PAGE 22, WH1TIYY ÃREE PRhSS, WEDNESDAY, MARCHE 14, 1990 Broo il e kh -1 Profl Phone 668-6111 I Wheels to Meals March 21 Seniors, disabled and shut-ins (of any age) are invited to luncheons on the third Wednesday of March, April, May and June. Lunch starts at noon in the Ferguson Room of St. Thomas Memorial Hall, Broek]in. A short prograîn of entertainment follows each meal. Representatives of local churches prepare and serve the meal and see that anyone who needs a ride is provided with one. -The dates are, March 21, April 18, May 16 and June 20. For information or transportation, eall 655-3187 or 655-4284. Wheelchair access. 'Windy- art' on Thursday 'Wind' 18 the theme for what will be the first 'March Art Break' in Brooklin on Thursday, March 15, 1 p.m. Windy art' will be displayed off Thickson Rd. N., the secon d field north of Winchester Rd Local scuiptor Bill Fraser and fellow artists Bey Williams and Paullas Tiang wxll use a variet of materials and, sculptingteh niques, with about 60 students fro-m Brooklin and area. In the event of rain, thepre. sentation will be made at Mea- dowcrest public achool. The event is sponsored by the Optfimist Club of Brooklin. For more information cali 655-4434. Gospel performance Wt Burns MALE GOSPEL *group 'One Accord, wili perfrn at Burns Presbyterian Church, Aýshburn, on Sunday, Marh United Church activities pl«-ann&-ed The Sociables are holding an aduit bowlin night on Marc h 24 at 6:30 p.m. atNot End Bowl in Oshawa. The cost is $4 per person and mnust be paid in adace. There will be a get-together afterwards at a nearby resturant. If interested, sinthe sheet on the bulletin boad in the Christian Education Building. A quilt show will be held in the ChristiÃŽan Education Building on Wednesday, March 28 from 1 until 9 p.m. Old and new quilts owned locally wihl be shown as well as the Canada Packers champion quilt collection. The $2 admission includes refreshments. This is a special lfOth anmiversary event sponsored by the communications committee. The Outreach comnittee ls presenting the Dofasco Male Chorus *as their special anniversary event. The concert will take place on Monday, April T Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario wants you to Set involved in choosing our new lea 'der. You can vote on May 12 by becoming a member of your local PC ridinS associatioh*. For further information please caîl today 1-800-567mVOTE, Or contact your local PC ridinS association. BovWmanviiie Ph. 623-7342 Port Perry - Scugog Ph. 985-2121 Darlington Ph. 263-8316. Clarke - Newcastle Ph. 987-5594 Brooklin & District Ph. 436-3535 Cartwright Ph. 986-5019 Manvers Ph. 277-2887 iYOu CAN MA KE A DIFFERENE Membershlp must be obtalned by March 18, 1990. 9 at 7:30 p.m. ickets are $5 per person including- lunch. For information cail Bob Eckel at 655-4411. YWC A offers fitness and play progranis The Oshawa YWCA 15 again offering the Brooklin Play Program for childred aged 3 te, 5. Held at Brooklij United 'Church, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 9:15 te, 11:15 arn., the program begins March 27 and continues for 12 weeks until June 14. This is a time to socialize and meet and make new friends. Through longs, crafts, games and stories, a qualified instructor will assist pre-sehoolers te develop potential and have fun. Pre-registration is at the YWCAî program building, MeGrigur and Sixncoe streets, Oshawa, weekdays 9 amx. te 5 p.m. in person, or cali with VISA The Oshawa. YWCA offers fitness prograzas,' March 27 until June 14, on Tuesday frorn 9:30 te 11:30 arn. General Workout classes will be held by the Oshawa YWCA at St. Thomas Anglican Church in Brooklin. A general workciut is for participants woeiijoy muscle tening, fleibility 'and Borne low-impact aerobics., Pre-registrat;ioný is at the YWCA -prograrn building, McGÃŽigor and Simcoe streets, Oshawa, weekdays 9 a.m. te 5 p.m., or cail 576-8880 for a VISA phone registration. 1 1 1 m ËMMÀM 1