Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 Apr 1990, p. 20

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-. -~ -~ - -~ àPAGE 20, -WHr'Y FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1M9 LETTER 'Clean-up' chmallenge issued to Anderson To thi.editor.- - On behaif of tiie Henry Street Higii School Environxnental Group, I would lik. to express our concern over the littering problem in the. Anderson area. While global enviromunental issues are of great importance, w. believe that if we are to save the. earth', we must begin at. home. Litter is a serious problem, and ANDERSON CVI students wear dents, are (clockwis'e, from left) somne of the shirts that wiil be part Maureen Quinlan, Christy Baise, of the school's fashion show on Fni- Mike Kosurko, Kim Torreno, Kwesi day, Aprl. 6, 8 p.m. Wearing the Thomas and Claire Madili. shirts, made by fashion design stu A zany look atteens in Henrys Henry Street High School stu- dents and staff promise te, cap- ture garents' fanaie s ad teen- agers horrors witi the. produc- tion of 'Alen High School' on Thursday, April 19, 7:30 p.m. In the production, 23 teenage aliens fromail over the. gaiaxy find themselves trapped on a M h sciiool planet in the year They can't leave tii. planet until they have proven t. b. worthy of 1f. on their parents' planets. The. play raises the, question, can they do it? Among the characters are Her- mie Schlepp w ho has inadver- tantly broug1Ét sorne time travel- 1ers te MAien Higii School; Jenni- fer Telezoid, wh has fallen in love witii a 1960"a human; Pizzle 'Mlien High Sehool' Gothie, who keeps ruinig the wrestling routines that are the. Gothice' only chance t. graduate. English teacher Angle Littie- field wrote this zany look at teens, withiihigii school perfor mers and designersin mmd Art students will design and construct a time machine, asteroldsansd cornets. Fam«il studies and art students wi create costumesfo groupa of teens from distant planets. Tii. Goth2a, iocome from Hubridas X and Panntagruel T, are devoted to 2Otii century wrestling iieroes; the Telezoida, who hail from Telemachus Two, are a.robic fituesa' nuts; tii. Breakers from The Salon, are hairstyling fanatica; the. Schlepps, from Sciiemorancia, are such scatterbrained intellec- Student on honor society Christopher DiLello of Whitby outstandig leadership and bas been selected for membership imangriability. in tue management honor society GMI Engineering & at GMI Engineering & Management Institut., with a Management Institut., Flint, student enrolment of more than Michigan- 2,600, is the. nation's only DilLelo, a senior, was selected accredited college of engineering by bis sponsor for soclety and management operating on a mernbership on tii. basis of five-year cooperation plan of education. a Founded in 1919, GMI was part B rock M IW of Ceneral -Motors Corporation until 1982, when it became an mocktral independent institutionan Motors Institut., Tii. Eastern Ontarlo Mock The college offers baciielor of Trials were iield March 24 at tii. science degrees in mechanical, district court houa. in Whitby. industrial, electrical, and Judge Edmondson presided at manufacturing systems engineer- tue Canadfian Bar Associatin's ing, and management systems. A miock trial for Ontario s.condary masters degreeis offered in school students. manufacturing management. In tue day-long teurnament, Students alternate 12 weeks of tue Brock igh School tearn of six classroom and laboratoiy studies students soundly def.ated a with work experience at business Napane. team te capture the. and industrial organizations in Eastern Ontario tit. more than- 600 locations -Tii. Brock students will tbroughout the U.S. sud Canada. proceedt. the, ali-Ontario finals As a cooperative education to, b. held April 17 at the. student, DiLeilo la sponsored by Spprèms i WjÏebfOnal '~ G,(MfadiLtd. shq4ww~ tuais that they often forget te wear clotiies. More than 100 students will b. directly involved i mounting the production. About 1,000 tickets have already been sold te public school studenits for the. afternoon perfior- mances on April 17, 18,19 and 20. To reserve seats for the even- ing of April 19, cail Steven Bland at Henry Street High School. Fashion show at Anderson Anderson CVI will iiold their annual fashion show on Friday, April 6, 8 p.m., at tii. school. 'Under Construction '90' wil iclude denims, bathig suite, casuals, 'Kids Only,' colors, street scenes sud 'Tii. Prom.' Clotiies for the. show will b. provided by local merchants. TIckets are $5, and rnayb. priased in advance or a thtei - oor. Many door prizes will b. provd.d by merchants. Tuer. will aiso b. eEtertainment andý refr-esiiments. Proceeds from tiie show wiil go to tiie student fashion sciiolar- ea&frn668-5809 for more infor- mation. Meeting about 5-year e1an A publiecmee *g todiscussthie five-year plan rspaleduca- tion wlll b. heid by the. uniiam seprat acool1 ard at tii.edu- caincentre, 0 ORossland ]Rd. W., Oshawa, in Wednesday, April11,7 pm 'A Model foî, Inclusion' wiil feature discuss1.on of the. five- year plan sud ii e philosopiiy of inclusion, refl the ti board's commitment te, a aichool system one that must b. dealt with. W. invite our neighbors to share their concerns and comments witii us, so that we can all work together to solve this problem. W. plan to eep our area clean, aiid we challenge Anderson's Environmental Club t., do the. same. In 'other words, «'practice what you preachi' Sincerely, C. Leitch Denis O'Connor H.S. Tanya Trinkaus' Students and teachers involved in this year's "Soire. au Caf." are busy windxng down the. many preparations.'The Soir.. is being organized by our French and art departrnents. Art teachers and students are making the posters and al cf the decorations for the. Soir... Many other teachers and studenta are sefingtickets. It' a great event to b. a part of because the students do most 'of tii. organization themselves and the. end resuit bas always been an evening of fun. For those of you who aren't aware of what to expect, the Soir.. ta an evening when anyone interested can corne for a great French diner nd njY some French entertainment. The cooksrvr n entertamners wilbe DO'C students. The theme this year ilu 'Paris, i Springtime.' Ths fun-filled event will tae place on April 27 from 6:30 to 9 p.m. ickets must b. purchased in advance fi-am April 2 to April 12 during ail three lunches (11:30 a.m. to 1:30 pa.)in tii. cafeteria or by calling S. Holmes at 427-6667. ickets are only $10 for adulte and $5 fer cbildren aged 12 and younger. Everyone is welcoxne so buy your tickets now! I hope te se. you tiiere! *On March 28, DOVC' badminton team cornpeted i the LOSSA West competition at Pickering High Sciioc. The. competitorsailn came out of it witii fine finish.., particularly a first place win by Kathleen Koîsteren and Kirstin Franz i the junior girls division. Yesterday and today, auditions wer. held for this yeaes Talent Show. Singers, musicians, dancers and anyone else with a talent came out te show their stuif. I can't wait te see what theylve got in store for us this year! More and more often these days, I arn hearing about DO'C's Spr Ing Melody and Art Contest. Our'banda and chair are definitely crackng down te, prepare for this concert which wilI talc. place on April 25 a 7:30 p.m. As mentioned in last week's articlei Fast for Lite wiil b. held from this Friday at 4 p.m. te Saturday at 4 pin. Ail proceeds go te Share Life and local charities. Goold luck te ail of you students Who are daring te go for a full 24 hour-s without food. Hiav, a great time! Trafaiga.r Castie Tiffany Bradley Prom wiiat lv. heard, everyone enjoy.d their experience week excursions. Everytlung went weil asplned for the. tripe out of tue country, and the experiences dloser te ome were equally sucessfu. Sheila Johinson, oùr iiead, girl, wil b. forming an organization for anyone wiio la conc.rned wltii Canada's enviroment. Cànada uses more electricity tha any otiier country, and ln known for ceating tue mont garbage and waste. To tiy te help tiie situation, the. girls wil bring their own muga te break for their' coffe., tes, etc., so that we are able t. reduce the. amount of styrofoam cups used. W. are boping that this'organization will produce more. ideas te heip reduce polution i Our environment. A littie effort does a lot. Tii. water shortage un Marci 29 didn7t stop each houa. frorn partlcipating in the annuai swim meet, witii races for botii juniors and senior.. Tii. girls swam everythin& fi-am «dogge paddle te tth, m.dlley relay. Those not participating cee.r.d their houses on sm ther. was a. lot of r. mse ed .a Iqt. tC xçi.e. Ilowev.r, we're, stil là # à s * s 'ss¶.~èàs'.ê * **.t.t I es

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