Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 28 Feb 1990, p. 34

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PAGE 34, WH1TrBY PME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY29,1990 EARLY APPLICATIONS are now belng accepted at Saturday Mardi 3rd 10Oarn. to 4p.m. Ail positions open - Please apply i person at: *COOIKS *DISHWASHERS H U E' *GENERAL KIHEN HE[P CHC N *BAKERS HEU'RS HCE *WAITRESSS /WAJIERS «AXE-OM 'BBQ *BUS PERSONS MANCHES iTR -Fuil and Part Urne Hwy. 12 and 7A HOMEMAKERS REQUIRED in MPATE VOUR JOB SKILLS! the Whitby area. We require The more you know, the more mature, caring professionals willing you're worth. Caîl the Micro- to work on'a one to one basis in computer Training Experts. Class private homes. We offer incentive limes are tailored to meet your bonuses, flexible hours, short/long sohedule. Caîl now to register. term assignments. Starting rate Registered with the Ministry of $7.25 per hour. Cali Valmed Health Colleges and Universities 5jflce Services. 433-1494. 1984. Computer. Learning Centre. 668-9713. FREE COMPUTER TRAINING. f you are 45 or over and have been permanently laid off or are THE WEEDMAN requires people out of work due to business failure for a varioty of seasonai positions. in the last 6 months, you may A valid driverls license and qualify for free tuition, bocks and neatness is req uired. Hf YOU are an supplies. Cail now to register. industrious individual who want-s Reglstered wth the Ministry cf good work adgc aaypes Coleges and Universlties since calGord, 6-17bfr ono 1984. Computer Learning Centre. after 6 p.m. 668-9713. MAINTENANCE MACHINE MACHINIST Llcensod to Instaîl, service and repaîr convsrtlng equlpment In corrugated container plant. Shlft rotatIon. Good rates and benefîts. Please Send Resume To: Canadian Pacifie Forest Productions Limnited 200 Bulluck Drive Markham, Ontario L3P 1W2 HELP WANTED. Baker requiîed immediately. Some experience or baking knowledge. Haugen's BBQ, Hwy. 12 and 7A (Manchester), 985-2402. MANAGER TRAîNER (assistent manager) and sales assistant with some retail experience. AIl shifts available. Contact 7- 11~ Brock St., S., Whitby or phono Andy, 430-1648. TRANSPORT DRIVERS needed. Now is the time te train for your Class MA" licence. For pre-screoning Interview and job lacement information contact erv Orr's Transport Driver Training. 1-800-265-3559. Head Off ice: 16 Corydon PI., Cambridge. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS fer waiters/wait rosses, bartender. Permanent positions. Applications buing accepted for summor employmont. Cali (705) 457-2000. B START NOW! AN EXCITING CAREER in feshien aweits youl Instant incemel Meet new peopIl Be independentl Cali (416) 632-9090 collect. MA CHERIE Homo Fashions. Est. 1975. B BE YOUR OWN BOSS. Earn up te $300 a day commission. Tae phono orders fer publishor. People ceil you. Contact Loine, #164-15087, l6th Ave., White Ro)ck, B.C. V4A 6G3. B ADMINISTRATIVE Assistant - traîne.. Prof essional roal estate environment requires immodiatel an individual to assist wit administrative duties. Must bu organized, possess good communication skiîîs and bu able to work with flexability and a minimum cf supervision. Knowlodge cf Word Perfect îequiîed. This is a 2 day per week position expecting to increase within 6 months. Deliver or fax resume te Administrator, Evelyn Blaine, Sutton Group Executive RealyMc., 114 Dundas St. E., Ste. 202 Whitby. Fax # 430-3350. WANTED: REUABLE part-tims help fer Wed. evenings, 620 to il pm. Must bu able -te lift some heavy furniture.-If interested phono 683-0041 or 985-8161. we LEARN AUCTIONEERINO at the Southwestern Ontario Schooî of Auctioneering Next class: June 9-16/90. For infrmation, contact: Southwestern Ontario School cf Auctioneering, RR #5, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9. (519)537-2115. B OVER 25 EXCITING Aduit Career Training Pro rams. Home Study. Job Training without sacriicng your present incomel Low feesl Payment planî FREE BROCHUREI Canadian Schools, 1-800-668-1213. B EXCELLENT SECOND Incarne Oppoitunity. Low investment., ne invontory, ne hoadachos. Be your own boss. Make yeur own hours. Share the cppoitunity. Above average earning potential. Cali (519) 652-5342. Peter. B TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver jOb trainingwith placement holp is availae.Cmplets details can bu mailed te yeu. Phono Rodgors School et 1-800-668-0031, include postal code. B FREE: 199 guide te study-et-home corrospondonco Dipome courses for prostigieus careers: Accounting, Aircondi- tioning, Beokkeeping, Business, Cosmeology. Eîectienics, Legal/ Medical Secretary, Psycho4oy, Travel. Granten (SA) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. B GUiTAR LESSONS beginners and advanced. Aduts, children, teens and shift woîkers woicomo. Student must have own guitai (ecceustic or eloctric). For appointment cail Lou 666-1979. MARKEL 1-800-265-7173. Class AZ-DZ Professional Trandport Driver Training. Cereers? Financing? Tax Deductible? We've got the answers, Markel Institute of Professional Transport Training. Guelph 1-800-265-7173. HOW TO PLAY POPULAR piano. New home study course. Fast, easy method. guaranteedl AIse organ and eîectronic keyboard courses. For FREE information, write: Popular Music Systems, St udio 46, 3284 Boucherie Road, ,Kelowna, B.C. V1Z 2H2. B PAINTER.- WITH DRY WALL experionce looking for intorior contracts ..ne job too smalî. CaIl ovenings, 433-0908 or 430-1983. CARPET INSTALLATION. New or used carpet. We.can supply ail your underpadding needs. 435-0114. STU McGEE Floor sanding.- Sanding, re'inishing, repairs anid staining. Supplied, laid and f inished. Over 2l years experience. Caîl collect after 6 p.m. (705)944-5529. CASTLETOWNE HOME improvements. W. specilize in both internai and oxternal home improvements - discount te senior citizens. For f ree estimaise cail our new Whitby office, 430-1440 now for oui special winter rates. (Licence bonded and insurod). ANY CONSTRUCTION? Bathroomns, kitchens, docks, renovation. Custom trim and' interior design ... Net j ust an'y construction worker 1111 Ray, 655-4418., GENERAL CONTRACTORS, framing, insulating, boarding,' taping, skylights, saunas, roc rooms, basement èpartmonts, cedar siding, replacement windows and more. Caîl Jim or Terry at 430-1321. SQUEAKY CLEAN. f you don't have time to dlean, cail me. Evenings, roferonces. 430-7474. Please beave name and number. DECK SALE - 20% OFF. Book your customn designod dock now for.spring. Installation and huge savings. Lenmac Construction. 428-8892. A BETTER TAX RETURN! The- best way. te get, it is with TaxGuard, When we prepare your tex return, you'll recieve every' break comning te you. You'll pay the least tax possible. Home appiontments available now! Caîl Toîl Free; 1-800-265-1002. Farrn Business Consultants - your farm tax experts for 37 yearsl MONEY MAKING opportunitiesî Leain Incarne Tex Preparation or Basic Bookkeeping. Tex deductible cortificato courses by homo study. Fie. brochures, ne obligation, contact U & R Tex Services, 205-1345 Pembina Highway. Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2B6, 1-800- 665-5144. Enquiro about exclusive f ranchise territorios acrose Canada. B SAVE! Have your tex return propared. Cali aftor 5 p.m., 668-5272, esk for Voîn. INSTRUCTION,, A CAREER IN DANCING! We aie looking for energetic,' enthusiastic people ta teach dancing - wiII train. Call 430-0014. ATTENTION! MAKE $300+ per month ai home. Turn TRASH inte CASH. Become a Refunder. Send self-addressed stamped envelope: Refund Specialist, Box 108, Horsefly, B.C. VOL iLO. B $2500 VISA or Mastercard. Guaranteed acceptance. We can show you how. 435-0114. JOIN THE BOOMING Under ground Lawn Sprinkler Business, Start your own dealership for summer 1990. No experience necessary. Training and technical support avaîlable. 3.500 for complote start-up, including full inventory. Caîl us today, Aq ua- Lawn Sales and installations, <416)890-9749. Fax: (416) 890-9097. RAISE CHINCHILLAS for extra income. We offer gradsd breeding stock, cages, feed, delivery, instruction. Full time income potential. Guaranteed market. Guaranteed production. Canadian Chinchilla, Box 1684, St. Mary's, Ontario, NOM 2V0, (519) 229-6117. B WORK AT HOME. Be financially' indopendent. Earn higher than avorage incomo. Talcs phono eiders fer publisher. People calI you. 723-6463 ext. 129. EARN UP TO $800' weekly' stuffing envelopes at home. Send stamped addressed enveiope te BNW Enterprisos, P.O. Box* 101, Hannon, Ont. LOR IPO. B WEATHERDEK is CanadaWs leadinq supplier of ýshoot 'vinyls used in waierproofing sundeckçs, ioofdecks, balconies, pool suirounds, etc. W. now have a dealership available in your area. In rotuin for a $12,000 investment, wo supply inventory, tools and training. -f you want te start yeur first business or add a product te an existingone, givo us a collect call at (604) 860-1200.. Attention: Mi. D. Chaisson. B DAYCARE IN MY HOME. I arn a registored nurse (British). Close te Glen Dhu school. Phono numbur is 666-0484 anytimo. MOTHER 0F ONE WILUNG ta babysit. Any ae. 666-0953. DABYSITT ER REOUIRED to cars for 2 girls, aes 1 V2 years and 4 months, in my home 3 days per week from 9 amn. te 4:30 p.m. fci months of April and May. Cail 430-2045. WILL BABYSIT DAY SHIFT, 1 or. 2 children or a baby. Cail 430-3688. NANNY REQUIRED. 4 days per week, my home. Phono 430-7140. LOOKING FOR A JOB? Check the classifieds f irst. We can helpl HIRING - EXPERIENCED WAIT STAFF KITCHEN HELP ALSO SEASONAL HELP for ICE CREAM SHOP Apply ln Poison (no phono cails) 939 Dundas St. W.., Whitby

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