Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Mar 1990, p. 27

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WHITY FME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MÂRCHI 7,1990, PAGE 27 Major bantam decide toplay in B.C. touûrnament Whitby 1ddtimers soccer club loi Amomal IM&i OMe5oouoe1mm Pwb 3st, DuhOdff W L T CVCP Ememued Wbllby Utd. Whltby Oui. Emerulda Whlt. Ttd. GROUPB Durhamn Utd. Duke oeKt R Marick Tht CUL Royl. Durh. UtL. CelR ojala CeRoalk Marlck T. CUL Royl Marick T. Dur. Ttd. )la" cT. 1 1883 2 12 9 0 7 16 0 2 Il Whk iL t. Whit. OuI. Bsn.,"' Wbll. Oé. Wbil OUI. BdoeoiRe Duke OaIL Malck T. Dur. Tti. Duke (K Duke <K. Dur. Ui. Wblt. Ul. Dukeo(K i IULE11B0 Dur. Utd. 8a alc T0 Dur.Utd. -1 Duk dK. 0 TSrmuniat MWF -Pal qrud, Duaie Luit Whitby hockey MAJOR NOVICE - qioemod by Nai Fe. 28 Whitby Tanneeeffl Jusin Tw"u stutout - PhlUp Orseem Chuck Coles Math 1 Whitby Tanner WOetaf Joshua Huethar Match 3 Whitby 1 Randy Davidson Whitby Iroquois Swim Club 'Nopoaa Sportaplex - Ottawa Fofruary 28- 25 Omi. 10 & Ld.7Crowder AflhoeiDunlop Vichy Maroh LU Dd Mastro Leeh.Anne Mclnne Annie Momoie Stacey Bout 200 m& Rdoy - Soi 4th.- 60 11y 8111- 100 AI; 16 -100 bock "11 - 50 bock; 13111-.60 freq st11 - 50 D~y 9m1 - 100 brout 1Oth - 200 bock; 111h - 60 bock; 141h - 100 bock 141h - 200 brea 151h - 100 bruMI 151h - 100 brou 151h - 100 fr.. 151h - 50 fre. AUhin Dunlop - bock; Vichy Mars11 - bruaM; Linday Cn>wder - 11j Slaeey Bout - froce 200 Fro. Rday - Sudi Allîme Dunlop, Vichy Mfoa11, inmday Cinwdei, Stacey Bout BOYS 10 UDE in Bunot6111 - 60 back; 16th - 200 bock, W0fo s.ndy Rendorme. 111h.- 100 bock. 131h - 50 free 141h - 200 fr.. Lesle Dowuan MdIly Motrice TileaMol 20 moe. Rdy- 1ah lot - 800 frem 31h - 400 bonq 12h.- 200 fr.q 10h.- 400 LIL 7th - 200 bock; 91h -100 bW& ah11.200 fly AahIlghCrowdor - bock; MclIy MatS- ri wad; Tutu Rao - 1y Lsie Dowun. fo BOY@ i&is BlairDobbyn Kathryn McBurney JenniterCrowder Dardons Johnaon Be. eAyct 200 moe. Easy. -hb 11h.- 200 bock 4th - 100 frem 5111- 100 fly 7111-.200 bock M11- 100 brmde; 131h - 200 br" 10h.- 200 bock; 131h.-100 bock Uth -100 broatM Danlee.Jduuna abck; BruAyolla. broue; JuunfferCrowder - fly RthqyMcàflumoy -firse léh. 24 whM MINCENOVIC - qboed oibyV m 'AA' Jeff r.or ah Aluteinuin Scott ROMp Mika Ramille 2 Markh.m 0 Oitb Jatele GâIl Ryan By mike neRam 2 Odmwa Se aynS 2 Jate.GRb MarcLamer. 1 Peterboough 2 Whitby JamieGflhb MINCE NOVICE 'A' - qmSerd by Kin Crouch Coflar Fch 18 wMUrhy Ryle Crouch Jay Ehariuoa Brai MeNaughton Shutout - David Chant Jeff Jackson Fol,. 22 Whkby NicholeaOwen 2 Ryle Crmuch2 shutout - Jeif Jackson Dmvid Chant Feb.24 Whftby DannySeau 2 léb. 25' WhiUy Rylo Crouch 4 Nicholea Owen 8 Rabrt I islnde 2 XK Rcdecany Whftby MatJardlin casmy ont 3 Uzbridge O Whitby ILaineer Jaile G)bb Jeff Church 4 Ohaa whilby Seue Usynes 2 tyan Boyd MmrcLainr Mika H[amillon Malt Jardin Witby SamHayn MAlt jardin 2 O"aw 10 Osha MAJOR BANTAX 'R' - qxoeed by Preclen Iàtho lm Pib. 18 Wbitby ClayIon Mfla4 Jeff Thorn.2 Da» OSilva2 Tedi Huethor Pib. 24 wbilby à" &k ho"le Juif lTote Pb. 25 whIUII Daw Sa Mis aU[aWgo 9 Pickering Z~ I 'IqI arch 2 WM1hby EL Vin"il le scarbrSuugh 2 Sa Young T. Farqudrse m 'hA' Match 8 Ick lemuruoewhltb7 J. Jrwla2 pHerdb D. Van Egmnd 4 Matbom 1 ILFaumrum 8Owm oSund 5 5Owm Sound 2 - ueute'd by PrlngC. OuardlanDru lél? 1 2eloborogh CMaiE" a Plckuleg 3 lé.18 Whitby Rob Dancey 2 stev e"ei Craw Lanesger Mark Reid 1 Aa aFeb. 21 Whltby 2 Pickring 3 PbD y2 léb. 22 Whltby 3 aka 2 Feb. 24 whitby RaeTerry 2 amee Auatin Riab Danoey 7 Pickering 2 Shtout - Mark Sheridan lMarch3 Wbitby Raàb Dancey 2 Michael Reaga Doe* Suada NhaneTera7 PalWebb Math 4 Whitby Stae Aneli Raob D.ncey Rowald Death Coey Ham. Dorek Sudian UMOR NOVICE 4'B - .ponuaed by lghlnd Van& Storagu Pib. 17 Miel FPéret Shutot - Evan Jobnoto. Mic CarIer Pib. 19 .WhiIby ShamneNi Pib. 20 wbftby ERya wb7 Pab. 24 Wbftby 4 2 Napaie BG y 1K t2 SoammyS"o Whftby Poul Hénlch Beby Scblit 2 Napomo Whilby 2 :Napain Trevu Stanrneg2 MMIRSAIGU Ah - wmm.ood byIM & M Mul treM SNewmark*M 5Newmarket 8 2 N.wmarket 2 0 Newmarket 3 4 Newmarket 0 7 Wexford 6 Wexford MAJOR PEWEE air - spounord by KL P. Ccpy Cunte Peb. 4 pR»Y 1 Plckerlng 1O.hwa 1 ptlPory a 1 Plckoing O Whftby Plckaieg 8 Mu arVndlip C. skalchor SEWa CM 1Pichomleg 2 Fdb. 12 WM», Tereutenu8 Fat. 19 di E 2 Omuo 7 Pb. 22 Whiiby MaOU Malt UMIEATONf 'A' - apml k mpulWldby 5 Pib. 25 Whilby 4 Ovni Smmdn D. Parquhar.m Pib. 26 MatI Muir 10 SrEWGCbb MarkV'aedutlp C. Skeichor p V L'i.i Déâ#YnWlo "*.' à! BY NICOkIlyk TheoWhitby minor bantam AA tearn spnsored by Eastway PIy- moutii Cinyser, récently'made a verYr tough docision: abandon their statue as lakeshore ae champions and with it a sho t a the aIl-Ontario championahip, or attend'the l3th annuel Port Coquitlam international hockey, tournament in B.C. The team unanimoulyope for B.C. Tho toam wil ave March 14 and return March 26. *Thofr absence had te be von- led with tho OMHA prior te starting the quarter-final play- downs on route te the all-Ontario finals. A teain may not ho absent dueig playdowns. le team's many hours of ardent fundramsinlg wibb roalizo thoir dreams; and antasies of flying to the west coast te meet and play teams fro= other parts Of tiie world. Anticip~ation of hockey and skiing, travel'and fun scouted competition and a mxd-March vacation contrjbuted te the docision te, forfoit theïr lakeshore bamgue championship, and preparation. is underwayr for the tough competition wazting out west.> Primtices and exhibition gaes overy two or thredy as wol as hard work and hgiho«. motivate the playors and staff loaving little room for sjecula- tion concorng what could have been at the. ab-Ontarjo play- downs. The. minor bantam AAs say th ey appreciate the contributions tz ponmthe'BWMHÀ and eLesidents whose doorsteps they 'graced' during their numer- oua boittbe drives. Dowson wins gold baIie Dowson'of the Whitby Iroquoi SwimnClub won agold medal in 800-metre freostybe for girls il and 12 at the. provincial short course lge group' cham- ppnships hel recently in, Dowson waa also third in the 400m freestyle. Kathryn McBurney was fourth in lOOmi freestyle and fifth in 100m butterfly for gls 13 and 14. She joined Damielfe Johnson, Renee Ayotte and Jennifer Crow- der on the team that flnished third ini the 200 medley robay. .Lindsay Crowder was foui-th in 50m butterfly and sixth in- 100m butterfly for girls 10 and under.' LAKE ONTARIO JI5CUEEL COMPANY _____________HOPKINS Sr. S., WHITBY 0 Aima 8 2 Petocbeough 2 WHUTYBY IROQUQIS SOCCER CLUB Registration Dates: Fr1., March 9, 1990 7pmn- 9pmn Fri, March 23,'1990 7pm- 9pmn Sun., March 25, 199012noon- 320pm Age Categories: Boys & Girls born 1972- 1984 (Girls: please bring photo & birth certif icate) Boys & Girls Rookie, Team bom 1985-1986 Place:. Peel Park Clubhouse Cost: $55 per child $120 per family (3 or more) For informationl cati:m6820 a 1 ibfidse 668-2009 . ý7e

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