Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 Apr 1990, p. 19

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~YX4---~- WH YFIREE PRESS, WEDNESDÂY, APRIL 4, 1M9, PAGE 19 MEDITATIONCLA.S Meditation classes will be ho] on Tuesdays, 8 *to 10:30 p.jn startin April 10. Donation S oney. For more inforain a 430-1642.WraioC A rummage sale is held ee Wedniesday, 1 to, 2:30 p.m.,* 1; the United Church Women at SÎ Mark's Church House, 200 Byroi St. S., Whitby. For more informa tion eall 668-3091 (morning only). PC USERS Durham PC Users Club meet- ings are held on the second Thursday of each month at7 p.m. in the staff lounge, second floor, Durham College. Meetings are open to ail interested. A "bug" session is a regular feature that allows one to' discuss pro- blems in an open forum or assist others who also- use MS-DOS often given when software is of Jinterest toniembers. 'Dise of the j Month' is available toail meni bers and the library is updatec on a regular basis. For more information cali Bernie Sand- i. brook at 655 -4156. PARKINSON Tho Parkinson Exercise Group ~> meets every Thursday, 9:30 to 11 a nm at the church house of St. ~ MarksUnited Church, at the corner of Byron and Colborne streets, Whitby. Refrehiente ~4 are serv'ed. For more information caîl 668-6580. EPILElPSY SUPPORT GROUP To provide support and 4 "ssstance for teens who have epilepsy, the Faniily Education Resource Centre of Durham Hous is offering a study group at Durhami Hous, starting Wednesday, April 4, 6:30 ta 8 p.m. Sponsored by Epilepsy Ontario, the eight-session group will be Pof optimal* benefit for 16- ta 19-year-old teens who have epilepsy or have a family member with this disorder. For more information and ta register oel 686-4353. r ITCCONFERENCE Local International Training iii Communication (ITC) members are among the sponsord of the ITC second annual sprig semi- nar 'Changes and Challenges' ta ho held at the Sheraton East j Hotel in Scarborough on Satur- day, April 7. Guest speakers td include Reva Nelson, director of Wordsworth Professional Com- mnunications; Roy Green, pre- sident of Roy Green Associates; n. Sylvia Kestenberg, president of Job Design Concepts Inc. For more information caîl 243-7918. LAMB AWAREES S Durham Sheep Producers will r hold 'Lmb Awareness Day' on r Saturday, April 7, 10:30 a.m. ta 4 p.m., at the Bowmanville Lions aý Centre, Beech Ave., Bowman- ville.Activiies A"lude heep- * The Canadian Club of Durham * Region- will meet on Tuesday, April 10v at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa, commeencing with dinner *at 6:30 pm. Guest speaker will be Edward Goerz, executive director, Men's HStel Services. Anyone wishing ta attend this moot interesting program will ho welcome. For reservations and any further information oeil Ruth Brookting at 655-4530, or'Nancy McKnit at 668.4522. Com ing events AQUARIUM SHOW Thie Durham Region Aquarium Society will.hold a show and auction on Sunday, April 8, il cl a.m. ta 4:30 p.rn., at the Kinsmen Tcommuity centre, 109 Coiborne 7 St. W., Oshawa. Cail 683-4652 or 725-7911 for more information. e CRAFTFEST 9o Craft Fest '90 s*in show and, t sale will b. hoid on Sunday, 3 April 8, 10 a.m. ta 4 p.m., at the BJubile. pavilion, Lakeview Park, f Oshawa. There Wil11 b. 80 boothsP of crafts and arts,. Easter gift ideas and a door prize at 3 p.m. Admission is $1 (fre. for those 12 and under). AVICULTURAL SOCIETY The Durham Avicultural Society is holding a meeting on *Tuesday, April 10, at 7:30 p.m. A speaker froni the Ontario Fdrton of Naturalists wil present 'The World of Birds 3Around Us.' The meeting is in tho Pickering High *School cafeteria (Church St. north of Hwy 2). For further information- contact Jacquie at 282-5997 (Toronto) or Vince at 723-1978 (Oshawa). DOWN SYNDROME The Durham Down Syndrome Association will hold the monthly meeting on Tuesday April1 10, 7:30 p.m., at Whitby i>ubl'C Libr- ary. Guest speaker will ho Shel- ley Akermanis, from Case Coor- dination, who will discuss the programs available for children with Down- Sydrome. For more information, caîl 831-8300 (Pick- ering). EPILEPSYOSHAWA Epilepsy. Oshawa and Area Chapter will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 10, 7:30 p.. at the Kinsmen com- mýunity centre, 109 Coîborne St. W, Oshawa. Guest speaker is Basil'Billings, directar of phar- macy at Oshawa General Hosi- tal. Ail welcome. Admission is $1 for members, $1.50 non-mem- hors. For more information, cal 436-3152. NIGUET 0F CARDS ¶Night of Cards' will ho held by Whitby Chapter #248, Ordor of the Eastern Star, at the Masonic Hall, Cochrane St., Whitby, on wednesday, April 11-7:30 p.m. Admission is $3. Pri*zes and refreshments. For tickets cal 576-0617. COPE COPE, a community mental health prograni, is recruiting volunteers for its spring training session. The sessions will b. held on Tuiesday ights, beginning April 17. Zh course wiil run for eight weeks. This is a community mental health prograni which serves mon and women of ail ages. Because of a shortage of volunteers, clients sometimes wrait as lonnas six mnth a a 4 information and ta register for this or any of the other study group Andworksbops ,offebred hb, thé' centre, ei l 57-2021 or 686-4353. J To help adult children of alcoholics make changes in their lives by providing the needed information and support, the Family Education Resource Cotrof Durham Hous is offering a -10-session group at# Durham Hous, Wednesday, April 11, froni 7 ta 9 p.m. For more information and ta register, caIl the centre at 579-2021 or 686-4353. COMEDYNIGUIT "A Comedy Night with Yuk Yuk's' ilb held by the Kins- mon Club of Whitby on Friday, April 6, 8 p.m. ta 1 a.m., at Ieydenshore Pavilion. Funds raised go ta, the Whitby General Hospital First Class Fund. ick- ets are available by calling Dave Stowell-Smith at 436-7979 or BrYan Childerhouse at 668-.5206. SPRING DINNER 'Spring Dinner' will ho held by the St. Mark's United Church Women on Wednesday April 18, 6 20,.m., 4t; 201 Cenf;e St. S.3 Tickets are $10, available at, the church office. or byclln P'reda Rowley at 66869g The Kiwanis Club of Whitby wiIl ho holding a Bingo for Cancer' on WednesdaAprIl il and 25, 7 -p.m. atHideaway Bingo, 1910 Dna St. E., ýWhitby. Ail proceeds -from both Wediiesdays wil ho donated ta, the Cancer Society. Kiwanis volunteers wil ho helping ta, mako it a success. EUCHRE Whitby lexion Branch 112 Ladies Auihlary will hold a e uchre on * Thursday, April 19, 8 p., at the Legonhail on Byron St. 9. Entry fe. is $2. There will ho prizes and a light lunch will ho served. Handicapped lift is available. BLOOD DONOIRCLINIC The next biood donor clinie in Whitby will ho held on Tuesdaýy, Aýpril 10, '1 *ta 8 p.m., at the Legion hall, Byron St. S., Whitby. BEATH OF LYFEDANCE lb.eoighth annual Breath of Life Daàc. wil ho held at, Iro- quoa Prkon Saturday, April 288 p.m. lh. dance raises funds frthe Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Tickets, $18 each, wiil ho sold at Iroquois Park on Saturday, April 7. starting at 8 a.m., PRE.EASTER SL Apre-Easter'sale, white ele. ph aIrt sale, bake sale, crafts and lunc will be offered on Satur- >day, April 7; il a.m. to3 p.m., at the seniors apartments at 850 Green St. PHOTO CLUB The Whitby Photo Club will meet at the Whitby Public Libr- ary on Monday, April 23, 7 to 9 P.m.Thle instructional topic will be'Filters;.' Submissions for print clinic III will ho accepted. luWANIB MUSIC FESTIVAL The Kiwanis Music Festival will ho held from April 18 to May 2. The program is available at music stores. For more-informa- tion cal'Orest Salmers et 655- 3802 or Margaret. Todd at 263- 2090. IJOYALIS'I9 The United Empire Làoyalists Association of Canada - Upper Canada Branch will meet in the auditorium of the Whitby Public Library,, 405 Dundas St. W., Whitby, on Wednesday, April 25, 7:30 p.m. Ail are cordiaily welcome. An 'Irish Format' wil ho presented by Erie Glenhoimes. For further information cal Donald D. Fox at 576-3175. LOYALISTS' CONVENTION The United Empire Ljoyalis' Association of Canada- Upper Canada Branch wiil hoet the 1990 convention at the Holiday -Inn, 1011 Bloor St. E., Oshawa from FriayMay11, until Sunday, May 13. Dr. Henning L. Von Hassel, Consul General froni the Republie of West Germany, will ho guest speaker. Rgsrton may be made now byteephUoing 576-3175, Donald D. Fox. ADULT rCIIIREN 0F BINGO FOR CANCER ALCOHOLICS advertisement Space Ae Shelving an Design tak es off Proper orgnztion and effective uige of space are the "buzz" words used by the Staff of Spic g Shelving & Dsgn Located at 80 Thickson Rd. S.,the Whitby store offers a full range ofshvigt met ilyor toa es we1arMegcu n bshlflsf elvnt visît ayour oe neeimneropr shelves tuanhe et lpfù str f eq lleen "asicly, whmeee'reinethe raton bsinless t, eplalls Melnycuk"nthin froni itchen cupbrdsth rgtoo upsards, eom los e.hk «nthn "We ktcen ofcupbo rsidntio ual srvice be'r ll aseortaisnom eca outiedt u nrsdnta evc u wTas ortladcmeca Mutelncks. saeofr w ai ye fshlig esevswihcnb mde nhe 'store offrcs twaicades5/8ofSselild) mr elm ineca eo sheingd tresoand hanging rods8which are fuil dtable.ote wo "eo#n der nd m-home cosultai.aWe'ullxpdjntabouexaywayune aeN wh eeitn-h osonsulaeonycu. e xTntuyoeaclwh o ed "We'll even instail it if that's what the customer wants." SystemBuild Melamine Closets WIre SheMvng& Baskets THE LIFESTYLE STORE WITH SQ MUCH MORE! [SPAE A~E SHELVINO] WE MAKE FREEHOUSE CALLS. RESIDENTIAL * COMMERCIAL«* INDUSTRIAL 80 THICKSON ROAD SOUTH, WHITBY (416) 430-1 636 Store Hours: Mo nday - Wednesday 10 arn - 6 pm- Thursday & Friday 9 arn to 9 pin - Saturday 9 qr tq Q. pm

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