WHFBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRI 4,,1990, PAGE il Seniors 'SontrebuIding fud reaches.$60OO The b«Ildinq fund for the Whitby Seniors Activity Centre totalled $60,179, as of Mfatch 156 Recent events, including a penny sale, fashion -show and country hoedown, contributed to the fuindraising "venture under- taken b seniors' centre mem- bers. Regular .activities and». donations also céontribute to the' fund. How to be aL.ocal <ýHero, Smile.. Save your charitable tax receipts when you give money and take advantage of the deduction on your taxes. You'll be doing good and saving' money, and ffiats reason to.smile., Be a Local Hero. ne prt of g)M Trent ov University- at Durham College. Summer 1990,,-. More (han 75 cour ses are being offered in Oshawa' Pete rborough and else- whereduring the.day or evening in the following t6rms: 8 8weeks: 2 May -27june * 2weeks: 7May-26)uly 6 6weeks: -3 JuIy -10 August Brochures are avaiable at libraries throughout the region. For a brochure, caunselling or information on admission please cail (416) 723-9747. HOST A-STUDENT FROM SPAIN THIS SUMMER. VOLUNTEER Town 'adinistrator BilI Wal- lace will be at the centre' on Thursday,April 26,9:30 to 11:30 a.mï., to discuss volunteerism. Wallace will attend the <Morn- ing Coffee Party' as part ofecere- monies -to -honor volunteers. Volunteer Appreciation Week is April 22-28. LIIG WELL The Liig Wel 'workshop series wi l be held Wednesday afrernoons -at .'the- centre,' fromi April 18 teMay9. Participants discuss health- related topics with senior leaders and.the. workshop coordinater. Cost is $5. The monthly lecture will be held Friday, le ru 27 2 p.m. at the Whitby %flic Liar audi- torium. Mille*Ryan-Hersham, nutri- tionist with the Durhamn Region Department of Healthi will dis- cuas 'Healthy Eating for Healthy Liig.' st is $1. Forite workshop "and/or the lecture, call the Li.ving Well office at 430-7729 or the centre at 668-1424. OSHAIWA-CENT»R Easter; Rabbit' Open your home to a student from Spain. For ,.. 4 weeks in July, you cud~Q ;r get to kno w a Spanish teen- ager while he or she attends ful Urne 'Enghish classes frm Monday to Friday, then shares weekends w'ith you- and your family. For more information on this exciting cross-cultural experience, please contact. 1ye*t Shirley Freek 723-7334- $75 PER WEEK REMUNERATION FOR ROOM AND BOARD LA N GUAG E WNORKSHOP ~i1'ij HURE AR THE CLUES $0 -FAR: i. The Easter Rabbit while hopping one day Lost his CARAT in the* CENTRE to his great dismay The carrotis aCARAT- a fulii1.01 diamond ring And he thinks it was Iost in the Centres forth wing: WatcI. for The'Nex MysteryCuen THE, OSHAWA -TIMES JWEL LER S - SPECIAL $24.9 e $28. I:~ I The Os a Times 11, 4 j,ýtý ira