Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 Apr 1990, p. 25

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WH1TBFREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APIUL 4,1990, IPAGE 25 NewOIIP umbers will av mny sys health miniistry Starting this spring, new individual. hoalth numbers, on plasic carda, will be provided to every- bona fide resident of Ontario. Health coverage,. including Ontario drug benefits, il romain the same.- However everyone will eventually need the new health card with ita lO-digit number, as old OHIP paper carda and numbers are phaaed out.. Individual carda also mean imved confidentiality. Under the preniium-driven, family-based system, several people might use the same nuniber but onfly the rmon paying premiums coul h contacted by the health ministry. This put at risk the maintenance of coàfidentiality for other family members. The cards are part of the health ministry's modernization and consolidation of aIl its information systems. The overhaul should provide s;avings of more than $1.-billion over 10 years, with 10 per cent of that amount resulting from use of the new health cards. The information the new systeni provides on the use" f health services will ho of great benefit in the long-terni. The. niinistry will ho able to use this data base te, detect health trends and plan for future demands on resources. Foilowing this year's initial rogistiation, newborns and new residenits will ho added as tho arrive. Each persons heat number will be assigned for life. Eventually, that one number will provide access te all health programs and servies. Its common- use by hospitals and other institutions, moot of which now issue their own carda and maintain large client registrio, will reduce their administraon coats. Since residency in Ontario must ho establisheci in order te obtain the new health card, both fraudulent and unintentional use of Ontario. health benefits by non-residents will ho curtailed. Registration kcits will ho mailéd te ýevery household in the province, over a two-week period beginningApril 17. 1. roo e lin toffle Phone 668-6111j Meeting to iscuss compensat ion fr living next t0lndfilst81e iiy Mike lKowalski What is adequate financial compensation for people foroed te live next- door te, a garbage dump? The answe r to that question may bo provided tonight (Wed- nesdy) at 7:30 pm. at the Brooklin.Community Centre. Représentatives of two Ontario municipalities which have addressed the compensation issue will speak at a meeting sponsored bthe public liaison committe. o0f he Durham waste management master plan. Comimittee spokesman Gail Lawlor of Pickering said the Burns guild orgmzes several tr*JIs Burns Kirk Guild i Ashburn will sponsor various tripe imclud- igabus trip te the dtratford Theatro June 6 and 7; Walper Terrace accommodation i Kit- chener; 'Guys and Dolîs' musical; three meals at The. Waterlot; a guidod tour of Kitchener and visit te, the Museum and Archi- ves and Games, and Olde Bide Hous. - For more information calI 655- 3900 or 655-3981 before Apnil 18. Wl to hold aniualmeeti-ng Tlhe Brooklin Women's Imti- tute annual meeting will ho held at the Brooklin communitr contre on Saturday, April 2, 1:30 p.m. Motte, will ho "Plant your seed carefully teday, vou are planting for tomorrow.' Roll cail will b. 'Pay your women's institut. dues.' Year-end reports wvill ho given. Hostesses for the meeting will ho Marion Hall and Effie Parrott. Visiters are welcome. Dofasco chorus at Brooklin church The well-known Dofliso Male Chorus will present 'An Evening of Song, in BrookdiluUnmte Church at 7:30 p.m., Monday, April 9. The program, which is open to the public, is sposored by the Outreach -Committeo te celebrate the church'a lSOth anniversary.- Tickets for the evont are $5, and include refreshments. For information call Bob Echil at 655-4411 or Chris Grandy at 655-3660. speakers will discuss how com- pensation pgackages were pro- pared in teir Partcular com- munities. The inunicipalities involved are Dufferin County, northwest of -Toronto, and the «Georgian. Triangle," a terni applied te, com- munities centerod around Col- lingwood. Lawlor said the Dufferin example la unique in that Jini Irving, a. municipal councillor froni Orangevillo, has been in- strumental in preparing the case for his municipality ', In the GeorgianBlay. éommuni.. ties, the impetus lias come from a public liaison comnittee simi- liar to Durham's. Although the compensation packages have received prelimin- ary approval in the two munici- palites, Lawlôr points out that local government bas not given final approval in either case. In -addition to the aforemen- tioned speakers, Steve Lindley of MacareEngineering will explain exactly what compensa- tion meana t6 affected property owners. MacLaron Engineering is the consulting firin preparing Dur- ham's waste management Man. «Ii. purpose of the meeting is te, se. how it's dons and how te, best get the public involved,» said Lawlor. «]4J5 not te, croate policy, they're coming te, share informa- tion with us.» Committe. chairman Ralpb Blank aaid bis group want ini- formation concerning compensa- tion, in the public domain -before new landfill sites are identiflod, in Durham. «We want the information out before sites are earmarked, hofore the whole NIMY syn- drome flares up»said Blank. (NIMBY la the terni given to tho "not in my back yard» atti- tudep revalent in today's society.) In a related matter, Blank expressed satisfaction with a series of meetings held across Durhamn recently te receive pub- No (drinking) water for Myrtie firefighters- By MMei Kowali own drnlung water froni home. Volunteer firefighters ln Myr- Thore is a soit drink dispenser at tde must continue supplying their the fire hall. own drlnking water for a while' No money will ho spont on longer. rmlig a well until t he ope- Ak decision on sponding rations committee bas an oppor- $15,000, te drill a new well a t tunity te hear from staff on the the Myrtle fire hall, was deferred matter. at las t week's budget meeting. Town council's operations com mittee will decide at a future Entries wantedl date if a well is the answer te Di water problonis at the hall or if fS Miss BrOlim another alternative la required. uz wF i Firefigbters bave been suppiy inig their own water since the fire hall opened more than 10 years Entries are required -for the* ago. Miss Brooklin Spring Fair aTesting of the water under- pageant, the traditional opening taken shortly after the Town of the annual fair to ho bold this acquired the building fouud the year from Ma '31 teJune 3. water te ho unfit for human To ho eligibL as entrants, girls consumption. must ho aged 17 toý 23, unmar- Deputy fire chief Tony Van ried, a resident of 'Canada for Doleweerd told council a new two yoars, aud resident cf Dur- well would guarantee firefighters bamn egin for six mbntbs. a regular sjupply cf fresh water. Cashan d prizesqr awarded Be'said the volunteers were te the winner and runners-up. worrled watèr -frein a cooler last year year, Ain4 rFProst was might become stagnant because naied Mis Broolliu Sprn the hall la flot staffed on a Fair. rin regularýbasis., Eutry forma and a brief "If wve had a well we would b. resume can ho se it te, Gail c1:ertain cf a good supply.» said Cam~pbell, 11 Ros wod Ct., Van Doleweerd. Whitby, LIN 6Y6. Fo ore in- «I au est that you are grasp- formation caîl Campbell at 666. mng at strawsi,e responded coun- 3218 or Kelly Squelc t59 cil1or Joe BugeIll 3285. «Your mon are wrcng. Bottled Entry forma can 4~ picked up water la cheaper, cleaner and at higb achools and at the public safer.» libraries lu Whitby a"d Brooklil. Van Doloweerd told .17he. Fre.ý Closing date for ent is l .pi. Pros. the volunteers brini~t t1eit ';,.2.1é,44é t'f, #*4f. liep i inetemaster plan. . «Im very pleased, especially when compared te other imunici- p alities that have held public forums regarding waste manage- ment. "In Durhami we got good res- ronses2,good questions and qua- tinpu. 1%lank s.jaid opinions expressed by Durhami residents will ho taken inte account by the con- sulting fiin. Ho hopes the consultants will have something te -report by the. middle ofMgay. Meanwhile, a meetin *istenta- tivoly, schedu'led for ay 9 *te discussa incineration as an option for waste disposai. For' further details on that meeting and othor informationý, cail the master plan hotline at 1-800-465-4216. <'»-'«ýHOP INTO EASTER7 Cwffh FASHIONSfr*om y Cf DflRbýrodGENTS FINE APPAREL Famous makes of summer shorts, >1 shirts, ponts, etc. now in-stock. eBrItches * Vuarnet e Jimmyz - *Sunday's Sport e Koolah OiIskIn Coats Ocean PacifIc» M CrDflPbrook ( 51 B Baldwin St. (HWVY. 12) Brookiin 655-3963 w r~ Open Monday*- Soturday 9:00-5:00 Ample parkingz n

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