Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 Apr 1990, p. 21

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WEfMY FREE iU Bg U~,WEJ)NEDAY,.APRIL4, 1~,PAGE --7--- --77 Minister. releases interim polic nedctonaot eiion Public sehool boards that want to maintain a program of éeducation about religion et the elementary school level* will b. abi. ta, do so, providing they camply with the criteria set-out mi a reent Ontario Court of 4 Appe decision on religlous # duton, saysi Education Minister I Sean iiay IConway also announced' that the governient do.s flot intend ta appeal the court decision. In its unanirnous decision of Janiuery 30,' 1990, the court I stated that subsecton 28(4) of IRégulation 262 under the JEducation Act ie invalid, because fit is inconsistent with the Canadien Charter of Rtights and Freedome. The minister said that, in deciding flot ta, appeal- the court decision, the government reonzes the court macle it veiy iethaj the regulation is invalhd because it permitted the teaching of a single réligious tradition as if it were the exclusive means through whicii ta develop moral thiningf and behavior. '~oeethe court of appeal alec> . tated that education designed ta, teech about religion and to, foster moral value%, without indoctiination nii a particular reigiaus faith, would not breaci the, Charter. The. policy- I arn annoueing in. IConsultant, to be hred The Durham Coilege, Early, Learning Cengrýe is located et tii. ,Aex 'campus.. It -offers programs for young, childr.n througii a variety Of services which include a resource library, a child care employmient centre, consulting services, a family 'chuld care counselling- centre, eerly childiiood« education trainng -ýa networIng centre and lab sehool, chuld cure centre.. ii. Durham Coilege Early- Leerning Centrelias r.ceived a grant from the- provincial government -ta .hire: a community; development consultant# for two years. The consultant wiil co-ordinate and assist In tiie development of licenced child care services in deignated r4ew schools. Ail new schools builitin the. lest two yeers have ta, include a daycare centre. The consultent wiil also act as a liaison between the.Ministry of Comrnunity and Social Services and -echool boards in Durluai Region,. ý Northumberland, Peterborough, Haliburton and KaataCaunties. Funàds raised f or, bandys tnip to Winmpjeg &I rde Zavadovios Anden V, in conjunctian, with the. Anderson Music Parente' ýAssociation,-,.recently hèld a'»raffle ta .rais. fundsto. eend 106 students to 'Music Fest 1990 in, Winnipeg this May. mhe draw was held at Anderson CVI. The winner of two tickets to Floridaài D.* Roniey; a VCR - D. Dobson- co mpact disk player - C. Rtichards; two tickets ta Cullen Gardens - J. Cuffy, L. Bridcut and J. Carter. It is estimated that about $2,800 was raised. desdined-ta help boards thet wish ta offer a prgrain of education about religion do soin compliance with the court decision." lIn its decision, the court of appeal auggested eight tests, ta distinguish -between religious indoctrination and' education about religion: 1) Theéechool may sponsor the study of religion, but 'my not sponsor the practice of religion. 2) The echool mnay expose, students ta ail religious view, but rnay flot impose any particular 3) The. echoolle approach ta, religion is one of instruction, not; on. of indoctrination. 4) 'The function of the. school is ta, educete, about ail religions, not ta convert; toa ny on. religion 5) Th. e Bhool'sapproach is acadeinic, not devotinal. 6). Thi, shool should study what al people believe, but siiould not teah a studen what ta believe. 17) TIl.e choci shoudstrive for student awareness of ail religos but should. not press for =tdn acceptance of any on. religion. 8) The. echool siiould seek ta inform the. student about varicus bolie,- but should not seek ta conform- him- or her to any one belief. Conway sad that if public sehool boards are satisfied that their, program are- consistent with the coures delineationo f pernsible education about religion, they may, as aninterim, measure, continue thes. programs. The. authority ta continue thes. progrems is under section 8(l) (c) (iii) of the Education Act which states that the . miister ma»y permit school boards ta approveý courses of study that are not developed- from curriculum guidelines. When education about religion is offered, exemption of pupils will be grented upon -the written request of parents, Conway seicL The. curt of appeal decision-*is binding. on ail publiceschool boards.. '¶Boards that have any doubt that their programs are in compliance with t.e court decision should hait religious education," Conway streed. The. interim policy also informe achool boards that they cen provide %pae, -as thy do for various community-related activ7*ties, on the. request of parents who wish th.fr children, to b. taught religion hy clergy or designates, providing the instruction takes lace outaide thie echool da. oweve, the Canadian Charter 0f ights and Prlieedoms 'requiesequality 0f tr.atment and boards' that exercis. this option must provide space to, any religiaus group nîaking such a requ.st. Tii.-court 0f appa decision doms not affect se oo c perated by the. Roman Cetholic seperat. achool boards.' Conway seid the 1rninietxy ia continuing, ta consider its policy options in light of tii, court 0f appeal ruling. Furtiier policy devélopment will t'ae.-i ta account the report 0f Dr. 'Glenn Watson's Ministerial Inquiry on religious education ini public elem.ntary sehoolsa. The repor has been presented ta the. niinister and is currently hein analyzed within the. ministry :3d prepared for public releas.. Due tothe, rouction procees, the. earlestdat ofrelease for bath the. English and French versions is expected -ta b. tii. end 0f March. "Tih. interim poli I- ýarn announcing is designe7 ta help sehool boards tiit want ta, maitan a prgram do s0 in accordence witii the.letter' and the, spirit 0f the. court 0f appeal deésion," Conway seid. "I trust tiiet 'ochool boar-ds will comply witii tii.. guidleines, as the. gov.rnment moves fürward ta, esteblisii a new policythat t"k inta account bath the. court 0f appeel decision and' the work Amr Conditior'2ning? 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