Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Mar 1990, p. 33

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WHITY MRE PRESS, WIÇDNESDAY, MRCH 7, 1QW# P AGE 33 Hospital expansion a priority * Catherine l{lge, chairman of the Durham Egion District Health Council, announced at the Wedneaday evening council meeting that the. Ministry of Health ha. accepted the recommendation of counicil that the expansion of Aiaxlickering Generaospital is the first priority in the region.* The niinistry will meet with representatives, from. both the, hospital and the district iiealth côuncil in the. near future to determine the. configuration or the, beds. Hilge also indicated that the. ministry will work closely with the Ajax/Pckering Hospital and the district healti counîcil te expedite the. planning process. With respect te council's reconimendations regarding'othitÀ hospitals' requests for additional b.d. and expanded programs, Hilge stated that a meeting, would b. arrang.d within the. next montii witii senior staff froni the. Ministry of Healtii, hospital board chairmen and district healtii council representatives te begin a "new, cooperative" effort te dev.lop a regional planning exercise. Not without aprce FROM PAGE 32 Due ta the enthusiasm shown by last year's participants, tii. regional planning committee decided to offer a festival in eacii major area for ail students rang- ing from grades 4-10. g Some of tii. public sciiools in- volved in this year's festivals include Bellwood, Col. Farewell, Dr. R. Tiiornton Leslie McFar- Ian., Meadowcrst, R.A. Hutchi- son.,'Palmerston, E.A.Fairman, Pringle Creek, Gzlen Dhul, R.A. Senniett, Kathleen -.Row. and West Lynde, as well as as Henry Street Higii Sciiool and Adnerson CWI. The Durham Region ha. been divided lato eigiit 'areas.? On, achool will host tii. others that are la the. general vicinity. Simi- lar to, the Literary Guild, the. festival hosts students selected by eacii participating sciiool and encour aesmprovement and developmet of t he students' oral prese tationa as welI as provide tiiem with an opportunity to observe and compare several forma; of oral language. Tii. festi- val also empiiasizes co-learning iover competition. The students ciiosen ta participate must b. active in small grOup and oral languagelp activities, possess tii. ability to benefit from sucii an eprence, and have a presen- tainappropriate for tii. festi- val. Studencs may chose a number of formats by which ta present tiieir composition: formai speeches, story-telling, reci- tation, role-play situations and short dramatic presentations are among tii. most popular. Al presentations, iiowever, siiould range from two to fiîve minutes in Iedays events will begin witii registration at 8:30 a.m. and end at 12:10 p.m. witii clos- ing remarks and distribution of certificates. Student art exhidnbition A Durhiam Board of Education art exiilbition began March 7 at tiie Robert McLaughlin Gallery and will continue until April 8. ii. exhibition features more than 200 works of art, in many media, by local schools. Crime Stoppers and Durham Regional Police are pealing for the publicsé help in aolving a number cf thefis andbekand entera which have occurred in Courtice over the past year. Over this time period there have been two, break and entera and nine separate incidents of theft at Roy Nichols Motors whicii is located on Hwy 2 at Courtice Rd. inthie Town of Newcastle. During the. theftsg, damnage has also been doeie. The two most recent incidents were the theft of a brand new customized Chevrolet van and the theft of wheels and tires from a car. The. wh.els and tires -were taken from an froc Z and were worth $3,500. The. customized Chevrolet van was blue in color and worth $37,000. There were no plates on it. It was totally custoniized, both inside and out, and had aïde windows. It ha. since been recovered, minus the running boards, spare tire and rear ladder. It was also damaged inside. The. total value of property taken fr these premises is about $100,000. A re-enactment of these crimes will b. shown on CITY-TV (channel 57, cable 7) on Thursday, March 8 during the. 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. news. It will also b. shown on CEX-TV i Peterborough and CKVR-TV in Barrie on Friday, March 9 and alèo over the. weekend. Crime Stoppers is asking for anyone with any information on these incidents to cafl. Thefts like these are occurrng at other auto dealerships in our area. Do you know who is stealing the. wheels, tires and vehicles? Have you been offered any itemns which you feel may be stolen? If so, ýyou can oeil Crime Stoppers Youll neyer have ta, give your name or appear in court. A cash reward of up to *1,000 is being offered for information leading ta an arrest. The- Crime Stoppera phone number is 436-8477 (that's 436-TIPS). A citizen board admnmsters the program of which tiiere are now nearly 850 in North America. e reward money is raised hrougii tax deductible donations whicii may b. sent ta, Durham Regional Crime Stoppers, P.O. Box 54, Oshawa, Ontario, L1H 7K8. Kidney Foundation .goes door to- door in March mhe Toronto & District Chap- ter of tii. Kidney Foundation of Canada is celebrating its lOtii annîversary of the March door- to-door campaiga la 1990. The overaîl goal for this yearE Campainîs $350,000. Last yeai $330,000 was raised. The. Wiitb) goal is *11,000. Dorothy Clarke, area ciiairman( for Wiiitby, says «Funds raised go te support medical research, patient 'services and public .du- cation programs.» The. Kidney Foundation places heavy emphasis on seeldng to izmprov. liià for kidrep atients. When a canasr kocks at the door, please give generou sly. Donationwil hep in th i Fgiit For Life.' for more information contact Jonathan Noyek, communica- tions co-ordinator, at 445-0373. At thelibrary AT THE m BRA y Puppeta on Parade,' with Ken Roberts, will b. held at the. Rossland branch of the. Whitby Public Library on Tuesday March 13,,2 to 2:30 jpm. Cali 668-1886 ta reserve a place. ST. PATRICKS DAY FUN «St. Patrick 'a Dy un,' for 3- te 5-year-olds, l1rb. held PFn- day, Mârci 16, 2:30 te 3:15 p.m., at the. Rosland brancii of the. Whitby Public Library. Caîl 668. 1886 te reserve spaoe. m RCK AMD JUDY Rick arîd Judy will presnt 'Family Folk,' a show conýveyîng traditional family values la song and atonies, at the. Whitby Public Library on Tuesday, Marcii 13, 10:30 a.m. Tickets are $2. There will also b. two la-hou.. upt shows, on Marchii 4uandl5, 2 TAX RKIuBNASSISTANCE A representative from Revenue Canadail e1p ~returna at theii. y blIc Llrary on Tiiursday, Marcii 8, 2 to 4 p. and 6:30 te 8:30 p.m. The service i. aimed at assisting seniors and wag., earners and tiiose who only file a return la order te dlaim the provincial and.federal refundable tai credits. It is not meant for those who fie complex returne. Pre-eister at the. hbrary or cal GIRLS GUIDES EHIIT A girl guides exhibit i. in the. dislay case at tii. Whitby Public Ib6rar during March. Guides are celebrating the. 8Oth birtiiday of the organization this year. Winaw arL9 FRom PÀGE 16 *Grand SAM Award -The. Landford Group - 77- Sunset (Toronto) 0 B..t local sales and marketing coninittee - Toronto Home'Builders' Association., 10 Salesperson of the year - over 50 units sold - Kathy Kalina - Rosa Lloyd Martin Enterprises .ýssaUga) Tii. Toronto Homne Builders' Association was establisiied in 1921 and ha. more than 890 mùember cmai S rpesenting builder I renovatrl evèeopers, financial, professional, auppiI'7 Service and sub-contractors ana is the largest affiliate of the Ontario and Canadian Home Builders' Association. ALS DRYWALL " Ornamental design ceilings " Plasterwork Painting & decorating *General contracting 668-8958 666-1657 IScotty. -.. AI ( FITZGERALD CARPENTRY WHITBY LTD. iGeneraf Carpentry Additions I-bme Improvements Ceramic Tiing Aso Rooms Drywai and Paint ing 16 YEARSIUN DURHAM REGIOt4 jCali: \668-4686 HOME IMPROVEMENTS COMPLETE RENOVATIONS - BASEMENTS.- BATHROOMS - PAINTING &PAPERING 430-1422 IHERB TRAN 725-6564 DANNYS GENERAL r' CONTRACTORS Protsct Vour Investnunt With Qualfty Ropairs and Improv.ms,,ts Complote Rénovatons Dry waiI 9 Painting Skyites. French Doors DNIWater ProofÎng Kiftchens e Bathrooms DAN O'IEARY 666&2827 BRIAN DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPIST 134 HLARWOOD AVENUE SOUTH, AJAX 683-60741 -%" we w

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