PAGE 2;WMI ým D e çý iyg JACK 't Mannefje (left) directs the Anderson Col- May for Musieet. Canada. They wiil be joined by legiate Concert Band ( shown at morning practice) other Anderson bands and vocal groupe that also that won a gold medal at the Southeru Ontario Band exijoyed success at the band festival. Festival recently and wiil head west to Winnipeg in i Fr.. Pr. photo music studns WestbondiniMa.y., MEMBERSl of the Dominant Fi.fths are (from left) Jamie Bramma (trumpet), Karen McGale (French horn), Kwesi Thomas (tuba), Shawn MiUs (trombone) JEFF HILLIARD, a member of both the Anderson Coliegiate Concert Band and the Dominant Fifths, received a Southern Ontario. Baul Festival Award last week as outstand- ing tirumpeter.