WHITB FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4,1990, PAGE 17 ROYAL CONSERVATORY 0F music WaHisB - PRACT[CAL. WLNTER 1990 GRADE 9 PIANO Firat Cloa Honore Andrea Corlee Wilson Honore Curlo Che Pau Usa-Marie Stevens GRADE a PIAO Honore Christopher Mcxley Tricia IKiribride ' Pu Maria Natasha Prieit Janet Kathleen uot GRADE 7 PIANO First Clou Honore Eva Elis Wang Honora Imna Maria Zeechrna Kersy An. Harbinson Camilla Dzrkowsli Pose Amy Jeen Leithaad GRADE S PIANO Firat Cloua Honore Jacqueline Anne Mitchell Honore Judy Hung Angela Kaaz Poss Janet Yvonne Laing Tanya Shaw GRADE 5 PIANO Firet CloUa Honora Nicole Marie Montpetit Sarah Hope Slesn .Honora Simon Jamnes Barker Kevin M. Billard JasinineJames Posa Samuel Kim Isabel)e Mchaud Caroline Slcsn Despùm aines GRADE 4 PIANO Firot Clos Honora Sharon Yen Là k Ho Debbie varadas Honora Kathz7nMettler JefflIey Aaron Koleswikowlca IÇevn S. Ho JculnMarie Smith Ni" leagle KathrynPatge Birkett Andr'ew James Christopher Bentley )finniaKim Gregoyraun Denie Thcspue Poue Chri.ty Ile Wilson GRADE 8 PIANO Firut cam sHonora Anthony Onluhcuk Candice Chang Dent.. Nicole Howe April Ann Smith Erik Allan Dccle, Vicly Lynette Cappe Lindsey Forbes Kathryn McMIlIan Michefle Coulter Hether Gibb Stophen Michael Rcmaniuk Adrienne IK Low Stacey Johnson Posa Amy Jeanne Camr Shannon ElizabeKey. GRADE 2 PIANO firut Clama Homor Rachel Mettier Stephanle Joan Carsan Re Lucas JuileC. Panneh Honora Helen Caleby Sascha Tuuha Darren Dzikawski AnonDavid Sing Katherine Atkinsan Mala Joshi Kital Joshl Kelly Marlene Coubrough Aluna Chadee Angéla Gambet Deboraà hM 'm Seubrook Michael Scott Inglis Rtobert Lorenz Pau Julia Robinson * atieEdmunda Aaron ICylie GRADE 1 PIAO ffl ran lsHonora Christne Chwi Elizabeth Ruth Lappa (ideon Sa Kare Elizabeth Alezander David ]ILTsang Maithew Kevan Wilson RocsaGravina Kristine Johnson Eflen Johnson Derek Brown Rycma a a Kristyl Nooan Amanda Henry Stephen Jarman Jamte Andruua Victoria J. Dell Hoesoew Sun Corrl fBennett Brandi Wood Erin Sa Branduon Maria Carmen De Lecm Dent.. Rhcdd Jaaon Shlh Christine Chahrourl Nathardel Maceil Kri.ta Leigh Melvlle Houman Alasti FuMkani Vivek A. Bisscn BradleyWilliar Hane KatheenAn. YLei Tonya Murry Nicale Thomson Sophia Apostolpoul Jaclyn Anne Bennet Tymn Wiliam Peel Matthew Scoat Rempel Angela Jqaye -Mcrey Houai..JamesBsrker Fat Nicole Marie Heinrich Meghan Jeanne BaIl LorraneRaldau Mari Lynn Huitema I Obituaries a,, ANN ELEANOR CHERRY Ann Eleanor Chey died sud- denly on March 2'7 990, while vacationing at the family winter home in Fort Lau derdale, Florida. I She was born in Whitby, *daughter of Sidney and Liillian fCorrFelI. She lived ini Whitby until her marriage to Robert Cherry, and eventually moved -to Clare- jmont. Mrs. Cherry and her sister- in-law Carson Cherry were ag ctively involved i the family business,. Cherry Downs Golf and SCountry Club, sinoe it began. She is survived by her hua- band, daughter Crystal Schaump of Brougham and sons David and Douglas of Claremont grandchil- dren Robert James breton and AmberLynnSchaump brother Rbr orLyn (and i6s à f Ellen), nephews James and John Cherry and nieoes Laurie, Cath- e rine, Theresa and Margaret Corel F RICHARD LAWBENCE YOUNG Richard Lawrence Young Of Whitby died on Wednesday, Maréh 21 1990 at WeliesleY HOMpi«tal, oronto. Ho was 40. irewas born ciiî Oahawa on Fobruuiy 18, 1950, son dfRoboet and Audrey (Allison) Young. He married Vicky' on January 14, 1983, in London, Ont. Mr. Young was a p1astics operator. He is survived by his wife, daughters Charlene, Terri, Shel- ley and Colleen, brothers Ernie, Cyri Wayne, Rodney, Derek, Randy and ]Ronnie,' sisters Joanne, Beverly, Judy, Jenice, Darlene and Defbi~e. He was predeceased by his parents. Funeral services were held from the Town Funeral Home on March 24, 1990, Capt. Rick Sheesby conducting. Interment at Groveside cemetery. 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust *Family Monuments Granite or Bronze Markers *Ccmetery Lettering *Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas bt. E., Whitby 668-3552 After Hours 668- 4460 or 666-1L513 I lome appointmentsigladiy arrÉnged Lare husehold items Twioeyearly pick-up stays By Mke Kowalski Whitby's twice-yearly garbage pick-up of large household items will remain in effect. However, people wanting spo- cial garbage collection in adIdi- tion to what the Town provides will pay $25 for each pick-up. At its budget meeting last- week Town council voted to retain its spring and faîl collec- tion of large household items such as furniture and appliancesi. But it also chose to impose the new $25 fee on'people who cal for a pick-up at other times of the year. (Homeowners can now caîl the Town to make arrangements for pick-up of heavy items at no cost to the caller.) Council's decision followed a lengthy debate and a variety of motions calling for elimination of one or both of t he Town pick-ups. Councillor Joe Bugellh initially proposed discontinuing the fail collection in 1991 >and setting a $50 fee for special pick-ýpis. PIointing to the $240,800 budgeted costfor 199Q, Bugelli sad the- garbage- collection should only be offered on a user pays basis. Hereferred to council's earlier decision not to explore the possi- bility of user fees for recreational programs and facilities. "How can you talk about no user fees and in good conscience provide a service for someone Who wants to get rid of a tele- vision when it burna out?" asked BuWiat about people in a part- ment buildings? They pay for it and don't et.t» Councillor Marcel Brunelle noted that Ajax stopped its spe- cial garbage collection and ran into problems with furniture and appliances being dumped "al over the countryside. "It's a lot more expensive et- ting stuif out of ditches tfen picingit u like we do,» said rBunIe-e. Councillor Dennis Fox predic- ted that "people will not save it. we'll.see it spili onto the streets and:sho pingmalls."$5fefo special pick-ups was too high. "Alot of people can't afford $5 FOLbe some of you 'can,» Councillor Lynda Buffett dis- agreed. "If a person can afford to buy a new sofa or fridge they can afford $50," said Buffett. Correction Incorrect information appeared i an article about the -Pontiac Firebird i The Auto Section of last week's Free Press. Statements- about a toll-free number* were incorrectly added to the article. The information actually referred to a program offered by another auto manufac- turer. -1he Free Press wishes to apo- logize for the error and any confusion which may have resul- ted. ~443Q~4AY Egg w- W folded and n Egg McMuffin. tucked inside a but 'tered, toasted English muffin., WHITBY MALL Hwy #2 and Thickson Rd. Oc 1990 McDonald's Restaurants of Canada Uimited Bacon McMuffin McDonald's has a deliclous new-breakfast sandwich! Introduücing new Bacon N othing beats the faste of bacon, a suice of process cheese and a Grade A egg, MW lqmmow