By TrudierZavadovies My niother was diagnosed with lung cancer ini the winter of 1987. By spring, at my. in- vitation, she was living with me and was ready te undergo treat- nment for lier disease. I,. a single inother, struggling te get my public relations diploma, and already commtting my next year te a journalism course, was tern between the tragedy cf my niother and pre~prn for my future. I had no 1daeftera ahead. Caring for my mother proved harder than I could have ever anticipated. 1 watched her go through heIl on earth, help lessto stop it.Ã"neýof the bright lights that glimimered throuigh one of the darkest periode of our lives was we recived from Community Care. One of the- things I most admired about mmother was her strength. &emotherapy weakened her beyond belief. Community Care. waà there te help her - and me. They directed me to services which I neyer knew eisted. Cheerful and com- passionate volunteers -drove her to Toronto for treatment and throughout the area for her dif- ferent appointinents. Drivig is just one cf the meny services proviLded by Communýity Care. Othervoblunteer services include Meals ôn Wheels, Wheels to, Meals, telephone checks, letter wriin~ grcer1pik-up, seg, financial coune ing,seorit ting and attendant car. - a vast range of services requiring a vast range of volunteers. WHitby Coinmunity Car. offi- cially opened its doors on Feb. 24 1978, largely due te, the eJflort cf current administrative co-ordinator Marie Brooks- Snxyth, and the service has taken off like a shot ever since. "Housing and population have exploded in Whitby," says Brooks-Smythe. «Most familles, the spouses are working. They bigparents with thein. Seniors hav rat faith in Community Care in Whtby. uCommunity Gare is net just for sieniors. Ites for seniors, had- icappedI or persons with speial needs. Our youngest client is two COMMfUNITY *CAIRE Location:, 400 Dundas St. W. Suite 207B Oshawa, Ontario Purpose: te keep people ini their own homes offerix3g them ail the necessary services te do so. Volunteer Membership 240 Fumding,. Ministry cf Communityr & Social Services <COMISOC), United Way, private donations Contact: Marie Brooks-Smyth 668-6223 years old and our oldest is over 100 years. People are living longer. Eighty per cent'of the people over 70 years want te live on their own.. Institutions coot e great deal of meney., Our work- mngbudget is not that high.» Their funding cornesfrom the Pýrovinoe the United Way and à personal donations. Brooks- Smyth rroiects that next year they wi 1 handie 35,000 assign- mente. Clients pay a nominal fée for services and the fe. goes te the volunteer. "W. have dedicated volunteers. We ceuldn't workwithout them. hey sente corne, and stay. A lot cf friendships seem to blos- som.» More( volunteers are cur- rently needed, she adds. Like theïr clientèle, the volun- teers range from young students te retired people. Brooks-Smyth says. mont people volunteer for personal reasons. "Sometime in our lives we have had help when we really needed it. For Brooks-Smyth, her. help came as a child. She was paralyi- zed. She had a volunteer corne ONE 0F TEMany services provided often to Toronto for appointnients and by Whitby Comnt Care is driving treatments. patients throughout the region and and help her. She feels strongly 'hat, due te, the help of that volu'nteer, she is walking today." "You give a bit of yu happi- ness back te, people. Ma volun- teers go right out cf their way for a clienit." Don Farnuni is 60 years old and retired. He's been violunteer- ing for Community Car. for the past n. months and doesnt mntend te s3top. ! "I read about itin a newspa- per. I was retired and tired cf sitting around doing nothing. I really feel rm helping smebody It is sosatidyngAdthepe are Feat. Its'sMY iffe's work now. M mother died in December, 1988. She often !!said how much the Commurnty, Çare volunteers meant te her. $he feit a little less scared, a little more comfortable. The volunteers always had a smile. IJsed hearing aids are desperately ne eded, dei i am As Ine Used hearing aids are sperately needed for ternational distribution nongst the poor. T'he msociation cf Hearing struent Prctitioners of Ontario (AHIP) bas begun a =~agn which they hope will t n the . collection .cf thousands of used hearing nids to b.exaported to leas' fortunate s' countries whee there is ne gavernment assistance for the hearing impaired. Through . the Canadian International Hearing Services (CIHS>,- ail colected beaing sida will be.- evaluated, repairedwhen necessary or'sold le replacement parts. A 'team of volunteer pfesoals frein CIHS visit countries chosen toe hé-rîwiplentd and provide hearing aid services, cou.nselling and training te local personnel. Check dresser drawer. and forward any hearing aids currently net iuse te us (any make or mode], I1anY condition). Do)nate' dhea*n aida may b. sent te: AJr I.M 55 March St., Lindsay, Ontan , K9V MZ6or check your yellwpages under 'Hearing JAida for AH[IP members in your community. The Association of Hearing hItrument Practitioners cf Ontario (AHIIP) is a non-profit organization which represents wel. over 90 per cent of al hearing aid Ontario. AUl members adhere te a strict code of ethica and bylaws designed te provide quality car. te the hearing impaired of Ontario. Addiction Awareness board seeks members The Durham Addiction Awareness Wèek board of directors would 1k. te invite new membera Members are interested people froin the community, who would enjoy workcing with others in deVélopink'a 'rérýcf 'e*<éta designed to, raise public independently, according to, the October and November. awareness of the issues of nes tht have been identifled. Any concerned citizen who substance abuse. fweuld b. interested in learnmng Addiction Aw ienes Week is The board is looking for more about Addiction Awarenes Nov. 18 - 24. It bas grown frin individuals who cen spare Week, or would like te become a siailbgnmyasag oteapproximately two hours a board member, cen phone end become apr ce-wide activity, month, leading te a little more "feFeemnci a wlth each coniûity wcdlrig itnie invol"iùeni..durlng 5w9-4~ . ~1o.a A FOUR LITRWORD W SHOUU) MAU USE MOIRE OIT'E GIVE. The givig begins with you.