-é-7 , --77 .. 71. WIIITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1990, PAGE 21 Agreement- reached By vMike Kowalski Newsroomn employees at Osh- awa-Whitby This Week and other Meïroland newspapers have given thumbs-up to a new collective agreement. By a vote of almost 72 per cent, members of the Southern *Ontario Newspaper Guild appro- ved a two-year agreement Sun- day which will see wage in- creases ranging from 6.4 te 13.9 per cent, depending on job classi- fication. The contract, is retroactive te last December and coversrepor- ters, photographers, some edi- tors, clers and- typista employed at 15 Metroland newspapers, i. Southern Ontario. <A starting reporter's wages will increase te $425 a week from $365 by the end of the contrat while a new five-year rate 'l) see senior reporters making $615 by the ýexpiry date. - Sports editors, chief photogra- phers and other editors with two years$ experience will increase from $615 te $700. Tyýpists, clerks and keyboard operaters with three years' seniority will go te, $10.45 an hour from $9.45per hour.' Mario Bartel, vice-chairman, of the Guild's Oshawa-Wihitby unit, termed" the ratification vote "sig. nificant.» < Most people 'seem satisfied that was the best deal we could get without going on strike.» Bartel said the agreement "addresses a lot of oui' concerns. "There's more money for senior reporters, that's where the majority of our reporters are. They will al' reach $615 by the -Hïe-- added that breaking the $600 barrier for reporters was an "important symbohc victery. During the weeks leadingy up tolast. iays strike deadline Metroland management changecl the locIcs on company build ings and ordered union employees te wear identification tags. However, Bartel does not; epet bad feelings te, lin *er. qthfrnk that alter t¶i first contract things wvere teugh here, but this time people seem happy. «The basic framnework of mires was established ini the first con- tract. The company has overcome their feelings about living with a contract, they've lived with it for two years now.» About 100 of the 150 Metro- land employees covered by the agreement participated in Sun- d.,ox'o vote.' «' U addition te wages,- there were also improvements in vaca- tion, overtime and maternity Metroland is owne'd by Torstar Corporation, publisher of the Toronte Star. A Metroland spokesman was not; available for comment- FROM PAGE i abatement for the ministry's east-central region. * There's no guarantee of there flot being a .big tire, but- if tires are stered in such'awNay it would be easzer te control, » said ]Rein- hoiz. "The number one goai we're trying te achieve is publie safety. That's why we've taken such an -unprecedented stop of putting' security guards on private pro- perty,» explained Reinihoiz. " Our responsibility is te pro- tect the public.» ]Reinhoiz said most affected dump operators are co-operating with' ministry officiais, but there are- measures the government can take until the proposed legis- lation is passed. MTe ministry stili has the control order route, we can place directives on them. "We could stop them fromp ut- fing tires in their yards or ther couid be prosecutions for viola- tions of the fire code.» ,Whitby fire chief Ed Crouch insopcted the tire yard iast week. 'Our only conà cern at the moment is a&cess te the site. We wouid have problems gettig ini if the road is not i satisfactory condition," said Crouch. lets a day-to-day situation depending on the weather.» (When a Fýree Press reporter visited the'site lasit Friday, the road Ieading intothe yard and Most > of he property was muddy). Crouch preferred not te com- ment further un tii hie knows what steps the. environmient ministry and tire marshial's office are taking. ."I can't give an y answers until I 'know what their directives are,» said Crouch. "When you get governmýent people coming i above youifits difficuit te make decisions. lIn addition te Robinson's oj- ration, there were four other tire sites in Durham which were in- sipected, three iný Newcastle, and one iAjax. The government intends te recover the costs of security guards from the tire- dump, owners. ~P~È r: - 4 I DIJRHAM SEASON- OPENING THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITy 0F DURHAM PUBLIC .NOTICE REVIEW 0F THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN DRAFT CHANGES'TO THE PLAN FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES TAKE NOTICE that the Regional Municipaiity of Durham is reviewing. the Durham Regional Officiai Plan. Draft Changes 10 the Plan for Discussion Purposes wero, presented to the Regional Planning Comfitte.,on January 9, 1990* and were included, in Commissaner's Report No. 90-l..4 A copy of the Report is available for inspection ii the Planning Depariment, area municipal offices, and public libraries. The Report, including mnaps, may also be purchased for $10.00 from the Regional Planning Depariment., In order 10, assist in the Review 0f the Durham Regional Officiai Plan, the public is invited 10 provide comments on the draft changes. Please send your submnissions 10 the Planning Department al: the address below before APRIL 9, 1990 and include your adclress and telephone nuimber. 'Further information may be obtained by contcing the Planning Depariment at <416) 668-7731 <Whitby) or <46) 686-1651 (Toronto line). Marie Hubbard Chairman, Planning Committee' Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P.» Commissioner of. 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