Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Mar 1990, p. 5

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WH1TBY PME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1990,' PAGE 5 My comuter, I tInkhas ijed Either tbat, or ith'asaterminailnenhar har. Whatever one thing isamr - mmr diyhaà struck, Every timo now you flick the switch on yei May or xnay net get a whirring souxid. You may or mynot -- usuelly not -- get a, screen image. And theM nRuinie may or may not work. If it dç,es work, it promises te, do so temporarily. Halfway through whatever youre doixig, it wlll freeze. (Or <crash,' I'm teld, is tho correct compu;ttrm.) Thon you start again. Having learned my lesson many times over the past few weeks (Pmi a slow learner) I write this epistie long haxid. That means; the typesetter -- again - Must docipher my hand writig More on that later. The computer ils 11had. originally thought tebe cause by dry air, dry heat and s"tic electricity. The same force that w.i ZAPI your doorknobfi off will obliterate computer memory. By yesterday I brought the machine up from the don te, the itchen. The don, yeu eeo, bas a carpet. Carpets aànd dry air create static. l;xi the tiied itchen, the computer worked- elmost perfectly - for four hours. Thon ZAPI - it basn't worked right since. Normally, this column is printed on a double-striko dot matrix prixter - a process which produces reasonable eéan readable copy.ý The typesetting crew at the Whitby Free Press thon type overything inte, the computer systom.' This isgood - though some complain they caxit read My typing. .%ome eighteen monthe goI pronnsed te go WITIT OUR FEET UP by Bill Swan No hZfflepu'mp! hit, ech with my comue n ispatc the whole tngoer phono linose: oul f al7til ailed great deal teo tpesetters at The FmeePress. Had we been able te sedby modem, typsetters would ha saved the joy cf typing, letter by letter, ail this stuif. Now, reverting te bandwritixig, we have jumped beck a fuif century -or mmrli technology. Oh, sure, nobody hed a baifl point pen a hundred yeer ago. A minor dfifference: this could h scrawled in a qulil from a plucked turkey for ail that. . Me difficulty liail this lies in the stte of belplossness one experionces. Sinoe most xiewepapors, axid thie Freop is no exception, are organized ftr - computer text input, o1d fashioned jobs such as proofiéading have beon elimixiatod. Ih't means the typesotter cen add, subract, multi ly or divide axiythixig they like -exid this writer wouhn't know uxitil long after it's too lato. Or worse, what you are reading right now happons te We what the typesetter thought my hexidwriting conveyed. This xnay béer no resemblance te what I thought I waswriting. For example, the above paragraph could corne out ready lie this: Are curse, what you arf leading sight how harpons: te key evilneit the teipesithien "-tinoigint my in exiolevriting convexed.- These boans no resonblach neessarifio te ivInatHi! tinoiegixit Hi! vios ivriting. In fact, it likely did. Those who are inflicted, for a variety of reasons, with my hegglewriting while attempst stoken mivernt nggepus. When the words begin not te make neflegono some housen sniffle poop conteytuial élues. Thoro can be no doubt that I have pity on these people. Daily I corne acroos notes made in days, weeks, months gone by end lie awako nights trying te mako senso of them. I can't read my own handwriting. Evor not stew tsn't fun, mut stuif bu forward dono wazzbisname. »(Note te the editor Maurice, cen you mako sure you proofread this ono rosi good? Becauseocf the subjoct matter I wouldn't hiflepump.) Anyway: that's what happoned te my computer. And why'Swan ain't se bilftokniclft as ho thinks ho is. But one thixig I sure gotta say: those typesotters sure earn their koop. PoIloe res eue driver from burning car Durham Regional Police res- cued a Whitby mani tapped in bis car after it burst into fiames following a spectacular accident i Oshawa early Sunday morn- ing. At about 3:20 a.m. Suxiday, Timoth y Armstron g, 30, apparently drove his 1978 Buick Skyark through three red lights, one at.Kingand Midtown M al.p the second at King St. axid Centre St., anid the third at Kixig Those interviewed fo r trustee position on Durham Board of Education KenS[mard, Whithy Penny 8nith, Broklin arnMciIan, Whitby James McLean Donna Rtuttan, Whifby Donna Harris, Whitby Ted Shiner,Witby Mary Min Cnoop Koogmana, Whitby Miary McEacher, hy TOM Ade«ruoEiWhitby Patricia Fulton Baril Tknauk DougHfârd, WIdtby nnSr*k*eaWhitby Lrine Dion. WMUby Gerine Taylor-Cook Evert Meilvain EoMýyn S«un P"ul Kne Glen Kmoowal, Wbitby BlD Cowan John Hamltan. Wbitby Remnerakel, Whlthy John Johnatcn, Withy WyeDevemu, Brookln JohnDoitra, Whitby Harold wtte* Jan Hendrlks, Witby Brian Knomedy, Whltby Kim Fourmer ChristapherDafa Keith Brown, Whitby John Whitold George Mfloàh. Witby Mfark Flewwelling, Whitby Lloyd Walien, Whlthy HeatherDion axid Simcoe before colliding with a Durhami Region police car operated by Const. Anthony Sta- bile with bis partnor Cnst. Timothy Knight in the passenger seat. Upon impact, the Buick flew through the air for approi- mately 22 rnetres, laxided on a parked 1977 Oldamobile on the nortb side cf Simcoe St., and knocked down a ligbt pole anid a parking metre. The Buick burst inte fiames upon lending, with the driver trapped inside. ' Police constables Steve Weeks and Knight risked their lives te, free Armstrong from the blaziîng wreck. As the fiames erupted from uxidemneath axid engulfed the vehicle, the officers pulled Armstrong through the driver's side window. Weeks, fearing an explosion, covered Armstrongs body with bis own. The fire department, on the scehie by this tirne, extinguished the fiames. Constables Weeks axid Knight were treated for smoke and heat inhalation axid released. Const. Stabile was treated for a spraied neck. .A.rmstrong recoived internai injuries, a broken leg, a triple -fracture and other undletemied injures.H is still li Oshawa Geunneral HospitMal. The Buick and Oldamobile were tetally wrecked anid the front end cf the police car, a 1990 Chev, was completely demol- ished. Total damage te both cars was estimated at $25,000. The accident is uxider investi- gation and char gos are pending. Armstrong teld police ho was on his way te pick up a trophy. PAW gets tranquilizing gun By Mike Kowaiski Whitby's animal control offi- cors will soon have a new woa- pon li their arsenal. When callod upon te subdue aggressive, dangerous or ixjurod animaiseli the field, control offioers wlll bo able te, use a more huxnane tran- qlizi*ig pistel which proves safer te, the animal. The "Teliinect Varie WV Pistel Tranquilizing Systom» bas been approved for purchase by the Pickýering-Ajax-Whitby Animal Control Committee (PAW). lI a report te Towni couxicil's 0 atons committee Monday Toncierk Don McKay seul PAW recently autborized pur- chase of the new equipment at a cost cf $1,000. McKaysaid the Americen- designed pistl bas proven te ha more humane than the tradi- tional tranquilizer "gun" wbich us essentially a conventienal rifle used te shoot a tranqui lizer dart. McKay said metal darts fired by a rifle can ca use iury or death te an animal. B ut the Telinject. system, which uses pressurized air te fire the dart, is safer. The dart'cen ha dischaiged directly from a biow pipe by meuth or can ha connected te a pistel attachment and ejected tbrough pressure created b4y a carbon dioide cartridge or by a foot pump attacbment. Pressure in the pistel and therefore the velocity cf the dart cen ha directly controlledby the user. The pistel cen hbed at a range of one te, 20 metres. xIn bis report, McKay said Whiby ylafjallow animal con- trl ffceistouse tho new equip- mont withixi the municipality. However, Ajax and Pickering will requIr changos te thoir bylaws hafore PAW staff are permittod te use it. PAW is jointly funded by the three communities. McKay serves as treasurer cf the orgaxil- zation and councillor Dennis Fox as chairmaxi. Richard S. Price Pers.onal Financial Planner Computenized Preparatioî WhiIe You* Wait By Appalntment OnIy Some returns may be higher (416) 649-3458 - (416) 683-7755 rART'les COUNTRYKITCHENS Quality Custom Kitehens and Vanities OAKÇ PINE, CHERRY, MAPLE & WHITE LACQUER Designed and installed to your specificat ions. SHOW ROOM OUE DAILY For FREE estimates cail: ART'SWOODWORK LTD. 7 Progress Dr., Courtice __-434m2600 mN t i. ARTS AOODAVORK LID 41 P"QGRISS oR SATURDAY:- 10am - 2pm 000e à

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